Not Shy (1)

"But I'm really worried. I'm just afraid ..." Su Hanyan didn't dare to continue. That was the result she never wanted to hear.

Jin Chen reached out and pulled her into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed her forehead."I know. It's useless to worry. Leave everything to the doctor."

"Yes." " Yes, " she replied gloomily. She pushed Jin Chen away gently and said softly, " We're in the hospital. It wouldn't be good if someone saw us. "

"I wanted to hug you the moment I saw you!" Jin Chen pinched her cheek with his slender fingers. " I didn't expect you to be so shy. "

"I'm not shy." Su Hanyan pointed at her own skin. " It's very thick here. I'm just worried that it'll affect you badly in the hospital."

"Thank you for thinking about me." Jin Chen smiled.

Soon, the door to the consultation room opened, and Su Hanyan and Jin Chen were called in.