Chapter 122 - Practitioner?

"Aren't you celebrating too early… Luke?"

//Meanwhile, back at the Gym…//

The smile froze on Luke, as he heard the voice of this annoying boy. Sounding normal, not even slightly strained as he should normally be considering he is subjected to everyone's ire and attacks. 

He sounded calm, not bothered, unfettered by the seemingly unfavorable, one-sided beat down. 

Stunned at first, thinking about the hopelessness of his nemesis' situation, the victorious, celebratory smirk returned to his face a few moments later. He sneered, looking at the pile of human bodies as they ganged on the boy and covered him completely. 

"To tell you the truth, I don't see any reason not to, Young Master. From here, the situation seems pretty straightforward." He sneered.