Photo of Her Eating Barbeque is Trending

The passer-by did not hold back from sharing his own pleasant surprise with the owner of the barbeque store. He explained that earlier, while queuing, he took a photo of the owner's stall. By now, the photo had been reposted more than five million times.

The barbeque stall owner assumed this was another influencer who enjoyed fame, so he didn't pay any more attention to the matter.

However, soon after, the barbeque store quickly became crowded.

After asking around, the owner learned that most of the people living nearby had rushed over after seeing the photo posted earlier.

Could it be that he… misunderstood the passer-by?

Perhaps the person earlier was a famous photographer?

When the crowd of people failed to find the girl captured in the photograph, they stayed around for a while before dispersing.

The only person who remained was a female reporter.

She offered to pay for the passer-by's food and requested for another five kilograms of crayfish. The store owner then guided her to the passer-by's table.

"Nice to me you, Mr. Yu." The reporter brought her name card out. "I am Jing Hua Society's Li Ye. With regards to the photo you took 30 minutes ago…"

The passer-by immediately felt the meat skewer he was nibbling on lose its taste.

In their country, if a post on Weibo was artificially reposted more than 500 times, they could be charged with a criminal offence.

His Weibo post…

He lowered his head subconsciously to scan his phone.

Fuck, it's already been reposted more than ten million times. He was doomed!

It was no wonder this reporter knew his name.

Mr. Xu was very nervous. He shoved the last piece of meat into his mouth with despair and slammed the skewer onto the table. "Actually, I was the one who hyped up my Weibo post from earlier. I was simply trying to satisfy my own greed. I didn't expect my fans to be so foolish. They actually reposted it so many times for me."

"Is that so?" Li Ye clearly did not believe in Mr. Xu's excuse.

"This stall's lamb skewers are really quite good." Mr. Xu offered Li Ye one of the skewers. "Reporter Ji, would you like to try one?"

Li Ye was not interested in the lamb skewer. The crowd that had gathered were similarly uninterested in barbeque. What truly drew their attention was the [Little Goddess eating a lamb skewer] in Mr. Xu's photo.

"Ah." After understanding the reason, Mr. Xu finally relaxed. He was a typical foodie, so earlier, he hadn't looked carefully when he took that photo of the freshly made lamb skewers.

He tapped on his own Weibo post once more and finally noticed that there truly was a beautiful little lady captured.

The posts on Weibo were altered with filters. Thus, the smoke emitting from the barbeque seemed to appear like mist.

Li Ye carefully scanned the original photo Mr. Xu took. She then noticed that the A School's school logo was sewn into the girl's clothes.

A reporter's mission is to follow the clues and identify the person involved to carry out an interview.

Li Ye recalled that her own sister was studying in School A, so she felt that she could perhaps dig out more clues.

Before leaving, Li Ye requested to purchase the original photo from Mr. Xu.

Mr. Xu was kind and did not request for any additional fees. He simply stated that the price of the photo was considered settled given that Li Ye paid for his meal.

After receiving the photo, Li Ye turned around and smiled mockingly. Mr. Xu did not understand the profit he had just willingly handed over.

Right now, she had spent around twenty dollars to purchase a unique piece of news that was worth more than one hundred thousand dollars!

"Xiaojie." After returning home, Li Ye immediately approached Li Xiaojie's room door. She urgently questioned, "Have you slept yet?"

Although Li Ye and Li Xiaojie were blood-related siblings, they were not close, while their relationship was fragile. Every so often, they would simply reach out to each other to obtain what they needed.