
His hands were rough and slender and slightly cold. The coldness transferred to her palms and made her feel a little dazed. Nan Yan glanced at his profile, then looked back at the helpless Su Tanqing, who was being besieged by her fans. She had no choice but to silently follow Fu Jingheng.

Fu Jingheng was also considered something of a public figure. Even though he didn't like to be interviewed by the media, he often appeared in front of a camera, so he had some level of fame. It was natural for celebrity fans to know who he was. If his appearance set off the fan group again, Nan Yan was certain that either she or her camera were going to meet their demise today.

After finally getting clear of the chaotic area, Nan Yan glanced around to the left and right and said nonchalantly, "Little uncle, can you please let go of my hand?"

Upon hearing this, Fu Jingheng stopped and looked at her. Nan Yan smiled and lifted the hand he was holding. He narrowed his eyes, and, after a few seconds, he let go of her hand. His hand that let go of her went into his trousers pocket.

"Why were you here today?" Nan Yan asked with a smile.

"I happened to be here to talk business and decided to stop by to see how the progress of Su Tanqing's photo shoot was going." Fu Jingheng looked sullen. His lips twitched slightly, and his eyes narrowed.

Nan Yan realized that it was totally natural for him to be here today. After all, Su Tanqing was indeed an artist who was under the aegis of Fu Jingheng's company. The Xingbei District where they were today was indeed a gathering place for celebrities. Many of these high-end leisure venues were also a part of Fu Jingheng's empire.

"I have to thank you profusely for helping me escape from that crowd just now." Nan Yan smiled as she thanked him politely.

"How are you going to thank me?"

"What?" Hearing this comment, Nan Yan was puzzled and looked at him with incomprehension.

"Didn't you just say that you would thank me? How are you planning to thank me?" With a smile starting at the corners of his mouth, Fu Jingheng stared at her aloofly.

This development was something Nan Yan had never expected. She had really just wanted to thank him out of politeness. After all, without him, she definitely would have fallen down today. Perhaps, if the situation had been worse, her precious camera might have gotten broken too.

Seeing that she was remaining silent, Fu Jingheng raised his hand and gently swept off his dust-free shoulders. "It's time for dinner, so invite me to dinner. There is a nice restaurant right over there in front of us."

Looking at him walking forward toward the restaurant presumptuously, Nan Yan was a little dumbfounded, but then the corners of her mouth twitched into a little smile.


Turns out that the dignified Third Young Master of the Fu family, the allegedly dignified, arrogant Third Young Master of the Fu family, actually has a shameless side...

Fu Jingheng walked toward the restaurant, and, seeing that Nan Yan wasn't following him, he stopped and looked back at her and motioned for her to follow.

"Aren't you busy today? You actually have the leisure time to have dinner with me?" Nan Yan felt helpless. She indeed owed him a favor. It wasn't easy to shirk from that, so she had to follow along with him with a smile. She tilted her head and looked at him.

"Of course there's still time for me to eat," Fu Jingheng answered her nonchalantly. Then he glanced at the high-end camera in her hand. "Do you like photography very much?"

Nan Yan nodded. "Yes."

Fu Jingheng remained silent as he continued to walk forward.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Nan Yan stopped at the door and examined the restaurant's style. Nan Yan raised her eyebrows, and Fu Jingheng's indifferent voice sounded in her ears, "Miss Nan, don't tell me you don't have the means to treat me to this thank-you meal?"