
Before Li Ye came home, Li Xiaojie had locked herself in her room for the entire day.

The more she recalled this morning's events, the angrier she felt.

In the past, Li Xiaojie often visited the Shen home for a free meal, but she was never chased away.

Yet today-

She had barely managed to take a few bites before she was directly chased out of the Shen home!

Li Xiaojie struggled to accept this injustice.

After being chased out of the villa, Li Xiaojie had attempted to contact Wen Huaibei.

She was extremely confident in Wen Huaibei's ability to draw in the net and believed that Shen Qinghuan, the stupid fish, would certainly be caught by him.

Unfortunately, minutes ago, she received a call from Wen Huaibei. He had failed to obtain any money from Shen Qinghuan.

Upon hearing this, Li Xiaojie's face was nearly turning green from anger. She wondered if she had offended someone recently. After all, nothing was going her way!

"What is it?" When she heard Li Ye calling her, her tone was slightly poor.

"Xiao Jie." If Li Ye had the choice, she would not have responded to Xiao Jie's cold attitude with a smile. However, she had come with an ulterior motive, so she continued. "Didn't you say that you'll be going out with your friends for the next few days? Since Mom isn't home yet, your sister has two hundred dollars here. Use this first."

The moment Li Xiaojie heard the mention of money, her eyes lit up, while her expression also became better. She immediately jumped off of her bed to open the door.

Naturally, she also understood that Li Ye was not a sister who would dote on her.

Since she was on the receiving end, it wasn't too good for her to refuse any requests.

After confirming that two hundred dollars had been transferred into her account, Li Xiaojie's tone changed: "Sister, do you need something from me?"

"Yes, actually." Li Ye brought out the photo she had received earlier from Mr. Xu. "Xiaojie, this girl is currently studying in your school, isn't she?"

Even if Shen Qinghuan turned into ashes, Li Xiaojie would still be able to recognise her.

Li Xiaojie's expression quickly changed. She then pursed her slightly dry lips, asking: "Sister, how did you obtain this photo? Will it be used for a news article?"

Li Ye opened up Weibo. Earlier, the photo had been the third most trending topic of the day. By now, it had risen up to become the most trending topic! Other media outlets had already begun flattering Shen Qinghuan. They described that she possessed a face that was as wonderful as the first crush in everyone's memories. If she entered the entertainment circle, she would definitely become famous instantly.

Ji Xiaojie leaned in and saw that there were netizens loudly proclaiming their love for Shen Qinghuan. The jealousy in her heart instantly worsened.

The only person who could make her sister this jealous was that rich and innocent classmate of hers. Li Ye recalled that her name was…

"Sister, the person in your photo is named Shen Qinghuan. She is my classmate." Li Xiaojie's heart was set on becoming a famous star in the future. Therefore, she naturally understood that Li Ye had come looking for her to obtain news that other reporters wouldn't have.

Thus, Li Xiaojie appeared to carelessly bring out the results from one of their preliminary examinations. This was from the final preliminary examination they had before their high school entrance examinations, and it was also the test where she had performed the best in her middle school career.

Li Ye took in Li Xiaojie's unusual, gentle smile. When she saw that Shen Qinghuan was actually the last in their class, she easily guessed that her sister could not compete with Shen Qinghuan in any other way. She could only bring out their results to attack her grades.

"Her grades…"

Li Xiaojie sighed and tried her best to appear slightly upset. "Sister, this is all my fault! Back then, if I had managed to persuade Qinghuan into studying with me, this wouldn't have happened! Even though she's become famous overnight, she doesn't have any capabilities to back it up. My carelessness has even led her astray. She's even dating a good-for-nothing from a vocational school…"

At this point, a hint of mocking appeared in Li Ye's eyes. If she didn't understand Li Xiaojie's character well, then she would have definitely fallen for the dramatised narrative she was describing.