The Calm Mrs. Jiang

As a responsible and caring wildlife researcher, she cared very much for and loved animals, much less her own child.

Feng Lanchu could only grit her teeth and accept the way things had turned out.

Fortunately, she had also got to experience the advantages of marrying Jiang Anzhi.

Firstly, Jiang Anzhi was rarely home. He had to film, go for public appearances, record albums, and go for various shoots. He traveled to where his work was, and his schedule was incredibly full. As such, she was very free, and there was no one to keep her in check. Her life was basically no different from when she was single.

Secondly, she had gotten pregnant with Jiang Che on their wedding night. She did not have to be annoyed by people asking her to have a child after her marriage. Her mother-in-law and her mother carried Jiang Che in their arms as if they were carrying the entire world. They could not be bothered to care about her and Jiang Anzhi's work, relationship, or life.

Lastly, Jiang Anzhi might look rather cold, but he had a good personality. He was mature and dependable, warm and polite. Even though there was no love between the two of them, they treated each other with politeness. If they were to fall in love with other people in the future, it would be easier for them to split up.

Of course, this was just what Feng Lanchu thought. But she could guarantee with confidence that she had definitely done her job well during this period. She had played the role of a good wife and waited on Jiang Anzhi's hand and foot when he came home.

However, there was also some annoyance that came with marrying Jiang Anzhi. He was too popular. Girls would try to flirt with him every day and try to get popular through him. There would be social media accounts that would accept money from these girls and help them to write articles to boost their popularity.

Feng Lanchu did not care much about these rumors, but her mother-in-law, mother, and best friend would always overreact to them. They would always try to comfort her, and that really annoyed her.

She could practically tell who was who amongst the women in the entertainment industry nowadays.

For example, Fu Qi.

Actually, she had already found out all about Fu Qi when the "To Your Heart" production team had introduced the main characters and caused a kerfuffle. She could even memorize the history between Fu Qi and Jiang Anzhi. Of course, this was all information provided by Zhu Mingming.

But so what?

Anyone with half a brain knew that the news from the entertainment industry was composed of mostly half-truths. Often, they were made up of more conjectures than the truth. Furthermore, so what if the two of them shared a past? A randomly trimmed video couldn't prove much anyway. 

Moreover, if the two of them were to reconcile, she willingly let Fu Qi have her place. It wouldn't be a problem for her to leave without taking anything with her. Her only request was that Jiang Che had to go with her.

She could not let Jiang Che end up in the hands of a movie star stepmother.

But the people around her disagreed. Both sets of parents were very satisfied with their union, and to them, they thought that marriage was forever. Since Jiang Anzhi and Feng Lanchu were married, they should remain so.

Jiang Anzhi could not do much as he was in the entertainment industry, so his wife needed to understand his predicament and be gracious about what was happening. Every time there was any news or rumors about Jiang Anzhi, his parents would immediately go to Feng Lanchu and comfort her. They were afraid that she would be too upset and waver.

Even though she had emphasized again and again that she was fine and would not believe those rumors, but...

When she thought of how she had to watch her parents-in-law hide their concerns and worries tonight, she felt exhausted.

It was all Jiang Anzhi's fault.

Her phone buzzed just as she was complaining to herself. 

I Leave the Rest of My Life to the River Jiang: I'm coming home tonight.

Speak of the devil. The main lead of the rumors was suddenly coming home tonight. Feng Lanchu raised her eyebrows and began to type.

Feng Feng Feng: I will be having dinner with Jiang Che at your parents'.

I Leave the Rest of My Life to the River Jiang: Ok.

Okay, what? Was he going to? Feng Lanchu was confused, but Jiang Anzhi did not send any other texts.

The two of them had bought a house in the new district after getting married. Jiang Anzhi usually stayed at their place and rarely went back to Mr. and Mrs. Jiang's home. However, this was also because his work and identity made it hard for him to visit.