The Old Professor's Project

Time spent in the lab always flew by quickly. They had only just sat down in the morning, and it was already noon in the blink of an eye. Everyone got up reluctantly to go to the cafeteria.

"Professor Feng, would you like to come with us?"

"No, I had better go find the old man."

The students all nodded understandingly and left.

Postgraduate students generally had at least two supervising professors. Even though they were considered students of the leading authority of the school of biology, Mr. Zhong, Professor Feng was usually the one who taught them. Mr. Zhong would give them some pointers only when they encounter difficult problems.

As such, they respected Mr. Zhong more than they were close to him. They did not dare to interact with and become chummy with the older professor when they had a break.

It was different for Feng Lanchu. She had been the older man's favored student when she did her Master's and Ph.D. under Mr. Zhong. She was also his capable assistant, so they were very familiar with each other.

Feng Lanchu walked to Mr. Zhong's office. He had just put the phone in his hand down.

Mr. Zhong was an energetic-looking older adult who had a white beard and white hair. He might seem friendly and harmless, but he had gone to Hoh Xil several times to conduct research and had encountered several life-and-death situations when he was younger. He had even come face to face with poachers. He had provided a wealth of academic knowledge on ecological research in Hoh Xil and was a renowned leading expert in the biology research circle.

"Sir, I heard you were looking for me?"

"That's right. I was about to call you."

"What's the matter?"

"There's no hurry. Come to my place, and let's talk while we eat." Professor Zhong packed his briefcase and said, "The missus cooked fish for you."

"Wow, that's great."

 Feng Lanchu hurried up to Professor Zhong and helped him to cap his thermal flask. She picked up his briefcase, and the two left the office.

Professor Zhong's house was a staff hostel within the school. The school had arranged for him to stay in a three-story house.

Feng Lanchu rarely went to the cafeteria for lunch in the years since she took up a position in the university. She usually went to Professor Zhong's house for lunch. There was no other reason but the fact that Mrs. Zhong's cooking was delicious.

Mrs. Zhong was also thrilled when she saw Feng Lanchu.

"Why didn't you bring Angling along with you?"

"His grandmother came over to take care of him early in the morning."

"That's right. You brought him out with you for three months. His grandma must have missed him." Mrs. Zhong said as she brought dishes after dishes out from the kitchen. "You two, wash your hands and get ready for lunch."

"Sure. Let me help you." Feng Lanchu rolled up her sleeves and went to the kitchen. She often went outdoors for research ever since she started university, and cooking in the wild had been a mandatory class for her. She had learned to cook several delicious dishes, all thanks to Mrs. Zhong.

The only thing that Angling could not do without at home was her cooking.

"How was your trip to Chuanshu?"

"It was fantastic. The trip was too short."

"There there. Don't be like that old man and talk about your research day in and day out so much so that you don't even care about your family anymore." Mrs. Zhong gave her a chiding look. Feng Lanchu poked out her tongue mischievously.

Professor Zhong interrupted indignantly. "We are making contributions for humankind. There are profound effects even from a butterfly flapping its wings, much less the extinction of endangered animals. If no one stops it, humankind will die out."

"Yes, yes, yes. Thank you both for saving humanity. Hurry up and eat so you will have the energy to protect the earth."

Feng Lanchu could not help but smile as she watched the older couple argue.

Professor Zhong caught Feng Lanchu hiding her grin and glared at her.

"I have a new project. Are you interested in it?"

Feng Lanchu's eyes lit up immediately, and she asked, "What project is it?"

The two did not stop even during lunch. Mrs. Zhong shook her head helplessly but did not stop them.

"It's in Hoh Xil."

"I'll take it!"

The two talked quickly. Professor Zhong looked at his favored disciple with a smile that reached his eyes.

"You haven't even asked what kind of project this is."

"Hoh, Xil has always been somewhere I want to visit. It would be a dream come true if I were to be able to visit the places you've been to. How could I say no?"

Who cared what kind of project it was. She had to butter up to the professor first.

The Wildlife Research Project in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve had always been ongoing, but the conditions in Hoh Xil were harsh, and not many scientists were able to get approval to go deep into the hinterland.

Furthermore, it was even more difficult for her to get approval to research because she was a woman. As such, Feng Lanchu had only explored the area briefly a few times but had never been able to conduct in-depth research as Professor Zhong had for ten years straight.  

"I am pleased that you are so dedicated to science, but this project is quite special."

??? Feng Lanchu's curiosity was piqued.