Do Unto Others as You Want Done Unto You

Shen Qinghuan's voice was drowned out by the cicadas' songs emitting from the Chinese parasol trees that lined up the street.

"Since you're feeling unwell, I'll send you to the hospital." Meanwhile, the boy did not seem to have any intention of placing the girl down. He even found a convenient excuse for himself: "It'll be a big problem if I leave you alone and you end up fainting on the way home."

Shen Qinghuan: "…"

She had returned after an entire lifetime, yet she could not find any suitable excuses to keep up with her lies.

At this moment, Shen Qinghuan felt some admiration for Li Xiaojie's ability to come up with nonsense. This was because she herself was not good at lying.

Shen Qinghuan leaned against Lu Ziheng's back and admitted that she had pretended to go to the toilet because she did not want to continue being an ATM.

Lu Ziheng then placed the girl firmly back on the ground. From his expression, however, it was clear that he already knew this.


Li Xiaojie rubbed her nose. The air-conditioning must have been too cold in the barbeque shop, seeing how she had caught a chill.

Earlier, Qin Muzhi's gaze had left her wishing she could bury herself in the ground.


It was all Shen Qinghuan, that smelly brat's fault.

Could it be that the brat had turned clever? Was that why she secretly snuck away when it was time to pay?

That was unlikely.

Li Xiaojie immediately dismissed her own suspicion.

After all, Shen Qinghuan barely ate two bites of the barbeque.

She must have headed to the restroom because her stomach was feeling unwell.

In the end, Li Xiaojie and Qin Muzhi split the bill equally. Li Xiaojie ended up paying thirty dollars for it, which was half of her pocket money for the month.

Although Li Xiaojie had come for a free barbeque meal, in the end, even her own flesh was hurting from the cost.

Even in her dreams, she did not expect that the scheme she had carefully carried out would fall through like this.

Earlier, Li Xiaojie had refused to give up. She even made a trip to the toilet but had failed to find Shen Qinghuan.

When she ran downstairs after paying, she made it in time to catch Shen Qinghuan right before she climbed into her cab. Li Xiaojie immediately ran towards her.

"Ha." Shen Qinghuan covered her lips and pretended to feel guilty. "Xiaojie, I'm so sorry. I don't know why my stomach is suddenly unwell. Even though we agreed to treat Student Qin and Student Lu together…"

However, Li Xiaojie felt extremely hot after running all the way here. That's why when Shen Qinghuan brought up the bill, she felt all of her anger stuck in her throat, and she almost died swallowing it back.

"It's all right." Although Li Xiaojie responded this way on the surface, internally, she was screaming: If you have so much to say, why don't you pay the money back to this old woman!

However, Shen Qinghuan did not make any mentions of paying the sum back to Li Xiaojie.

After three years in middle school, Li Xiaojie had earned at least several thousand dollars from her by taking advantage of her for free meals.

Right now, she was simply giving Li Xiaojie a taste of her own medicine. This was only one incident. Could it be that Li Xiaojie already couldn't take it? In the future, if Li Xiaojie dared to provoke her again, she would have to be ready to face the music!

Shen Qinghuan instructed the driver to head towards the Sino-Ocean Taikoo shopping district. Earlier, when she split up with Lu Ziheng, she had also booked an appointment with Teacher Tony.

Since God was giving her a second chance, she would definitely make good use of it to live well!

"Qinghuan, this isn't the way to my house ah." Li Xiaojie watched as the car drove into the Taikoo shopping district. She then quietly whispered, "Could there be some problems with the driver?"

Shen Qinghuan shook her head before patting Li Xiaojie's hand. "My stomach suddenly feels unwell. I'm going to the toilet for a while."

Prior to boarding the car, Shen Qinghuan had already instructed the driver. Thus, several seconds after she left the car, the driver stepped on the gas pedal and drove Li Xiaojie away.

"Sir. My friend… isn't here yet."

Li Xiaojie had never experienced this before. Her face even turned pale from her anxiety.

"Little lady, your friend told me she was afraid that she would delay you and asked me to send you home first."