Yu men_2

As pinluo had said, the clothes Yi Chang and the others were wearing were too heavy and not suitable for their journey.

The higher the number of layers, the higher the status of the person, but at the same time, it might also represent other information.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but ask, "

"Pinluo, have you ever heard about the custom of martyrdom in your area?"

Pinluo was still in shock after hearing what she said. He didn't know how to react when he heard song Qing's question, and he looked confused.

have you dug up any ancient tombs in your area? what were the clothes the dead wore when they were buried? "

After hearing what she said, the young man quickly understood her meaning.

you're saying that the clothes they're wearing might be ...

Song qingxiao nodded. He started to tremble again, and his teeth clattered.

"No way? I just met them. They're alive."