Her Desire to Protect

Lu Ang subconsciously glanced at Xia Mengyin. He did not realize what he was thinking.

Chang Yu saw Lu Ang's ball trajectory, so he also ran to meet it. He thought that no matter what, he had to score… but in just one second of hesitation, the ball was cut off.

Lu Ang quickly reacted. He couldn't let them have the chance to counterattack, so he swiftly retreated. Chang Yu also noticed that something was wrong, and he also went back.

Lu Ang hit the ball with his head, but just as Chang Yu was looking at the sky preparing to receive it, Team B's teammates also came up.

On the field, there was of course no retreat. In the match, Lu Ang and Ai Wu stepped on each other's feet and fell. Coach Wang Tie looked at the time. There was still 20 minutes to go, but when Lu Ang took off his sock, his ankle was indeed a little swollen.

Xia Mengyin saw Lu Ang fall and her hands were sweating nervously.

Coach Wang Tie signaled for everyone to stop.

At this moment, Chang Yu's nose started bleeding again.

Zhang Yu stomped her feet anxiously.

Xia Mengyin saw and thought to herself.

She still likes him.

Coach Wang Tie waved at Xia Mengyin.

Xia Mengyin dragged Zhang Yu to the venue while Wang Yiyi followed behind with her camera.

Coach Wang Tie said, "Chang Yu is only having a nosebleed. You know how to deal with it, right, Mengyin?"

Xia Mengyin nodded.

Zhang Yu could tell that Xia Mengyin was worried about Lu Ang, so she said to the coach, "I'll help Chang Yu fix his nose. I know how to do it too."

Xia Mengyin said, "Coach, I'll bring Lu Ang to the hospital."

Wang Tie looked at Xia Mengyin, who was a head shorter than Lu Ang.

Lu Ang said, "It's alright, Coach. My leg is fine. Let her take me, and don't send anyone out again. The training isn't over yet."

The others on the field began their formal training.

Wang Yiyi said, "Wow, Yunai, what's going on between the two of us? It's our first time here to watch soccer practice, but what's with the injuries?"

Chang Yu shouted at Lu Ang's back, "Don't worry, I'll help you."

Xia Mengyin said, "Just grab my shoulder."

Lu Ang tried to place his elbow on Xia Mengyin's shoulder for support, but his height was indeed a little uncomfortable. Xia Mengyin stopped, pulled his arm, and placed it around her neck and over her shoulder. "This way, your arm will be more comfortable, and I can use more strength."

Lu Ang said, "Okay."

Due to his training, his body was covered in sweat. Now that he was leaning against Xia Mengyin's tiny body, he was actually a little… embarrassed. However, Chang Yu had said before not to let down a girl's good intentions.

Actually, Lu Ang felt that he could walk without her help.

Xia Mengyin asked, "How's your ankle? I hope it's just a superficial wound, or it'll be very serious."

Lu Ang said, "Haha, don't worry, this injury is nothing to me."

Xia Mengyin said in a serious tone, "I can't believe you can still smile. Do you know how a broken ankle affects soccer players? It's very serious."

Lu Ang said, "Thank you. But this is really fine. It's not serious." For some reason, Lu Ang, who had always cared about his injuries and illnesses, actually laughed out loud.

After a while, Xia Mengyin finally "transported" him out of the training field.

Xia Mengyin took off her cap and handed it to Lu Ang. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and said, "If we continue like this, we won't be able to reach the hospital in an hour. What should we do?"

Lu Ang said, "It's alright. There's no need to worry." He did feel that there was nothing wrong with his feet, and his bones were denser than others.

Xia Mengyin thought that he was being really calm, while she, as an observer, was worried.

Just then, someone stopped the bicycle outside the training field. Xia Mengyin told Lu Ang, "Sit by the roadside first."

Lu Ang saw her run over to the person. After a while, she pushed a bicycle over.

Xia Mengyin patted the back seat. "Sit here, we'll reach the hospital in less than 10 minutes." She helped him to the back.

Lu Ang said, "I'm so heavy and you're so skinny. Are you sure you can do it?"

Xia Mengyin said, "Don't worry, my legs are strong. Sit tight, I'm about to go~"

Lu Ang said, "Wait, turn your head around."

However, when Xia Mengyin turned her head, Lu Ang's neck and chin were right in front of her eyes. Oh my god, she had never seen a guy's Adam's apple so close before. So that was how it looked.

Lu Ang helped her get her hat on her head. She looked up, momentarily at a loss for words.

When she looked up just now, Lu Ang felt that her face was really cute. He really wanted to… pinch her cheek.

Lu Ang lifted his leg slightly so that it would not rub against the ground.

It was true that Xia Mengyin had never had such a heavy person ride on her bicycle before. At first, it was indeed difficult.

Xia Mengyin's speed increased and Lu Ang was shocked. Xia Mengyin's ponytail tickled his neck.

Xia Mengyin said, "I'm still cycling steadily, huh?"

Lu Ang said, "Yeah. Thank you. After all, I'm 87 kg, and you're still riding so fast."

Xia Mengyin said, "But, oh my god, you're so heavy… Luckily I'm well fed by my father's cows, that's why I'm strong enough. Oh right, if you can't sit properly, hold on to my shoulders."

Lu Ang thought about it and placed his hands on Xia Mengyin's shoulders. He felt that the tiny Xia Mengyin felt exceptionally tall and strong to him. However, what did her bicycle have to do with his father raising cows? Raising cows? What strange words were those?

Zhang Yu said, "Chang Yu, it's been five minutes. Have you rested enough? If you've rested enough, hurry back to the field."

Chang Yu replied, "Almost done, let me admire the beauty for a few more seconds."

Zhang Yu said, "I know I'm pretty, you don't have to be like this."

Chang Yu said, "I'm talking about that person." He looked at Wang Xinyue, saying, "Pretty lady, about that bespectacled guy earlier, Lu Ang, how do you feel about his skills? He might be interested in you."

When Zhang Yu heard this, he kicked Chang Yu's butt. "Hurry up and go on the field. Stop spouting nonsense and trying to be a matchmaker."

Wang Xinyue said arrogantly, "Are we recording today or not? When is Xia Mengyin coming back?"

Lin Yunai said, "It will definitely take a long time for Yinyin to send Lu Ang to the hospital. Moreover, their training isn't over yet. It will definitely take a while."

Her roommates really couldn't stand Wang Xinyue.

Xia Mengyin was the one who called her roommates and Wang Xinyue for the warm-up match today. She told them about the tasks that would be assigned to them next week and also explained some knowledge to them.


Wang Yiyi said, "Wow, can you guys walk slower? My legs are too short." She hugged the pile of documents Xia Mengyin gave her with one hand and held a sports camera with the other. With a height of 155 cm, she followed behind everyone.

Xia Mengyin said, "We're gonna be late soon."

Zhang Yu said a little angrily, "It's all because our class beauty spent too much time dressing up."

Lin Yunai deliberately slowed down her steps and walked together with Wang Yiyi. She whispered, "Hmph, why should we help Wang Xinyue hold the scripts while Yinyin holds the umbrella for her? Seriously."

Wang Yiyi replied, "Yeah."

Xia Mengyin heard them. She held her umbrella and made a "shh" gesture at her roommates. She looked at Wang Xinyue. Luckily, she was wearing her earphones so she didn't hear anything.