Lies Can't Be Made so Easily

"Student Lu." Shen Qinghuan turned around and ran her fingers through a few stray strands of hair. Her expression was gentle as she talked, "At times, girls have the habit of diffusing awkward situations by pretending they have to use the restroom."

Lu Ziheng lifted his brows slightly. Could it be that the conversation from before, as well as Qin Muzhi's earlier question, had placed her in a difficult spot?

"Old Qin is used to exaggerating matters. You don't have to mind him." Lu Ziheng walked past Shen Qinghuan, while his long, index finger pressed on the vending machine as he explained to her.

Lu Ziheng had leaned down slightly and was standing very close to her. Shen Qinghuan could not help but feel a little flustered.

Based on the development in their past lifetime, Lu Ziheng only began being this chatty with her after he entered high school.

She was caught off guard by the change in events and subconsciously began explaining herself: "I didn't secretly do any homework on you. I only ordered soybean sprouts because I like them."

Lies could not be said so easily. Shen Qinghuan nearly bit her tongue by accident.

It was simply that after five years of shared understanding in their previous lifetime, they had grown to share each other's habits.

Lu Ziheng stared at Shen Qinghuan's flushed cheeks. Several seconds later, he smiled. "In that case, please eat more later, Student Shen."

Eating more would be impossible.

There was also no need to bring up 'later'.

When Shen Qinghuan pretended to leave for the restroom, she had no intentions of heading back.

Earlier, Li Xiaojie had bragged in front of Lu Ziheng and claimed that they would treat them for this meal to thank them for sharing their table.

In truth, at the end of the day, the person who would pay was Shen Qinghuan, but the credit would land in Li Xiaojie's lap.

Shen Qinghuan had come to understand Li Xiaojie's schemes very well.

She would not allow the same incidents to repeat themselves.

At this moment, Lu Ziheng's phone vibrated.

In the year 2020, it was rare for young teens to use these sorts of phones that only had calling and messaging functions. After all, these phones were usually targeted at older folks.

However, Shen Qinghuan understood Lu Ziheng's family conditions. She also recognised that the boy in front of her had his own pride, so unlike in their previous life, she did not stare at him strangely. She only quietly stood in her position.

Lu Ziheng was well-aware of the Shen family's status, so he was slightly embarrassed when he took his phone out. He was even slightly fearful that Shen Qinghuan would look down on him.

Yet when Li Ziheng lifted his eyes, he discovered that Shen Qinghuan did not seem to be paying attention to him. He then carefully looked away.

He did not conceal the contents of the message he received: "Old Qin said that they're almost done eating. Your friend is asking if I saw you? And if I did, they're asking me to check if you need them to take away some food for you?"

"Student Lu." Shen Qinghuan suddenly pressed her palms on her stomach and pretended to be in pain. "I'm feeling a little unwell. Could I trouble you to tell Xiaojie that I'm leaving first?"

Feeling unwell?

They were still chatting happily earlier. How could she have become unwell so quickly?

Furthermore, it occured right as they were about to settle the bill-

Lu Ziheng suddenly seemed to understand something. He then knelt down. "Climb on!"


"Didn't you say you're feeling unwell?" Lu Ziheng asked.

Shen Qinghuan pressed her fingers on her brows. After all, Lu Ziheng's change was too rapid. If Li Xiaojie saw this, she would definitely swallow her whole.

However, Lu Ziheng was already an eye-catching figure. If Shen Qinghuan dragged this on any longer, she would only attract more attention to them.

If she was headed for the same consequences regardless of her choices, there was no harm in going along with him.

Outside the barbeque store, the sunlight was bright.

Shen Qinghuan was worried about being recognised, so she pressed her little face against Lu Ziheng's back.

The boy's forehead was covered in sweat. A little droplet landed on her palm and left her feeling a little bad for her lie.

"I booked a car earlier. You can put me down by the roadside." Shen Qinghuan's voice was akin to the willow trees that fluttered gently in May, soft and gentle.