Where Do You Live?

Lu Ziheng lived in the suburbs, while Shen Qinghuan's home was located in the city centre. Taking the subway was the wisest choice for them.

However, Lu Ziheng had assumed that, considering Shen Qinghuan's background, she would be used to being driven around in luxury cars. That's why he had not expected her to be this in touch with common experiences.

Therefore, after she stood in the subway station to comfortably purchase the tickets for their trip home, handing one of them to him, Lu Ziheng felt a little stumped.

For the matters that were difficult to comprehend, why not leave it to time to reveal the truth?

Just like the valuables we've lost along the way. They would always re-appear before us in an unexpected moment.

As Shen Qinghuan's haircut had taken up quite some time, by the time she boarded the train with Lu Ziheng, they were caught up in rush hour.

Even as they stood, all of the working adults had their heads lowered and their eyes focused on their phones.

Meanwhile, a few older aunties and uncles grumbled about the careless youths these days and their lack of consideration for the elderly. Some even brought up that, after today's high school entrance examination, these groups of children could possibly change for the better.

Amidst this noisy crowd, Shen Qinghuan subconsciously sighed.

Despite the clamor, Lu Ziheng still heard her clearly from where he stood nearby.

Yet at this moment, an announcement was broadcasted through the subway.

It reminded the passengers who needed to board the subway on Line 1 that they could do so by switching to Line 2 and Line 4 at this station.

Shen Qinghuan was pressed against the side of the carriage, and the moment the doors opened, she felt herself on the verge of being pushed out. Suddenly, Lu Ziheng caught hold of the back of her dress collar before she was then brought into a warm embrace.

Despite the discomfort from having her neck tugged on earlier, Shen Qinghuan still noticed the light, mint scent from his embrace.

"I'm sorry." Although Lu Ziheng was a star pupil, there were still questions he could not solve. Lu Ziheng carefully apologised to Shen Qinghuan, "It was too dangerous earlier. I didn't know how to better help you."

"It's all right." After being dragged back into the carriage, Shen Qinghuan noticed the unnatural stain of red on Lu Ziheng's fair complexion. She lowered her head to respond, not knowing what else to say.

To prevent the same situation from happening, Lu Ziheng patted Shen Qinghuan on the back with one hand. "Before you arrive at your station, you can continue leaning in my arms!"

Recently, there was news of ill-intentioned men touching women inappropriately on the subway. They had claimed it was because it was harder to restrain themselves in the summer.

Lu Ziheng held onto the strap handle with his left hand while he kept his right hand around Shen Qinghuan.

A few busybody aunties giggled by the side and commented to the people nearby that the children these days sure matured fast. Their parents had invested so much money into their education, yet unbeknownst to them, these children were preoccupied with pursuing their partners.

It was already stuffy in the train, so as Lu Ziheng held Shen Qinghuan in his arms, he also felt the blood in his body pumping frantically.

He had previously read in a medicine textbook that, regardless how his blood was moving in his body, it would always make its way back to his heart.

He wondered if Shen Qinghuan was perhaps the unexpected factor in his life?

Lu Ziheng allowed his thoughts to run wild. It was only when the girl in his arms struggled out of his hold that he realised he had held Shen Qinghuan with him until they missed her station.

"Dad, don't worry. I'll definitely be home before eight." Shen Qinghuan answered her phone before making a promise to the caller on the other end.

After ending the call, she was left in a distressed state.

Even if she took the subway back to the earlier station, she would still have to switch to a different line after. Furthermore, they were caught up in the rush hour, so there were people heading in every direction. She could not be certain that she would make it on time.

Despite Shen Qinghuan's mischief at school, the discipline she received at home was quite firm.

"Where do you live?" The culprit behind her troubles spoke up.