Unwilling to Accept

When Li Xiaojie heard Qin Muzhi's question, she immediately dug her nails into her palms. Could it be that Shen Qinghuan also liked Lu Ziheng?


Li Xiaojie absolutely wouldn't allow it to happen!

Shen Qinghuan, however, was focused on ambushing her enemies in the game. She simply didn't have any attention to spare to respond to Qin Muzhi's silly question.

Furthermore, she couldn't possibly admit that she was a pitiful little girl who had burned to death in her previous life, and had coincidentally picked up the script for a rebirth story, could she?

Li Xiaojie saw that Shen Qinghuan was in the midst of her game and nudged her with her elbow. "Qinghuan, Student Qin asked you a question."

She also felt an urgency to find out Shen Qinghuan's intentions for Lu Ziheng.

Shen Qinghuan originally hid well in her game. However, Li Xiaojie's sudden movement caused her to set her character on auto-fight mode. She was then instantly murdered by her enemy.

[The Red Team is on a winning streak!]

[The Red Team has won their point!]

[The Blue Team does not have much time left.]

A woman's voice could be heard from her phone. Shen Qinghuan was thankful that she was playing with a team, especially considering that she was guaranteed to lose otherwise.

The character she had chosen would wail for a period after dying, and soon be re-spawned.

Li Xiaojie saw that Shen Qinghuan was focused on her games and did not pay her any attention. She immediately began performing the role of a helpful best friend who was reminding the problematic young girl of her manners as she kindly nagged: "Qinghuan, it's almost time to eat. Stop playing for now."

[The Game has ended. The Red Team has won!]

Shen Qinghuan placed her phone down on the table with a loud clank.

The new ranking within the team was released, and she was at the very bottom. There was truly no need for her to play any further.

Shen Qinghuan sighed.

Even after returning to ten years ago, her gaming skills remained as poor as they had been in the past.


She really struggled to accept this.

Qin Muzhi unintentionally noticed Shen Qinghuan's dispirited expression. He cleared his throat and comforted her by saying that winning and losing both occurred frequently. There was no need to be too upset about it.

At this moment, a waitress pushed a cart of food over before lighting the charcoal for them. "Would you like me to help you grill the food?"

The staff was offering to provide service to them. Why would they reject her?

However, to everyone's surprise, Li Xiaojie refused her offer.

Shen Qinghuan understood the reason she did so. It was because when the waitress had pushed her cart over, her gaze kept shifting onto Lu Ziheng. Li Xiaojie must have lost control due to her jealousy.

Li Xiaojie similarly noticed how strange her own behaviour was. She was embarrassed for a moment before she made up a lie to fool them: "I just feel that…

Since we came for barbeque, we should grill the meat with our own hands. This way, we will be able to enjoy the food thoroughly!"

Qin Muzhi was a simple-minded brat. Furthermore, given that he was seated in front of a feast, there was no way he would question Li Xiaojie's response.

Lu Ziheng, who had been silent the entire time, focused his gaze on Shen Qinghuan. Although she did not respond to Qin Muzhi's earlier question, he still felt that the girl seated before him was very special.

Shen Qinghuan sensed the questions coming from Lu Ziheng's coffee-coloured pupils. She knew that she would only give herself away if she tried to explain, so she abruptly stood up and claimed to be leaving for the restroom.

Li Xiaojie watched as Shen Qinghuan's back view became smaller. Immediately afterwards, she began attacking her reputation again: "I'm afraid Qinghuan doesn't like the food here very much. She's leaving for the toilet after taking one bite…"

However, Lu Ziheng's charming gaze was frighteningly cold. When he icily glanced over, Li Xiaojie immediately swallowed her remaining words back.

Qin Muzhi, on the other hand, was in the midst of chewing on a piece of grilled marbled beef. He even incoherently tried to play peacemaker with his mouth full.

Unfortunately, Lu Ziheng did not give them the opportunity. He stood up and similarly left his seat.

Shen Qinghuan did not head to the restroom.

She stood before the vending machine and pressed for a bottle of orange juice.

"It turns out you can have drinks in the restroom?"

Shen Qinghuan turned around and nearly spat out the orange juice in her mouth.

Even so, she quickly recovered from being exposed by Lu Ziheng.