Chapter 128 - Threats and Omens

Just as his rage fueled by the anger of his own pathetic and miserable self was slowly reaching dangerous levels, causing further havoc and even potential bloodshed, suddenly a large, rough palm was placed upon Lucien's shoulder. 

The sudden presence appearing behind him, caught Lucien off guard causing the faint but noticeable trembling to calm down. The energy being constantly emitted has ceased, Lucien suddenly found himself at the driving seat of his own mind again. 

The hazy fog caused by his turbulent emotions has vanished, cleared away just as abruptly as it came. His reverie broken so suddenly, Lucien took a couple of seconds to realize and feel a foreboding shadow looming over him.

"Kiddo… You better stop doing… well whatever you were trying." A rough, grumpy voice resounded behind them. Mr. Alex Thorn, their substitute teacher appeared, perplexingly seemingly from out of thin air.