
Mrs. Jiang was stunned when she heard Jiang Anzhi's voice. She moved to the phone excitedly and saw that her son was on the other end of the line.

"Anzhi, what are you doing there? Isn't this Chu's phone?"

"Didn't the Chu go to work? How did the two of you meet up?"

"Or did the Chu go to look for you especially?"

Jiang Anzhi calmly explained the situation to his mother, who bombarded him with question after question.

"We met at work."

"Eh? What job is it that you both can meet at?" Mrs. Jiang looked confused. "Didn't the Chu go to record that science shows... Oh, did you two meet on the show?"

Mrs. Jiang screamed in surprise after that realization. She could not help her lips from curving upwards in joy. Wasn't this fate? She had said that the two were a good match! They were a power couple. Oh my, were they going to reveal their relationship?

"What show is it that you two are recording? This is such a coincidence."

"You will find out when it airs." Jiang Anzhi smiled without answering the question.

Compared to Mrs. Jiang's immense joy, the tiny Jiang Che was full of grumbles.

"Mom lied to me~ She brought Dad along for work this time and not me." He frowned sadly. "I went to work with Mom the last time. I was excellent, and Mom said she would bring me along the next time. Why did she lie to me?"

Jiang Anzhi gave Feng Lanchu a frosty look. He knew that Feng Lanchu had brought Jiang Che with her to Chuanshu. But to his knowledge, she had been sent there to listen to lectures and to tour around. But thanks to 'Protectors of Our Home,' he finally knew what Feng Lanchu did for her work and research.

When he thought of how the mother and son duo had had fun in the Chuanshu Nature Reserve for three months, he felt afraid for them. The conditions at Chuanshu were much better than where they were at now. But it was also a place where there were poisonous snakes and ferocious beasts. Having a three-year-old follow her around as she tracked down beasts... Jiang Anzhi started to wonder if he had been too lax with them.

Feng Lanchu averted her eyes guiltily, not daring to meet his eyes.

Jiang Anzhi did not say anything. He just took Feng Lanchu's phone from her and leaned against the headboard. He said softly, "Mom and Dad can't bring you along for work this time. I will take you out to play next time."

"Really?" Jiang Che's tiny eyes lit up with hope.

"When have I ever lied to you?"

"Alright." Jiang Che finally stopped crying and smiled.

Only Jiang Anzhi could comfort Jiang Che so quickly when he threw a tantrum.

Feng Lanchu had to admit that she did not have such innate comforting skills. As she watched the two chat happily, Feng Lanchu left the conversation and prepared to go to sleep.

However, what was Jiang Anzhi doing? Why was he lying on her bed as if it were his own?

Didn't they already agree that they would pretend not to know each other?

She made a silent gesture for him to leave the room. Jiang Anzhi glanced at her and then slowly lifted the covers of the bed and got into bed.

"???" Feng Lanchu froze on the spot. What did he mean by that?

But Feng Lanchu did not make him leave either. After all, her mother-in-law was still on the other end of the line.

After Jiang Anzhi hung up, she said, "Shouldn't you go back to your room now?"

Jiang Anzhi glanced at her and did not do anything.

"The makeup artist will come by tomorrow morning to do my make-up. What if she sees you..."

"I will leave before she comes over."

Feng Lanchu's expression was one of disbelief. "You have never once woken up early."

"I can do it. Really. "Jiang Anzhi said. Then, he stretched out his long arms and dragged her into bed, and quickly switched off the lights. His hand wrapped around her wrist naturally.

Right. So it was because of this.

Feng Lanchu was rendered speechless. "You really have to fix this wrist holding habit of yours."

"Yep." Jiang Anzhi pressed the pads of his fingers against the soft flesh of her wrist, and he quickly relaxed.

He had not rested since yesterday. A piercing pain had started in his head since the afternoon, and it felt as if there were a thousand people beating drums in his head. Even though he did feel better after returning to Golmud, he could only truly relax now. He quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Hearing the even breathing next to her, Feng Lanchu could not do anything else but set the alarm for 5.30 the next morning so she could wake him up.