A Call From Their Son

"Speaking of which, I thought this was an ordinary science show. I didn't expect that you would be here."

She had only thought of making some extra cash but did not expect that she would be so lucky to be invited on the same show as him. She could not even describe how distressed she was about it.

"How should I tell the director that I want to leave the show?"

"Why do you have to leave?" Jiang Anzhi raised his eyebrows.

Feng Lanchu pointed at him and then at herself. "Aren't you asking a pointless question?"

Jiang Anzhi looked at her silently before saying, "I chose to get married without announcing it to everyone because I don't want there to be any disturbances to our lives. But this does not mean that I have to take control of all of your life. You are an independent individual, and I respect and support your work. I don't want your work and life to be affected because of me. You don't have to give up this job."

Feng Lanchu was a little touched when she heard that. Jiang Anzhi was really a good man. He had never interfered with her life in the three years that they were married, and he had never insisted that she could not work. For example, they had met at this variety show this time. If it had been anyone else, they probably would have had a major fight, wouldn't they?

"If I weren't here, what would you do?"

"... I would do my best as a guide and educate everyone." What Feng Lanchu did not say was that she would also get paid handsomely.

"It would be the same now. Don't be affected by me. You have to do your own thing." Jiang Anzhi's words were like a calming pill to her. Feng Lanchu could not help but feel calmer.

"But what if..."

"There are no what-ifs. Even if there were a what-if, the production team would treat you even better than before."

A movie star and his wife participating in the same variety show would generate plenty of interest in the show. If that really happened, the production team would be glad to see it. However, it was not that they couldn't reveal their relationship but hide the truth since it was not necessary to reveal it.

"You did very well today."

Jiang Anzhi praised. Feng Lanchu felt a little guilty for some reason. "Then from now on..."

If their relationship were to be exposed, he would be the one who would suffer from the backlash. He might even lose everything that he had and never recover from it.

"What will come will come." Jiang Anzhi comforted her. "At the most, we can just reveal our relationship."

"No, no-no." Feng Lanchu shook her head violently. "I think keeping our relationship a secret is pretty good. Let's pretend not to know each other and remain so until the end."

Jiang Anzhi raised his eyebrows at her. Why did he feel like Feng Lanchu was more reluctant to reveal their relationship than he was?

After their discussion, Feng Lanchu wanted to ask Jiang Anzhi to leave her room politely. However, her phone started ringing just then.

It was Mrs. Jiang.

Feng Lanchu did not think too much and just shushed Jiang Anzhi before picking up the call. Jiang Che's chubby face appeared on her screen.

"My dear mommy. Did you miss me?"

Jiang Che seemed to have just finished drinking his milk. His lips were moist and pouty, and his sad expression was extremely adorable.

Compared to her first time receiving a call from her son last night, Feng Lanchu was calmer this time. She secretly glanced at Jiang Anzhi and could finally gloat about how she was finally more popular than him.

She smiled lightly and said, "My darling oldest son, of course, Mommy missed you."

"Come home quickly if you miss me." Jiang Che pouted sadly. He was about to complain about how terrible his days were without her when he suddenly saw a familiar figure appearing behind his mother. His eyes widened.

"Hi! Hi! Daddy!"

"You've only just started talking to Mommy. Let's call Daddy later, alright?" Mrs. Jiang cleaned up by the side and did not know what was happening, so she just comforted Jiang Che without even looking up.

"Jiang Che." Jiang Anzhi moved closer to the phone and greeted Jiang Che with a smile on his lips.

Jiang Che grew excited immediately. "Daddy! Daddy!! Daddy!!!"

"Did you miss me?" Jiang Anzhi smiled. His dimples were adorable.

"Yes! I missed you, Daddy! I missed you the most." Jiang Che kissed the phone with a large smile, having long forgotten Feng Lanchu.

Feng Lanchu looked on speechlessly at a certain someone who had taken over her phone and was chatting with her son.

Urgh. How annoying.