His Gaze Settled on Her Lips

Wei Zhiqian took another step toward Tan Mo. Now, the space between them was only wide enough to fit a little more than a fist.

As Wei Zhiqian was way taller than Tan Mo, and since they were very close to each other, Tan Mo had to raise her head to look at him. It didn't take long for the back of her neck to feel tired.

The man could clearly see the blushes on the lady's face.

He also noticed that her eyes would roam away from his from time to time.

Of course, Tan Mo still had her focus on Wei Zhiqian's face, but the sight was a little hazy. It was as if she was looking at the man through a camera filter to make his face a little softer.

Wei Zhiqian frowned as he realized that Tan Mo's face was getting redder and redder.

He raised his hand and gently rested it on the lady's forehead.

It was weird for him as the first second he did that, it felt like Tan Mo's forehead had a normal temperature.