"Are You Trying to Ask if I'm Dating?"

In the summer, the rain came quickly and left just as fast.

Shen Haotian watched as Lu Ziheng left, falling into deep thought.

After the rainstorm, the streets in the evening were slightly chilly. It was exactly 8:00 p.m. when Shen Haotian arrived back home.

The lights on the second floor were still lit. Shen Haotian watched as his daughter worked hard, and he was simultaneously comforted and in heartache.

"Huan Huan." Shen Haotian warmed up a glass of milk before knocking on Shen Qinghuan's room door. "Dad is coming in."

Shen Qinghuan was in the midst of memorising vocabulary. She saw her father coming in and subconsciously thanked him.

Hearing this, Shen Haotian was nearly moved to tears. Although he had only started bringing his daughter her milk in the past two years, his daughter's appreciation was sufficient to overwhelm him with joy.

"Hehe." Shao Haotian was a little shy. "What's there to be polite about with your own father."

Even though Shen Haotian had charged into the business world right after obtaining his undergraduate degree, he was still able to provide some guidance for his daughter's learning. "If you have any difficulties with your studies, you can always ask Dad."

"En." Shen Qinghuan nodded obediently. She drank the milk and it warmed her body up.

Normally, Shen Haotian would receive the empty glass and instruct Shen Qinghuan not to sleep too late. However, Shen Haotian's actions were a little different today. He took the glass cup from her but hesitated to leave.

"Dad." Shen Qinghuan lifted her chin and placed her vocabulary textbook down. "Is there something you wish to say to me?"

"Was I that obvious?" Shen Haotian scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

What do you think!

Otherwise, why would you be standing there so stiffly with an empty glass cup? QAQ

Shen Qinghuan naturally did not verbalize the humorous thoughts she had. After all, Shen Haotian was the father who doted on her dearly. She could not be disrespectful.

After having gone through one life, she understood that words were at times even more powerful than actions.

Shen Haotian hesitated for a long time before he eventually decided that the indirect way was the most suitable. "Huan Huan, today, when Dad was handling a business gathering, I met a pair of middle school juniors from A School. The two of them were really physically intimate…"

"Dad knows that you're not them, but…"

Shen Qinghuan appeared helpless. Her silly father always considered her feelings whenever he did anything.

"Dad." Shen Qinghuan quickly cut off Shen Haotian's indirect words. "Are you trying to ask if I'm dating?"

Shen Haotian was seen right through, glancing upwards at the ceiling unnaturally.

"I can clearly tell you that I am not."

When Shen Haotian heard Shen Qinghuan's words, his eyes lit up. Given how firm his daughter was, he was certain that his worries had not come true.

Besides, the boy he met at the hotel today also informed him that the two of them were only school mates.

Shen Haotian sighed. As he grew older, he was truly prone to thinking too much.

"Oh. By the way." Before Shen Haotian left, he suddenly realized there was an important matter to be done. He brought out a well-kept notice letter. "Huan Huan, you don't have to be too worried about the release of your examination results tomorrow. Dad has discussed with School A. I've also obtained a notice letter from them. All you have to do is attend class at School A from next month onwards."

He continued instructing: "Tomorrow, your Mom will definitely reprimand you for your results. Don't talk back against her when that happens. You know that ever since she graduated with her doctorate's degree, she's always prioritized studies. Although her words are harsh, she has the best intentions for you."

Shen Qinghuan nodded obediently.

After Shen Haotian left the room, she carefully checked the notice letter from School A.