Before She Could Be Slandered, She Gained Netwide Popularity

A hint of mocking appeared in Li Ye's eyes. If she did not understand Li Xiaojie's character well, then she would have definitely fallen for the dramatised narrative she was describing.

However, when it came to the news, the audience wasn't pursuing the truth. They actually preferred this type of content that drew discourse.

Li Ye used her phone and recorded Li Xiaojie's description of Shen Qinghuan. Then, she edited the recording and combined it with old photos of Shen Qinghuan with a mosaic filter on her face. Soon afterwards, an article titled, 'The Little Devil Behind The Face Of An Angel', quickly became popular across the internet.

Li Xiaojie had assumed that after the article gained traction, it would cause Shen Qinghuan a lot of harm.

She sat on her bed and swung her feet back and forth. During this time, she was waiting for Shen Qinghuan's reputation to be ruined and for netizens to verbally abuse her.

However, after several hours, although the article had been read more than a billion times, all of the comments were filled with various, exaggerated praises.

"My god, it turns out that the little goddess has just completed her high school entrance examinations. Even a gothic hairstyle can't suppress her godly aura."

"Ah, I'm dead. She's really amazing! She beat those thugs up so easily and left them all on the ground."

"I really don't understand the point of this article. Isn't it normal to be in love? Although, such a wonderful little goddess should really be protected by us instead!"


Li Xiaojie was angered to the point where her face was turning green.

She struggled to sleep with her anger and decided to vent all of it on Li Ye. After all, she felt like Li Ye had used all the wrong words in her article, causing the comment section to be filled with positive discussions.

She naturally wouldn't admit that she had opened a new account earlier and ran off to the comment section to slander Shen Qinghuan for being an unrestrained woman. She claimed that any amount of money would convince Shen Qinghuan to give her body up.

In the end, A School's official Weibo account made a post revealing the amount of money the Shen Corporation had invested in them. All of the audience immediately rushed over to scold Li Xiaojie's sub-account. Everyone insisted that Shen Qinghuan was a proper, innocent, rich young lady. They even claimed that Li Xiaojie's thoughts were vicious and told her to wait for them to reveal her true identity. Furthermore, they went as far as claiming that they would send her knives to threaten her!

Li Xiaojie was, in fact, rather frightened, to the point where she even turned off the internet at home. This way, those people who claimed they were after her wouldn't be able to find her.

Meanwhile, Li Ye was happily counting her money in her room when the internet suddenly went off. This caused her mood to turn poor.

"Xiaojie, did you touch the router?"

The routers were all placed in Li Xiaojie's room. Now that Li Ye couldn't use the internet, she was certain it was Li Xiaojie's fault.


Miss[In Chinese, the way to politely address someone as 'Miss' is read as 'Xiao Jie'.]!

Li Xiaojie felt dizzy. Since young, she had hated her own name the most!

Because of this name, she had been teased countlessly by the boys in her class since she was in junior high school. If she hadn't been smart enough to make friends with Shen Qinghuan, then she would never have survived till now.

Shen Qinghuan sneezed.

Both Lu Ziheng and her were unaware that she was currently trending on the internet like a famous idol.

Although there were some negative comments, they were almost immediately targeted by the crowd. Shen Qinghuan's topic now had a firm spot on the trending list.

There were even media outlets openly making commentaries on the photo of Shen Qinghuan eating barbeque. They claimed that before the goddess could be slandered, she had already gained netwide popularity!

"This is all my fault. I shouldn't have brought you here to eat." Lu Ziheng kept away all of the skewer sticks and spoke to Shen Qinghuan, who had just sneezed. "Otherwise, you wouldn't have caught a cold."

Yet Shen Qinghuan shook her head. "I didn't catch a cold. There was too much black pepper on the meat skewer. It made my nose feel a little choked."

For a moment, Lu Ziheng felt as though the girl who stood before him was just like a seed that had been planted at the bottom of his heart. After receiving moonlight and the warm evening wind, it blossomed into a lotus flower.

As he stood here, he clearly heard the noise of his heart beating loudly in his chest.