"While Schooling, Long And Straight Black Hair is Ideal."

After hearing the driver's response, Li Xiaojie calmed down.

She did not expect Shen Qinghuan to be this considerate.

Like she said before, Shen Qinghuan was truly naive and foolish!

Although she had failed to get Shen Qinghuan to buy her the new cosmetic products she had been targeting, at the very least, she earned the fee for the car ride.


Speaking of cab fees, Li Xiaojie gradually understood.

Li Xiaojie finally arrived at home.

She did not only pay for her own ride home, but she also had to pay for Shen Qinghuan's ride!

Afterwards, she watched as the cab drove away, yet internally, she was cursing Shen Qinghuan upside down.

The Sino-Ocean Taikoo shopping district was the first, local, comprehensive commerce project. It had more than enough food and play options and to most of the youths, it was considered their 'heaven'.

A while ago, Shen Qinghuan found the famous Teacher Tony on TikTok. After scanning the background of his videos, she quickly located him.

However, she did not expect Lu Ziheng to also be there.

"You're Teacher Tony?" Shen Qinghuan stared at Lu Ziheng, who was dressed differently, in surprise.

The boy's appearance was very outstanding. After all, it was difficult to find boys at his age who were 1.86 metres tall. The hair stylist's uniform also further emphasised this narrow waist and long legs.

Lu Ziheng's face was small and his skin was fair. Logically speaking, he fell under the category of Little Puppy Boys.

However, at the same time, Lu Ziheng often had a cold expression on. He also had a unique, husky tone that caused him to appear especially like an alpha male.

"Student Shen, this is my nephew." The real Teacher Tony explained to Shen Qinghuan with a smile.


What a coincidence.

Shen Qinghuan took Teacher Tony in, estimating that he was likely born after 1995. Compared to his uncle-nephew relationship with Lu Ziheng, Shen Qinghuan was more worried that Teacher Tony had exaggerated himself in his popular TikTok videos.

Even so, Teacher Tony was an observant man. He noticed Shen Qinghuan's concern and patted himself on the chest to guarantee he would satisfy her. He then seriously promised that if he failed to cut her hair suitably, he would compensate her in the form of his nephew.

Lu Ziheng struggled to take the joke lightly, however, as his cheeks instantly flushed red while he escaped the situation in a flustered manner.

Although Teacher Tony was young, he was very professional.

As he scanned Shen Qinghuan's skin, he felt that chestnut coloured hair would suit her very well. Thus, he made the suggestion.

At this moment, however, Lu Ziheng, who had escaped earlier, seemed to appear out of nowhere. "While schooling, long and straight black hair is ideal."

Teacher Tony immediately assumed his nephew was in love. After all, he was actually interfering with a girl's choice of hair color.

"Student Lu is right." Nevertheless, Shen Qinghuan did not refuse Lu Ziheng's suggestion, leaving Teacher Tony even more certain of his own guess.

School A had always been strict when it comes to discipline. Since she had decided to start afresh, she would begin by changing her hairstyle to suit the image of an obedient student.

Shen Qinghuan also had a liking for the hairstyle most young idols had when they debuted. However, she understood what was appropriate for her age and felt that it would not be too late to wait until she was in university.

Due to the girl's insistence, Teacher Tony skipped the stages of selecting appropriate colors and designing the hairstyle. He then immediately began returning her hair to its natural color and trimming it.

Luckily, Shen Qinghuan had a good foundation. Although most hairstylists found long and straight black hair to be extremely unsophisticated, after five to six hours of work, Shen Qinghuan was able to carry the style well.

Teacher Tony did not miss the surprise in his nephew's eyes. He made an excuse about the shop being empty and specially gave Lu Ziheng permission to send Shen Qinghuan home.

By the time they left Taikoo, the sun was setting. Shen Qinghuan's freshly-cut, soft hair flowed down her shoulders gently. Just like her name, it was fresh and graceful.

Lu Ziheng took in the girl's beautiful side profile under the sunset. He could clearly hear the pounding noise of his heart in his chest.

"Shall we take the train back?" Shen Qinghuan suggested.