Come with Me

Nan Yan was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her life was especially privileged, and she was also the jewel of her family. Except for Nan Yun, who liked to quarrel with her occasionally, everyone in the Nan family always pampered her and gave her whatever she wanted.

Therefore, Nan Yan had a lazy, carefree, and aloof personality. Her biggest hobby was photography. She had talent and ideas in this regard. All of her photos were unique and beautiful. The superstar actress Su Tanqing had loads of personal experience with this. Apart from scenery, Su Tanqing was the subject of most of Nan Yan's photos.

Furthermore, because of Su Tanqing, she had also developed a certain level of fame in the photography industry. However, because she had always been lazy, if someone asked her to take on a job, she would decide based on her mood that day.

After shooting a bunch of different styles, Su Tanqing put on her coat and came over to Nan Yan's side. Looking at the pictures on the computer, she stroked her chin and reflected on them for a while. Then she gently poked Nan Yan. "I've seen many celebrity photos taken at this place, but when you take the photos, I feel as if it's a different place. Why is that?"

"Are you complimenting me?" Nan Yan glanced over and asked with a slight smile.

"Doesn't it sound like a compliment?"

Nan Yan raised her eyebrows. "It does sound like a compliment. In that case, I will unceremoniously accept your praise."

"You're a little rascal." Su Tanqing smiled and gave her a sideways glance. "Yan Yan, take a break now. I'm going to change my clothes. We'll be finished soon."

"Go ahead. I'll copy the photos, and it'll be done. Don't forget the watch!"

"Don't worry, I won't forget."

After copying all the photos, Nan Yan talked to Su Tanqing's staff and went to take pictures of the building again.

Su Tanqing changed her clothes and came out. Nan Yan had also exhausted her inspiration from the scenery, so they walked out of the area. Then, just as the two of them were discussing where to go for a cup of coffee and dinner, a large crowd of fans suddenly gathered all around them. Especially excited, they wanted to take photos with Su Tanqing and get her autograph.

When Nan Yan saw this happening, she glanced at Su Tanqing instinctively. Su Tanqing also glanced at her. Before the two of them had time to say anything to each other, Nan Yan took a few steps backward decisively, and the group of fans aggressively surrounded Su Tanqing.

"Goddess, take a photo with me!"

"Goddess, sign an autograph for me!"

Nan Yan's retreat was timely, but, because the scene was so chaotic and out of control, she had still been knocked around a little by some of the fans. At the moment she staggered and her camera started to slip out of her hands. Trying to catch the camera in a panic, Nan Yan accidentally stepped on the edge of the steps. At the same moment that she caught the camera, her body slowly fell backwards.

Everything happened so suddenly that she instinctively raised her other hand to find something to help her maintain her balance. Just as she felt like she was about to fall to the ground, a hand suddenly grabbed her waist to support her, and she fell back against a warm chest. She was stunned.

After recovering from her panic, Nan Yan raised her eyes to see who she had fallen into. A handsome, chiseled face appeared before her dazed eyes.

Nan Yan's eyes got wide in surprise. She straightened up and met his dark, gloomy eyes. Her red lips exclaimed in surprise, "Little..."

"Hush!" Fu Jingheng looked around at the chaotic situation in front of them, interrupted her in a low voice, put his arm around her waist, and grabbed her wrist. "Come with me."