Afraid We'll Ask You For Signatures

Shen Qinghuan stared at the thin wall with some despair. Her mind was barely moving and she couldn't come up with any suitable words to stop Mother Shen from entering the segregated room.

If she had known this would happen, then she wouldn't have responded to Mother Shen earlier. At least pretending to sleep could have bought her some time to give a warning to Lu Ziheng.

Shen Qinghuan followed behind Mother Shen, not even daring to breathe too loudly. Finally, when Mother Shen approached the balcony to close the windows, she opened her eyes. She checked repeatedly that there wasn't anyone else in her room before she finally relaxed.

Thankfully, Lu Ziheng was much more alert than she was.

Mother Shen shot Shen Qinghuan a complicated look. "Although last night, Mother requested for you to live conscientiously, l didn't mean it to the extent where you had to sleep with the windows open when there is air-conditioning installed in your room. It was raining last night. What if you caught a cold?"

Shen Qinghuan: "…"

Thank you, God.

Although she wasn't sure when Lu Ziheng had left, at least this way, they had overcome the obstacle of Mother Shen.

"Your Dad has prepared breakfast downstairs. Change your clothes and join us soon."

"All right."

Shen Qinghuan nodded obediently.

After Mother Shen left, Shen Qinghuan leaned against the door and released a sigh of relief.

A moment later, she picked up the neatly folded cherry blossom printed blanket. However, as she kept it away in her cabinet, a piece of sticky note fell out.

[Thank you for letting me sleepover. I'm heading back to school. Let's talk again the next time we can.

- Lu Ziheng.]

His message was written seriously. This was truly in line with Lu Ziheng's usual style of handling matters.

Shen Qinghuan then kept the note away in her drawer secured with a fingerprint-lock.

After this, she picked out a set of clothes that were unusual in comparison to what she usually wore. It was a long dress that nearly covered her feet. At this time, Mother Shen was sitting on the couch while sipping the tea Father Shen had prepared; however, when she saw her, she nearly spat her tea out.

"Huan Huan, you look amazing in that," Father Shen's eyes were sparkling as he praised her.

In the past, Mother Shen often urged Shen Qinghuan to dress in a natural and appropriate manner. Even so, Shen Qinghuan often went against her wishes. She was also a daddy's girl. Thus, Mother Shen often slept at her research laboratory and left Father Shen alone to guard this home.

As Mother Shen took in her daughter's changes, she was pleased, but she didn't express it.

Speaking of which, Mother Shen herself had sewed this dress for Shen Qinghuan for her last birthday, and she had not expected her daughter to save it till now. Still, it suited her well.

"Don't talk while you're eating," Mother Shen sat before the dining table, nagging at the Shen father and daughter pair.

This was a rare occasion where Shen Haotian's wife was home. Thus, he had employed all of his abilities to prepare this meal, hoping it would persuade her to stay longer.

"Mom." Shen Qinghuan easily sensed the pleading in her father's gaze. She used the communal chopsticks to place a piece of steamed chicken in Mother Shen's bowl. "This dish Dad prepared is especially good. You haven't had it in a while. Have you been missing it?"

Mother Shen turned and saw that Father Shen was watching her earnestly. She immediately stopped moving her chopsticks. "Hmph, don't think that I'll forgive you for last night's drinking just like this."

Father Shen undoubtedly held the lowest position in the Shen family.

After this, his gaze became slightly misty. He then held the ladle and pretended to scoop some soup into Shen Qinghuan's bowl. "Huan Huan ah, did Dad drink any alcohol last night?"

Shen Qinghuan: "…"

What do you think?

In fact, your actions were a blessing. If you hadn't drunk that much, both Lu Ziheng and her would have been caught in the act.

Meanwhile, Mother Shen's movements as she ate were as graceful as ever. All of a sudden, she received a message from her workplace's group chat.

[Sister Yan, it's no wonder you've never brought your precious daughter to work. It turns out you're afraid we'll ask you for a signature!]

Mother Shen was confused by the message. Then she was sent a link to the trending topic on Weibo. Mother Shen tapped on it and saw that the person eating barbeque in the photo was actually her daughter!