Chapter 2

~Next Morning~

Jay's Pov

I turned off my alarm when I heard it go off and returned to my comfortable position when I felt what felt like a head laying on my chest. When I opened my eyes and looked down at my chest, I saw her beautiful face and remembered what had happened the night before. My lips curled into a smile. We had a great conversation, she knows how to actually have a conversation (unlike Angel), and she has a beautiful mind. C and I had an amazing night.

I kissed her cheek before whispering something into her ear. "It's time to wake up, princess."

She groaned softly, opened her eyes, looked at me, and smiled.

"Good morning." She said softly

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." I said with a smile. "You look so cute while you're sleeping, and you look awfully comfortable sleeping on my chest while snoring." I chuckled

She slapped my chest softly, blushing and giggling. "Shut up, I don't snore."

"Well, not loudly, but you do."

"Whatever Gonzalez." She giggled as she rolled her eyes.

I chuckled. When I heard someone clear their throat, I turned towards the door and saw my mother standing in the doorway..... Shit

"Mom, uh uh, good morning."

"DaShawn, who is this little girl in your bed, and who do you have in my house?" My mother, Gina questioned me while using my middle name.

"Mom, this is Cashmere, my new girlfriend," I explained nervously.

C looked at me with wide eyes as soon as I said that. Yeah, we haven't talked about it yet, and I have no idea why I said that.

C gave my mom a nervous smile.

"Hi, Mrs. Gonzalez." C said, blushing with embarrassment.

"Hi sweetie." My mom smiled at C. "Oh, she's your new girlfriend? What happened to Angel?" My mom asked me

"You know how she was, ma. I had to break it off." I said

"Thank you, Jesus; I'm glad you finally got rid of her because I never liked her." My mom said

"Mom," I said when I heard C giggle quietly. My mom hated Angel and always tried to set me up with some church girls, it was really embarrassing.

"What? It's true." My mom said,

"Well, you got what you wanted. See, I've got a good and nice girl." I said.

"Mhmm, if she's already in your bed, she's not-" My mother began to speak, but I interrupted her.

"Mom! We didn't do anything." I felt embarrassed as I looked at C. I bet she was blushing in embarrassment as she held the blanket to her face. Oh, why, Mom?

"Do you have any clothes on under there, little girl?" Mom questioned C.

C removed the blanket from her face and turned to face my mother. "Yes ma'am. We didn't really do anything."

"See, mom, please stop. You're embarrassing me." I swear I heard my mother laughing as I mumbled. Oh, that's wonderful. She finds this amusing.

"Oh, alright it's okay." My mom said this while giggling. "But Jay needs to get up right now." My mother gave me the look that scares the hell out of me.

I jumped up so quickly because I know what she means when she gives me that look. She isn't playing.

"Oh, dear God. Son, get dressed." My mother said to me, And I went to my closet to get some clothes.

"Sweetheart, did you bring any clothes for school?" My mom asked C.

"No, ma'am, I told my brother I'd be back in the morning." C said.

"Will Jay be driving you home?" My mom asked C.

"Yes, I am," I answered for C.

"Okay." My mom said

C looked around on the side of the bed for something. "Where are my clothes? I put them on the side of the bed."

"Were those your clothes?" I'm sorry; I noticed they were a little dirty and just put them in the washer."

"Oh, it's fine." C said

"I'll leave you guys alone now." Breakfast is done"

"Ok mom." I said

I walked back over to the bed and sat down next to C as my mom went back downstairs.

"I'm so sorry about my mom." I said.

"It's okay, Jay." C said

"Really," I questioned.

C nodded. "Because I have a feeling my brother will be worse than her."

"How much worse could it get?" I wondered.

"Um, he might murder you." She said

"Well, this day just keeps getting better and better." I joked.

"When he sees me in a guy's clothes. He's going to murder me. What am I supposed to tell him? I can't tell him the truth. And I've never lied to my brother before." She said this while covering her face with her hands.

"It'll be fine; just tell him what you told me last night." Wasn't your mother arguing with her husband? In theory, you wouldn't be lying to him." I said, knowing she really couldn't tell him the truth.

"Right. Okay, I'll tell him that." She said,

"Alright." I kissed her forehead. "Don't worry, okay? I'll make sure you don't see anything like that again. I want to keep that shit away from you." I told her truthfully.

She smiled softly as she looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes. "Okay. I trust you Jay"

When I heard that, it made me smile. "Good. Let me finish getting dressed, and then I'll take you home." I said as I stood up.

I put on my 1s Air Force black and white, a white t-shirt, black pants, a gold chain, and a watch.

I grabbed my keys and book bag before turning to C, who was now sitting up and checking her phone.

"Are you ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Can I borrow a jacket and a pair of sweatpants? I can't exactly go into my house in just your boxers." She said,

"Oh, right, sure." I said as I walked over to my dresser, opened a drawer, and took out a pair of my sweatpants and my varsity jacket. I went over to her and gave them to her.

"Here, and you can keep them." I told her.

"Really?" After asking, she grinned at me with that gorgeous smile of hers. "Wow. Angel didn't even get your varsity jacket. Aww, I'm special." She said this while giggling and putting on the sweatpants and the jacket.

I chuckled, then smiled. "Yeah, you are. Ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." She said,

"Let's go. Ladies first." I said.

She walked out of my room and down the stairs, and I followed her, closing my door behind us and walking to the stairs. We went downstairs and into the kitchen, where my mom was. I looked around for my dad but didn't see him; I'm guessing he's in his office or at work. My mother approached C with a plate.

"Sweetie, I made you a to-go plate since you're going home, and I want to make sure you eat breakfast." My mom said then she handed C the plate.

C smiled at my mom. "Thank you, Mrs. Gonzalez. You didn't have to do this."

"Oh, it's no problem, sweetheart, when people come to my house. I always make sure they eat." My mom said this while smiling.

My mother appears to like C, which is not surprising given that my mother is always telling me to date a girl like C. I'm glad that they're getting along.

"Alright, mom, we've gotta go." I said while kissing my mom's cheek. "I'll see you later. Love you."

"I love you, too, baby boy. Have a good day and be careful." My mom said

"I will. Come on, C." I said.

"Bye, Mrs. Gonzalez." C said to my mom

"Bye sweetie." My mom said,

C walked out of the kitchen and to the front door; I followed her, opening the door for her; she walked out, and I walked out behind her, closing and locking the door behind us. I took her hand in mine and led her to my car, opening the passenger door for her. She got into the car and I jogged to the driver's side and got in.

"So put your address in my phone." I told C.

"Okay, give me your phone, please." She said this as she fastened her seat belt.

I gave her my phone after I had it unlocked for her. She handed my phone back after entering her address into the GPS on my phone.

I began driving to C's house, then connected my phone to Bluetooth and turned on some music.

"Hey, is it okay if I eat in here? I didn't eat dinner last night, and I'm starving." C said.

"Sure." I said.

She began to eat, and I noticed she was eating as if she hadn't eaten in a week. Now that I think about it, she doesn't eat at school. We have lunch together, and every time I see her, she doesn't have any lunch; perhaps she eats at home? But every time I saw her in the hallway, she was clutching her stomach. I noticed some bruises on her legs and arms last night but didn't ask her about them because I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I'm not sure what's going on at her house, but I know one thing for sure. I'll find out.

End of Jay's Pov

Cashmere's Pov

Last night was a fairytale for me. I can't believe I got to spend time with Jay, and ugh, he was being so sweet and gentle, which is why I like him so much, but I also can't believe he's in a gang and deals drugs and stuff. He's my dream guy, and he's involved with that shit. Why, God? I know I smoke weed, but only weed and not other drugs. I mean, my mom is a drug addict, and her husband doesn't make it any better, he's the one who gives her the drugs, but I know Jay isn't like that. He promised to keep that stuff away from me and to protect me, and I believe him. That should be good, right? Lord, help me.

Jay drove up to my house, put the car in park, and turned to face me. "Would you like me to wait in the car for you?"

"Sure, I get dressed quickly, so I won't be long." I said this as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Ight baby girl." Jay said, making me blush.

"I'll be right back." I said this while smiling, opening the passenger door, exiting the car, and closing it.

Knowing my brother Tre was home, I walked up to my front door and knocked; as soon as I did, the door flew open, and there stood my brother, looking angry. Oh boy.

"Um, hey, big brother." I said while smiling nervously.

"Don't hey big brother me." Tre said while glaring at me. "Get your ass in the house right now." He moved aside so I could enter, and I walked in quickly, then he saw Jay's car and looked at me..... Crap

Tre shut the door and crossed his arms, staring at me. "Who's that? And why did I get a text from my baby sister saying she was staying at a guy's house and it wasn't one of her best friends?"

"Okay, look, Tre, don't freak out, please. Amber and Tom were arguing, and I couldn't stand it any longer, so I went for a walk and ran into Jay. He invited me to his house to hang out, and we lost track of time, and you said I couldn't walk alone at night, so Jay let me stay the night." I said

"Mm, I did say that, but you couldn't ask him to bring you home?" Tre asked

"I didn't want to come home." I said quietly, turning my gaze away from him. And I wasn't lying when I said I didn't want to return to this hell house. I could hear him sigh.

"Look, sis, I know that things are shitty but I can't lose you, I already can't get you out of this fucking house, and I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you. I don't know the guy, anything could happen to you, and I wouldn't know where you are or who you're with." Tre said.

Now I feel bad. Tre has been taking care of me since I was a baby. He's really the only family I have, and he's always protected me when Tom tried to hit me or do other things to me.

I signed and looked up at him. "I'm sorry, big brother, I didn't mean to make you mad. I should have texted you more details about where I was and who I was with." I said softly.

"It's okay, little sister; you'll do it the next time, right?" Tre asked me. One thing about Tre, he can't stay mad at me for long.

"Yes, I promise."

"Good." Tre then took a look at my clothes. His eyes snapped to me fast as hell. "Are those his clothes?! What the hell did you guys do?!"

"Tre Tre, we didn't do anything, okay? I swear we didn't; his mom washed my clothes, and Jay let me borrow some of his. We didn't do anything, and I wouldn't lie to you about that."

"You, I trust, but him?! Hell no, I don't trust him with my baby sister." Tre stated, shaking his head.

"But he didn't do anything, or at least he didn't try to do anything with me. Tre, he's a good guy."

Tre sighed after a few moments of staring at me. "What? Is he your boyfriend or something?"

"Actually... Yes, it finally happened last night, after he had been my crush since 8th grade." I said this while lightly blushing.

"Oh, that's the Jay who Kade and CiCi always tease you about being in love with." Tre chuckled.

I covered my face with my hands as I deeply blushed. "Tre shut upp."

"Okay okay." Tre said, then chuckled. "So when are you going to let me meet him?"

"After school, when he drops me off, I promise. But right now I need to get dressed for school, and he's waiting outside."

"Ight, that's fine with me. Go get dressed."

I hurried upstairs, entered my room, shut the door behind me, and began to undress.

I chose my outfit for the day. I put on a black half shirt, white jeans, my black and white Adidas, and my necklace with my name on it that Tre had made for me. I grabbed my bookbag and Jay's varsity jacket and ran back downstairs.

"Bye, big brother." I said to Tre while kissing his cheek. "Love you."

"Bye, little sister. Love you too."

I walked out and saw Jay waiting for me by the passenger door. I smiled and walked over to him. "Hey"


Jay looked up from his phone and smiled. "Hey, are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am. You didn't have to get out of the car to open my door for me." I said while smiling.

"Eh, I already let you open your door once today, and that's enough for today." He said then he chuckled while opening the passenger door.

I giggled, then I got in, buckled up, and waved at Tre as Jay got into the car, and we drove off.

"Thank you, Jay." I said while putting his varsity jacket on.

"For what?" He asked

"Waiting for me, you didn't have I know I took a long time." I smiled.

"Oh, no problem, princess." He said this while smiling back. He turned music on. We rode all the way to school in comfortable silence.

I think this could be the start of something great.

End of Cashmere's Pov.

Jay's Pov

When we arrived at school, I got out of the car and jogged to her side, opening her door for her.

"Okay, okay, I guess chivalry isn't dead." She smirked.

"Not to everyone." I chuckled and put my arm around her shoulder as I said this.

When we walked into the building, I swear everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us. People stopped moving to stare at us as we walked down the hallway. Walking her to her locker, I overheard soft whispers.

"They're really cute."

"Ooh. I see you, Jay."

"Better than his ex"

I chuckled slightly as we approached her locker. I fixed my gaze on her and all of her beauty.

Why is this girl so goddamn beautiful?

"Um, Jay?" I heard. I closed my eyes and turned around, knowing who that annoying ass voice belonged to. I opened my eyes and instantly rolled them.

"What Angel?" I questioned, annoyed.

"Um, who is this bitch?" Angel asked

"That's where you got me fucked up. Um, bitch my name is Cashmere. Got a problem?" C said

"Yes hoe. What are you doing with my man?" Angel asked

"Because he wanted a girl who wasn't a gold digger like you." C said as she smiled innocently.

I saw Kadence and Ciara coming down the hall.

"Excuse me? Please, as if he'd want someone poor like you," Angel said

C giggled sarcastically. "You don't want this problem, baby girl. Now run along."

"Honey, I've got all day. Wassup hoe?" Angel said this while getting in C's face.

"Angel I'm trying to spare you, you better go before you get hurt. Like I said, you don't want this problem. Don't try me, bitch." C said this while rolling her eyes and stepping up to Angel.

"Swing hoe! Swing hoe!" Angel yelled.

Just as C was about to punch Angel, Kadence and Ciara stopped her.

"Girl, don't do it, she ain't worth it." Kadence said.

"Yeah, come on, C, let's go to class." Ciara said.

C looked Angel up and down and said

"Yeah, you guys are right. This bitch ain't worth it. Let's go, y'all."

Cash turned to me and kissed me on the lips.

"See you later, Papi," C said while smiling, then looked at Angel and smirked.

I swear I saw smoke coming out of Angel's ears when C called me Papi. Then C giggled while walking away with Kadence and Ciara.

I stood there smirking, then, as soon as C was gone, I grabbed Angel's arm and pushed her against the lockers roughly. "Call my girl a bitch again and see what happens, we haven't been together since the 9th grade and we're not getting back together ever, okay? That needs to get through your thick skull." I said it through gritted teeth.

I'm usually not like this with girls because my mom didn't raise me like that, but Angel has been making my life a living hell ever since I broke up with her in 9th grade, ruining every relationship that I tried to have, and I'm fucking tired of it.

I'm not going to let her fuck up my relationship with C.

Angel looked at me with a terrified expression. For all the crap she made me go through, it's good that she's afraid of me. When she noticed and heard the seriousness in my eyes and voice, I smirked and let go of her arm.

Before she could say anything, I turned and walked to my first period.

End of Jay's pov

Cashmere's pov

Ciara, Kade, and I were walking to our first period, talking and laughing about the situation with Angel, when we arrived at the classroom. Ciara was the first to enter the classroom, and I was about to walk in when Kade stopped me.

"Hey C, um, Reggie told me what happened last night. Are you okay? Did you have nightmares? Did you have to take your medicine?" Kade asked, looking at me with a worried expression. She knows I get extremely bad nightmares and take medication for them.

I bit my lower lip as I looked down at my shoes before returning my gaze to Kade. "Yeah, I'm fine, K. I actually spent the night with Jay last night."

Her eyes widened, and then she smirked at me. "You spent the night with Jay, huh?" She asked, smirking. "Soo, are you still a virgin?" She laughed.

I immediately covered my face with my hands, blushing profusely. "Shut up, K, we didn't have sex," I blushed. "But we did make out, and he gave me this." I pushed my hair to the side so she could see the hickey.

She squealed quietly as she looked at the hickey. "Finally! Jay has been asking about you all the time."

I smiled and lightly blushed after hearing that, and then it hit me. She knew Jay was in a gang but didn't warn me.

"Wait, you knew Jay was in a gang and didn't tell me, Kadence?"

She bit her lower lip, looking at me. "It wasn't my place to tell you C; I mean, you liked him before he joined the gang."

I looked at her. "When did he join the gang?"

She bit her lower lip again. "He joined when you guys were in the 10th grade."

All I could say was "Oh."

"It doesn't matter C; do you think your feelings for Jay would have changed if I had told you?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No, not at all. Jay is really sweet and gentle; he treated me like a princess last night." I smiled as I remembered last night.

"See, as long as you know he's not going to hurt you, everything will be fine." She grinned.

"I guess you're right," I said, smiling. "I'm just glad your boyfriend is so protective of me; he didn't let that guy, Tysheem, hurt me."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Don't worry about Ty; he acts tough, but he's really like Ciara's and my big brother."

"Really? He definitely scared me last night." I said.

"Once you get to know him, He'll become your big brother too." She smiled while linking her arm with mine. "Ready for class?"

I smiled and nodded as we walked into class together.

I left class after my second period and began walking to my third period, which is math. Ugh, I hate math; it's so confusing to me, and I don't understand it. On the bright side, Jay is in that class too. So I could ask him for help.

Once I reached the classroom, I walked in. Then I looked around the room and spotted Jay on his phone, sitting in the back like he usually does. When he lifted his head up and saw me, he smiled and waved at me. God, I love his smile. I gave him a little wave, then, when he mouthed to come to the back, I walked to the back and sat in the seat next to him.

"Hey Papi." I smiled.

"Hey princess." He said, making me blush lightly.

I like him calling me Princess; it makes me feel special.

Then the math teacher, Mrs. Smith, came into the classroom and gave us a math worksheet to do in groups of two. I suddenly felt nervous, and I knew exactly why, then Jay saw my face.

"What's wrong, princess?" He asked, looking at me.

"Um, you might want to get a new partner." I muttered.

"Why would I get a new partner?" He asked me.

"Because I really can't understand math and don't want you to fail because of me." I muttered again.

"It's okay, a lot of people don't understand math." He said this while smiling.

I bit my lower lip and said, "You don't get it, I really can't understand it. It's just a bunch of numbers to me, it takes me longer to finish my work in this class." I said.

"I watched you struggling with your work a few times, I wanted to come up to you and ask if you needed help, but I didn't want you to see me beat someone's ass if they laughed at you." He chuckled quietly. "Do you have a medical condition that makes math difficult for you?"

I smiled at the fact that he would beat someone up if they laughed at me. That makes me feel better about telling him something that neither CiCi nor Kade know about me.

"Yes, I do... I have autism," I said, looking down at my lap and fiddling with my fingers.

I felt his finger under my chin, lifting my head up. "Don't put your head down around me. Queens don't put their heads down." He smiled.

I smiled, lightly blushing. This guy needs to stop making me blush so much.

"How bad is it? I know everyone with autism is different, and my baby cousin has it." He asked.

"I'm only a mild case; it's not that bad. Math is very difficult for me, but music helps me. I turn a math problem into a song, and I have good days and bad days, so if I come to school and I appear upset, just hold me and kiss me." I said, smiling.

"I think I can do that," he said with a smirk.

I grinned and giggled as we began working on the worksheet, and after thirty minutes, the bell rang. Everyone started getting up, and I expected Jay to get up too, but he didn't. He stayed in his seat, helping me, and it made me feel warm inside.

We stayed back for an extra five minutes, and then we finished working on the worksheet. Jay went up and gave it to Ms. Smith, and thank God, she said she would write late passes for Jay and me. We got our late passes and thanked Ms. Smith, then we walked out of the classroom.

Thankfully, we have PE together. Jay put his arm around my shoulder as we walked to the gym, and when we reached and entered the gym, I swear all eyes were on us as soon as we walked in. We went to the gym teacher, Mr. Black, and gave him our last passes.

Mr. Black didn't mind that we were late for his class; he basically let the seniors do whatever they wanted because it was our final year. P.E. is probably my second favorite class. Jay and I went to put our book bags down against the wall, then Reggie, Jesse, and DJ walked up to us.

"What's up J and C, You two are the talk of the school." Jesse grinned.

Jay and I exchanged puzzled glances before returning our attention to the guys. "We are?"

"Yeah, everyone's talking about you guys." Reggie said.

"Everyone is surprised that you walked into school with C, Jay." DJ said,

"Is it really surprising that Jay's with a girl like me? "I know I'm not exactly popular, but damn," I muttered, feeling slightly insecure, as Jay wrapped his arms around me.

"Well, it's not surprising that Jay's with you. Everyone's wondering why he wasn't with you in the first place instead of Angel." DJ explained.

"She really put you through hell, didn't she?" I asked, looking up at Jay.

Jay nodded, looking down at me.

"She made our boy's life miserable by constantly accusing him of cheating, flirting with other girls, and looking at other girls." Jessie rolled his eyes as Reggie and DJ nodded in agreement.

"You guys do know she has been cheating on Jay with that asshole Dylan since ninth grade, right?" I said, looking at the guys.

All of the guys turned their heads toward me, and I swear Jay's eyes went black when I mentioned Dylan. How do you know that? You said it as if you knew it for a fact." Reggie asked me, raising a brow.

"I caught them in ninth grade , and I wanted to tell Jay, but Dylan threatened me." I muttered, looking away from them.

"Threatened you how?" Jay asked me, his voice was low and scary.

I knew that I could tell Jay and the guys what Dylan said he and his friends would do to me. "Dylan said that he and his friends would gang rape me if I told." I muttered again.

"What!?" The guys shouted angrily.

After jumping slightly, I looked at the guys, and they looked like they were ready to kill.

Oh shit, I think I just started a war.

Hey babies, I hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving.

Here's chapter two of My Bad Boy. I hope you guys like it and don't be shy, and comment. I'd love the feedback.

I made Cashmere have Autism because I wanted try something different, please be respectful

stay bless and beautiful.

-C Love