Chapter 123 - Like Heroes

"Come on, hurry on Zoe!" Rushing through the empty halls of the school, two girls could be seen. 

With the roles now reversed from just a few minutes ago, it was now Sidney who was pulling Zoe along, rushing towards the source of the wails and sobs. Though they were still rather distant and muffled, they were now fairly certain that the source of all this commotion was the school's gym. 

"Hey, wait for a second… Isn't the Martial Arts Club doing their session right now? What are they doing?" Realizing where they were heading, Zoe pondered. 

"Sid, I think they are just training. Shouldn't there be some inter-school bonanza happening next month? I bet they are just doing some extra hard training…" She muttered, hoping to convince her busybody of a friend not to pry into the matter further.