Do You Wish to be a Celebrity?

The flavor of the chicken in Madam Yan Ruyu's mouth changed instantly. It was no wonder this pair of father and daughter were competing to be obedient this morning. In the end, it turned out that they both did something bad behind her back!

Since young, Shen Qinghuan had been banned from eating junk food. This was especially so for deep fried and barbeque foods.

Back when Shen Qinghuan was in primary school, she had secretly eaten a fried chicken offered to her by an older boy in her neighborhood. After she returned home, however, Madam Yan Ruyu had punished her to stand in the front yard for thirty minutes!

Shen Haotian noticed the changes in his wife's expression. He guessed that both Huan Huan and him would soon meet with misfortune. Thus, as a man, he felt that it was time he stood up to protect his daughter!

Therefore, Shen Haotian gathered up his courage to speak to Mother Shen: "We're eating. Don't look at your phone."

"What did you do last night after 8:00 p.m.?"

Mother Shen placed her chopsticks down as though she did not hear Father Shen's words.

Shen Qinghuan frowned slightly. As expected, Father Shen immediately supported her, "Huan Huan went to bed last night after drinking her milk. What else could she have done?"

"Did I ask you?" In her previous life, her parents frequently fought in a similar manner over the right way to discipline their child. Their worst fights had even ended in a divorce. At the time, Mother Shen had raised her voice to scold Father Shen with resentment, "It's all because you've spoiled her thoroughly that her grades are this abominable!"

Father Shen had been upset as he mumbled back: "Grades aren't everything."

Shen Qinghuan was worried her parents would begin fighting again. Thus, she quickly admitted her mistake.

Since Yan Ruyu was interrogating her so confidently, Shen Qinghuan was certain she had evidence. "Mom, I was a little hungry last night so I went out for barbeque."

"Look, it's all my fault. I didn't prepare enough food for Huan Huan last night…" Shen Haotian also spoke up for his daughter. "My wife, you've only just returned. Don't frighten our child."

Yet Yan Ruyu was not easily fooled by Shen Qinghuan, who had a poor track record. She opened the refrigerator and saw that Father Shen had wrapped a dish of fish steamed with pickled vegetables in plastic wrap. "Didn't you say there wasn't enough food? What's this?"

As expected, Shen Qinghuan was not suited for lying.

Shen Haotian, on the other hand, was very supportive. "Isn't the food in the refrigerator cold? Although barbeque isn't very clean, at the very least, it's hot."

Oh my god.

As expected, the older were more capable.

It didn't matter whether or not their argument was logical. Shen Qinghuan had already secretly raised a thumbs up for Shen Haotian.

"Look at this. Your daughter was featured on the news just by eating a meal of barbeque. I can't help but suspect whether or not you secretly bought fans for her." Yan Ruyu showed Shen Haotian her phone. "How old is she right now? You're letting her become involved with the entertainment circle this early?"

In her youth, Yan Ruyu had properly overcome her high school examination and defeated tens of thousands of students to obtain the wonderful life she now led. As someone who had tasted the wealth brought on by education, Yan Ruyu did not wish for her daughter to take on a less practical path.

Shen Haotian pushed his glasses up and received the phone from Yan Ruyu. It had been a night since the topic started trending yet the attention didn't seem to be decreasing. However, he was not focused on whether Shen Qinghuan had eaten food that wasn't very clean. Instead, he was checking who Shen Qinghuan had shared the meal with.

"This morning, when I was trimming the bushes, I realised that the windows weren't closed. At the time, I thought maybe our house's air-conditioning wasn't working well. Now I finally understand-" Yan Ruyu snatched the phone back from Shen Haotian and frightened Shen Qinghuan into assuming that her involvement with Lu Ziheng last night had also been revealed. "It turns out that you kept the windows open intentionally to let the smell fade!"

Mom, ah.

Although she spoke loudly and definitively.

She still missed the main point.

"Huan Huan." Shen Haotian nearly dug a hole into the photo with the way he had stared at it. Still, he did not see any other figure. The innocent Shen Haotian thus believed his daughter had really run off to buy barbeque because she was hungry. Nevertheless, compared to her grades, he valued her feelings more. "Do you wish to be a celebrity?"