You Are Not Allowed to Like Another Woman

Wei Zhiqian's breath was starting to get hotter, and his rhythm was a complete mess now.

It was then that Tan Mo suddenly said, "Great-grandma also said that if you don't find me an auntie, she won't let you go back to the old mansion, even if it's the Lunar New Year of the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Wei Zhiqian's eyes widened as he was surprised by his grandmother's declaration.

Tan Mo paused for a few seconds. "Uncle... When are you going to find me an auntie?" she finally asked unwillingly.

Wei Zhiqian reached his hand out and gently patted her head before slowly tracing his fingers down her hair and to her face.

He let Tan Mo rest her head on his palm while he softly rubbed her cheek with his thumb.

"Do you want me to find an auntie for you?" Wei Zhiqian asked in a slightly hoarse voice.

Tan Mo was stunned by the question and did not reply to his answer.

All she did was stare at him.