Willful Little Demon King (1)

Su Hanyan knew that Tongtong wanted to eat it.

"Tongtong, Auntie wants to eat popcorn. Do you want some?" She smiled.

"Yes, yes." The child immediately nodded.

"Then wait for Auntie here. Don't run around! Auntie is buying popcorn over there. It's not far from here!" Su Hanyan pointed at the popcorn stall.

"Auntie, you go. Tongtong won't run around! I'll wait for you here obediently!" Su Tong said obediently.

"Alright, I'll do it. Wait for me!"

Su Hanyan gave Su Tong a few instructions before she went to buy popcorn. There were quite a lot of people in the queue, and it was really crowded. She had to stand for half a day with Su Tong here, so it was better to let her wait under the willow tree. She would be able to see it as soon as she raised her head.

She kept staring at that side.

Su Tong was also very obedient. She sat there obediently, alone.