"They haven't apologized. They're not allowed to leave!"

An intelligent man like Lu Ziheng naturally understood that this work opportunity, which paid well and was considerably much easier than working at a construction site, was about to be lost.

He was used to considering the consequences before taking any actions.

However, earlier, he had truly been unable to tolerate the other party's insults against Shen Qinghuan.

His own roommate, Li Mingkang, was not allowed to insult her, much less a simple passer-by.

The manager kicked Lu Ziheng's leg and demanded that he apologize to the customers. Even so, the young man stood stiffly, refusing to speak up.

Lu Ziheng felt that he was not in any wrong.

"Aiyo, who is this?" A young man with a large red flower on his chest and a face full of acne approached Lu Ziheng with a glass of red wine. His appearance was unique and his tone was eccentric. "Mom, isn't this the celebration dinner for my exam performance? We have so many clothes at home. Don't make things difficult for our little junior over here. After all, not everyone has the ability to wear new clothes everyday like we do!"

Lu Ziheng did not recognise the boy in front of him. However, this scholar had heard of Lu Ziheng's name.

After all, Lu Ziheng was famous for being the most handsome boy in A School. He was also famous for being poor.

When the scholar approached, a hypocritical smile instantly appeared on the vicious woman's face. She responded to her son, "Yes, yes, yes. We're hosting a celebratory meal for you today. Mom shouldn't have lowered myself to the level of the degenerates in your school."

The mother and son pair attacked Lu Ziheng with their words the same way they did earlier to Shen Qinghuan.

Their words were too vicious. Even as a grown man, Shen Haotian struggled to listen any longer. He stood up and temporarily placed aside his three million dollar deal to stand in front of Lu Ziheng.

Some of the guests at the table recognised Shen Haotian. However, he was not as lowly as Madam Mu Rong had described earlier, and instead, Shen Haotian appeared refined. It was easy to tell that he had been extremely handsome in his youth. In fact, even at his age, he possessed a good figure. Although he was a businessman, he did not fulfill the stereotype of having a large belly.

Oh, they forgot to mention. Madam Mu Rong was the lady who had been drenched in vegetable oil.

"How much?"

Before Madam Mu Rong could lift her wine glass to speak a few customary words, Shen Haotian had already spoken up.


"I'm asking you, how much are your clothes worth?" Shen Haotian repeated himself.

Lu Ziheng, who had kept his head lowered, abruptly looked up. Shen Haotian felt that the young man had a good appearance and an admirable character. He was truly a promising talent. Thus, he patted Lu Ziheng on the shoulders to urge him to relax.

"Around four… five thousand dollars." Madam Mu Rong intentionally raised the price.

Problems that could be resolved through money were not problems.

Shen Haotian had the habit of carrying cash with him. He brought out a stack of money and carelessly tossed it at Madam Mu Rong. The red bills scattered across the air and all of the guests present took in a sharp breath.

"Here are eight thousand dollars." Shen Haotian's voice was icy cold. "Is it enough to pay on behalf of this young man?"

Madam Mu Rong's gaze was filled with greed as she subconsciously swallowed. "It's enough. It's enough."

In front of money, people's expressions would always turn ugly.

Some of the guests saw the amount of red notes and also felt moved.

At this time, Madam Mu Rong could not be bothered about her image. She quickly knelt on the floor to grab the cash whilst shouting: "It's mine, those are all mine!"

They had come to celebrate his performance, yet the dinner ended in a foul atmosphere.

The scholar felt his anger worsening.

There was a hundred dollar bill right under Lu Ziheng's feet. Madam Mu Rong was still kneeling on the ground as she clasped her hands together to say: "Please lift your feet for a bit." It seemed she completely forgot how she had threatened Lu Ziheng earlier.

The scholar found this especially humiliating.

Meanwhile, Shen Haotian turned and shoved another thousand dollars to the manager. "Remove the decorations by the entrance. Also, I don't wish to see these people again."

"Wait." Lu Ziheng, who had been silent the entire time, suddenly cleared his throat. "They haven't apologized. They can't leave."