Splashing Vegetable Oil

Soon after Shen Qinghuan made her post on Weibo, comments flooded in one after another.

"You're not joining the entertainment circle? That's such a pity."

"Ah. Little goddess, you're really, really beautiful."

"I saw Baby Huan's preliminary examination results. Sigh, speaking of which, most of the people in the entertainment circle aren't known for being good at studying. If Baby Huan joins the entertainment circle, I will definitely offer up all of my New Year's money to her!"


Contrary to Li Xiaojie's expectations, Shen Qinghuan did not put up an argument against Li Ye's article. Instead, she picked out the comments focusing on her poor grades and began writing her replies.

Quickly, Shen Qinghuan's Weibo account began trending due to the overwhelming number of likes on her post.

There were busybodies who were waiting to see Shen Qinghuan's high school entrance examination results. The ones who enjoyed watching a good show commented that although the little lady was really beautiful, she shouldn't have been dishonest for the sake of vanity.

Wherever there were doubts, arguments from opposing opinions would follow.

Shen Qinghuan merely placed her phone down and did not continue posting any more responses.

At times, society was like this. People did not enjoy receiving direct answers. Instead, they preferred to focus on the false words because those responses tended to be especially bright and dazzling.

The weather in the summer was always unpredictable. Although the weather forecast this morning claimed it would be a sunny day, a sudden rainstorm utterly destroyed the Shen family's plans.

Shen Haotian and Yan Ruyu had agreed to bring Shen Qinghuan out to an amusement park, giving her a good opportunity to destress. They had also planned for a good meal afterwards so as to welcome her upcoming change in lifestyle. However, they did not expect their plans to be ruined by a rainstorm.

For several days in a row, the city centre was covered in dark clouds and heavy rain.

During this time, Shen Qinghuan was especially obedient. Yan Ruyu had borrowed some high school teaching materials for her and since then, she studied seriously every single day.

Finally, on the day when the high school entrance results were about to be released, the weather improved.

Yan Ruyu's colleague's son had performed especially well, and they specially visited to invite Shen Qinghuan's family for a celebratory meal.

However, Yan Ruyu did not enjoy this sort of superficial engagements, so she decisively refused their invite.

No one had expected that, on the day of the meal, the colleague loudly announced to their entire group of colleagues that Yan Ruyu did not have the face to show up because her daughter had failed to perform well enough to enter A School.

Recently, Lu Ziheng had been busy working to save up for his school fees. He was also coincidentally working as a server in this hotel.

"So what if Section Chief Yan has obtained her doctorate? She still failed to educate her own daughter well!"

"I previously heard that the Section Leader's marriage was going poorly. I never expected her daughter to be such a failure as well. It's no wonder that the old demon lady refuses to go home everyday. Instead, she spends all her time stressing us out over our work."

"Isn't it? That day, I saw that Section Leader Yan's daughter, that Shen Qinghuan, that's right, was trending on Weibo. I really laughed to death. The netizens even gave her the nickname, 'The Little Goddess Who Ate Barbeque'. Isn't it clear that they were all mocking Section Leader Yan's daughter for being uncultured!"


Their unpleasant words were spoken loud and clear. Shen Haotian, who was in the midst of discussing a business deal, naturally heard it, as well.

"CEO Shen, please take a look…" Across from him, the manager of a certain company saw that Shen Haotian's expression was especially poor and assumed that there was a problem with the contract. Just as Shen Haotian was about to stand to speak up for his wife and child, a waiter splashed vegetable oil all over the noisiest person at the table next to his. The victim was also the host of the ongoing celebratory party.

What a well-deserved splash!

Shen Haotian sat up straight and couldn't resist taking a glance at the waiter, who had done a splendid job.

The little lad was clearly a young man. He was probably using his summer to earn some money for his family!

The lady who was drenched pointed at Lu Ziheng and shouted: "Call your manager here, now! I'm going to sue your hotel! You country bumpkin! Do you know that the clothes I'm wearing today are worth more than an entire year of your pay!"

The customer was always the king.

Thus, the manager lowered his head and bowed to apologise profusely to the lady.