Chapter 125 - Secrets below prying eyes

(AN: Had some trouble with my sister's situation at the hospital, hence the lack of update yesterday. I'll try to dish out an extra chapter tomorrow.

Also, double chapter for a proper apology!)


Somewhere away from prying eyes, lurking in a closed-off section of the sewers several figures were lurking in the shadows. 

Whilst aboveground were nothing but ordinary office-type buildings with no real meaning, there were hardly any security devices planted, allowing the underground world to linger around unhindered.

From the vast sewer system that covered nearly the entire city, hosting creatures of myths and folklore, a large metal door barred entry to anyone and anything at this location. 

Strange, muffled grunts could be heard sometimes escaping through the small crevices and cracks along the walls, scaring both the surface-dwellers and the creatures of the smudge in equal measure.