Charging into the Advanced Class With Her Own Abilities

Just like how certain details had changed, this notice letter was also different.

Father Shen must have taken this notice letter from the principal himself. However, he did not check to see that his daughter had actually made it into the advanced class.

Every year, School A guaranteed positions for the group of most outstanding students, including Lu Ziheng, into the advanced class. The remaining spots were then distributed by selecting the best performing students across the entire city.

Thankfully, Shen Qinghuan had woken up with sufficient enough time to work on her English paper. If she had estimated correctly, then she would score around 560 points.

The next day.

The Shen family's landline had been ringing from downstairs all morning.

The noise caused Shen Qinghuan to wake up with a headache. She was still dressed in her pajamas as she struggled to climb out of her bed with a yawn.

Madam Yan Ruyu charged into her room with an expression that was difficult to describe, and she appeared especially agitated. "Huan Huan ah~"

However, Shen Qinghuan had just woken up and was slightly dazed.

"Mom's good daughter!" Madam Yan Ruyu had never spoken these words to Shen Qinghuan. She held Shen Qinghuan tightly in her arms. "Tell me, have you been studying hard for the past one month?"

She already called it.

She herself had graduated with a doctorate degree. Back then, Shen Haotian had also given up the opportunity to enter one of the best universities in the country to enter the business world. They were a family of intelligent people, so there was no way they would give birth to a child who couldn't study!

Shen Haotian had just returned from his morning jog. At first, he had planned to avoid the busybodies asking about Shen Qinghuan's disastrous results.

However, he did not expect his own wife to call him repeatedly, insisting that he immediately return home.

Shen Haotian felt that there was no way to run away from this matter. Thus, he returned home with a heavy heart.

"Xiao Yu?" Shen Haotian did not find Yan Ruyu in the living room and began worrying that his daughter was in trouble. He ran upstairs and watched as his wife held Shen Qinghuan to the point where she could barely breathe. He shouted, "If you're upset, you can take it out on me! I was the one who obtained the notice letter through my connections!"

Yan Ruyu also realized that she was being far too agitated. After all, she had never seen Shen Qinghuan obtain such a score. She was even more excited than when she previously earned her doctorate degree.

As Yan Ruyu listened to her husband's ramblings, her expression was covered in question marks.

"I, yesterday, I found the principal and threatened him as a stockholder-" Shen Haotian grew nervous with the way Yan Ruyu was watching him. Although his legs were trembling and he was stuttering, he insisted on protecting Shen Qinghuan. "This, this matter, Huan Huan doesn't know about it…"

"What are you talking about?" Yan Ruyu was angered to the point of wanting to laugh. "Huan Huan has scored third in the entire city. Is there a need for her to take the back door?"

She was afraid she had truly married a fool!

Shen Haotian and Shen Qinghuan: "???"



Yan Ruyu brought out her phone to show them the photo she had screen captured.

Full marks for the exam was 580. Shen Qinghuan had lost two marks for Chinese and five marks for English. In all, she scored 573 points!

For a moment, Shen Haotian thought he had gone blind.

Shen Qinghuan also took a sharp breath. She had scored ten more points than she expected.

After all, in her previous life, she had intentionally pretended to be a fool to draw Wen Huaibei's attention. Even when she entered a vocational school, her grades had been the best in that school.

She had the genes from her outstanding parents and was innately intelligent. Therefore, for Shen Qinghuan, the contents of a middle school curriculum was a piece of cake.

Thus, in the past, she had to work very hard to write the wrong answers in her examinations.

"Huan Huan, what do you crave? Mom will cook for you today!"

The father and daughter pair had been immersed in the joy of the news. Yet when they heard that Madam Yan Ruyu wanted to cook, their lips twisted.