The Yu men_3

When they thought about it carefully, it seemed that the youngest person they had ever seen was Lord Yi Chang, who had the highest status in this place.

In the pavilion of the dock, an old man with a goatee had been very respectful to churong and had called her third uncle. What did that mean?

Churong, who looked like she was in her forties or fifties, was she really only in her forties or fifties?

If he wasn't just forty or fifty years old, but had used some method to preserve his current appearance, what method would that be?

If he was really only forty or fifty years old, then the reason the old man had called him third uncle was probably because he was of a higher generation.

After all, some couples would have children when they were old, and the eldest son would have children earlier. This would widen the age gap between uncle and nephew, which was not impossible.

But in this case, song Qing had some doubts in his heart-