
"There aren't many team warm-ups before the University Soccer League. Everyone, do your best," Wu Youming, as the captain, told his team members.

Soon, Anxi City University Summer Soccer League was about to begin. Coach Wang Tie had already prepared several formations. The school soccer team now had a total of 25 members. Whether it was defensive counterattacks, full offensive, or defensive tactics, Wu Youming and Lu Ang were fixed in Coach Wang Tie's mind.

This time, the players were also divided into A and B teams. This time, Lu Ang and Chang Yu were in Team A, while Wu Youming and Ai Wu were in Team B. In this way, Zhang Yu would be challenging Wu Youming's goal post, while Lu Ang would be a defense player.

Chang Yu said, "This is rare; Wu Youming and I are in different teams."

Lu Ang said, "Then we'll work hard. Try your best to score. I'll do my best to defend against Han Yuan and try not to give Ai Wu any chance."

Chang Yu nodded. "No problem. I trust you, my defender."

"He seems to be a little stronger than before," Xia Mengyin said to Zhang Yu beside her. She looked at Lu Ang, who was slightly fatter than the one she saw on the training ground. He was also tall and looked like a wall on the training ground.

Zhang Yu replied, "Tsk tsk."

Wang Yiyi said, "Isn't that bespectacled man trying a little too hard? Just now, the ball hit the side of his glasses. He clearly saw the ball coming for him, but he hit it out of the sideline."

Xia Mengyin replied, "That's a conditioned reflex."

Lin Yunai questioned, "Reflex?"

Xia Mengyin's hand suddenly reached out to Lin Yunai's eyes. Lin Yunai immediately blinked.

She continued, "When I reached out my hand to your eyes just now, you subconsciously blinked. This is called reflex. It's a natural reaction of humans. Similarly, if we were on the training ground, most of the time we would subconsciously dodge the ball when it came over. But the players are different. They have been training with the ball for many years, so they have already developed a habit. For instance, when the ball comes over, how do I receive it and pass it out? His reflex earlier was conditioned. Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't dodge the ball."

Her roommates nodded. Actually, they did not know much about physics either. Xia Mengyin continued, "This is also a type of ball sense. It's very important in a match."

Lin Yunai said, "But people like us who wear glasses when we're nearsighted will definitely subconsciously protect our eyes."

Xia Mengyin said, "It's alright, their glasses are specially made. They're different from our glasses. Look at Lu Ang's glasses, they're obviously attached to his face. Furthermore, there are soft supplementary materials hanging from his ears to the back of his head, making it difficult for his glasses to move around. However, this is just a rough study. I haven't studied the sports glasses yet. Previously, I said that he would give me a spare pair tomorrow, but he hasn't replied whether he has time tomorrow."

Wang Yiyi said, "Hey, hey, that's Lu Ang, who Zhang Yu said was flirting with Yinyin on the training ground."

Zhang Yu laughed. "Haha, right, that's Lu Ang."

Xia Mengyin was helpless.

Zhang Yu said, "Yinyin, how do you think Chang Yu is playing now?"

Xia Mengyin said, "Huh? You're starting to care about him again?"

Zhang Yu sighed.

Xia Mengyin said, "Chang Yu's speed is not bad; it's considered normal. But his technique is a little lacking. However, his rough attacking style is still acceptable. It's just that if he encounters a technical rear guard, he will be at a disadvantage."

At this moment, Lu Ang ran like a bolt of lightning on the field, quickly receiving the ball from the winger. Then, he tackled his way through with the ball, coordinated with the forward, and fired a long pass, sending the ball to Chang Yu's feet.

Xia Mengyin said, "Wow, good job. So handsome~"

Zhang Yu nudged Wang Yiyi and Lin Yunai who were beside her, signaling them to look at Xia Mengyin, hinting that Xia Mengyin's reaction was not normal. It was a look of infatuation.

Lu Ang was tall and had outstanding explosive power. His speed was also faster than those in the same position.

Half time.

Lu Ang said, "Chang Yu, don't you think it's a pity for you to miss the chance to score just now? Actually, you only need one foot to protect the ball, and use the other foot to bring the ball over to fool Jiao Wu. That way, you won't give the captain any time to react and block the ball."

Chang Yu sighed. "Indeed, my skills are lacking."

Lu Ang said, "It's fine, it's nothing much. It's a normal phenomenon. This also shows that the captain is really good at guarding the goalpost. We just need to work hard in the future."

Ai Wu ran over to Lu Ang and the rest. "Lu Ang, you're really too scary. Why are you even faster than before? I can't even pass the ball to Han Yuan."

Lu Ang smiled and looked at Xia Mengyin. At that moment, Xia Mengyin was still wearing her hat. She had already moved from the side of the stadium to the spectator stand, as if she was talking to someone else.

He didn't notice the stadium too much, but when he stopped, he saw Xia Mengyin from the corner of his eye. She was watching the field seriously.

Lu Ang did not know if she was looking at him, but he felt an inexplicable power when she was around. Moreover, he had not seen her for almost a week.

Chang Yu went to Lu Ang's side. "Are you really interested in their class beauty? Why do you keep staring at her?"

Because behind Xia Mengyin was Wang Xinyue.

Lu Ang shook his head and turned to his teammates. He took a sip of water. "No."

Chang Yu thought to himself.

Oh, Lu Ang, as expected. No matter how honest a man is, he will never be able to get past a beauty.

Earlier, before the warm-up match started.

The team members saw a group of girls coming to the training ground. Xia Mengyin could not be more familiar with them. Zhang Yu and the rest were familiar too, but the others had a vague impression of them.

Lu Ang stared at the girl beside Xia Mengyin. This person's face was a little familiar. Who was it? He looked at Xia Mengyin beside her and suddenly remembered.

Chang Yu saw that Lu Ang was staring at a certain spot, so he nudged him with his shoulder. "Why? Are you interested in that beauty? That's Wang Xinyue, I think she's their class beauty."

Lu Ang became serious. "No, I was just in a daze."

When he heard Chang Yu mention the class beauty, Lu Ang suddenly remembered. Wasn't this the girl who he saw placing Xia Mengyin's resume in the trash bin a month or two ago? She was indeed pretty, but he really didn't like her.

If that was the case…

Chang Yu said, "You have to give me a chance in the second half."

Lu Ang replied, "What are you mumbling about?"

Chang Yu said, "Sigh, you don't understand. Because my ex-girlfriend is here. I didn't play well in the first half, so I have to perform well in the second half."

Lu Ang frowned. He should have no distractions when he stepped onto the field. However, Chang Yu had indeed said before that there were many seniors who played soccer for the sake of the audience.

What about him? He didn't have any ideas.