Chapter 127 - Like siblings

"What is it? You look as if you have seen a ghost, Jack." Lucien chuckled, unaware of the growing shadow behind him.

"B-b-b-b…" Jack, however, has long since lost his ability to form cohesive, full sentences. Heck, he couldn't even formulate a single word. As if he truly had just seen his whole life flash through before his eyes, he slowly, shakily lifted his arms and pointed behind his friend.

"Wha-" It then finally dawned on him. Albeit just a bit too late, but he could now clearly sense the familiar presence of not one but both of the girls they were speaking about. 

Instantly, feeling a sense of threat, ringing in his mind, sending alarms, Lucien bent down and took a step forward, just evading the swing of the slender-looking arm, causing it to hit nothing but stir the empty air.

"Lucien!" The roar of an angered beast, like a mother lion, reverberated throughout the halls, causing all movement to cease temporarily.