Chapter 1

My name is Cashmere Marie. I'm sixteen, and I attend Eastside High School. This is the story of how my life changed for the better.

It was the end of the day, and I was standing by my locker with my two closest friends, Ciara and Kadence. We simply have slightly different personalities, so I wouldn't say that we are all completely the opposite of one another. Ciara is funny, sweet, and a little bossy, but you'll get used to her bossiness after spending some time with her. Kadence is a wonderful person to talk to because she is sweet and kind. She listens to you and offers excellent advice. I first met them both in the sixth grade when they both moved here, and we hit it off right away. Since I don't have many female friends, that was unfamiliar to me.

Ciara and Kadence are both sophomores, while I'm a senior. Not to brag or anything, but my two male best friends, Jacob (who everyone calls Princeton) and Jamal (who everyone calls Mal), and I skipped the eighth grade and entered high school right away.

Ciara and Kadence were standing there talking about the football game and begging me to come. I must have said no like 87 times because football is not my thing.

"Please C come on, it'll be fun. Stop being a buzzkill." Ciara basically whined while being her normal bossy self.

Kadence smirked and added, "Yeah, plus you know that you want to see Jay." I gave her the "How dare you use that against me" look as I cast a quick glance her way.

I've had a crush on Jay DaShawn Gonzalez since middle school. He's the captain of the football team, and sexy is an understatement when you're describing that boy. Do you know the "cheer captain and football captain," who are typically a power couple? Yeah, Eastside High has one. Angel Johnson, the cheerleaders' captain. She is the stereotypical bully at the school—beautiful, attractive, snobbish, rude, and with an ugly personality. Oh, and she just so happens to hate me.

I don't know why she hates me. I haven't done anything to that girl, but mind the business that pays me. But if I had to guess why she hates me, it would be because she thinks I'm out to steal Jay away from her. She's crazier than I thought if she really believes that. Jay wouldn't be interested in Cashmere 'The good girl.'

"Kade, that's so lame; you act as if I have some crazy obsession over him." I closed my locker. I looked at my best friends when neither of them responded to my question. They both had their hands on their hips, giving me that "Yes, you do." Look.

"Shut up, I don't. I already have a ton of homework. You two are aware of the fact that football is not my thing. I stated.

Kade and CiCi exchanged glances before coming back to me. "C pleaseeee, pretty please." They begged, sounding like children.

No, I jokingly said, "Later weirdos."

I was about to leave when I saw him, and I immediately stopped. Jay was talking to his friends while standing by his locker and looking absolutely flawless as usual. Until Angel approached him, I was just standing there looking at him as if I wouldn't see him again. She placed her hand on his shoulder and pecked his cheek. To avoid her noticing that I was staring at him, I quickly turned my head away.

"Bye bitches." I said this as I walked out of the building. I started walking home after pulling my phone and headphones out of my book bag. After putting on my headphones, I started my "Walk Home Playlist."

'Twenty minutes later

My mom and stepdad were yelling and cursing at each other when I got home, as usual. I jogged upstairs quickly so they wouldn't see me because I didn't feel like dealing with either of them.

I went to my older brother Tre's room to see if he was there, but he wasn't. I went to my room and shut the door behind me, assuming he was still at work. I tossed my book bag on the floor and went to my closet. I changed out of my school clothes and put on a tank top and a pair of shorts. After getting dressed, I started my homework while putting my hair in a ponytail and lying on my bed.

~night time~

At about ten o'clock at night, the screaming between my mom and stepdad was still going on. By this time, I was at my breaking point. I threw off my covers, put on my slides, and reached into my closet for a jacket. I left my room, shut the door behind me, and walked downstairs while putting my jacket on. Just as my hand touched the doorknob as I approached the door stealthily, he turned to look at me. Really, Cash? Damn it! I couldn't be quicker? I chastised myself in my head.

"Where are you going, little girl?" My stepdad asked me.

I casually uttered, "Out."

"Out where?" As he moved closer to me, he questioned me.

"I'm just going to take a walk, nothing serious. I'll be right back." I said, putting some distance between us by taking a step back.

"Like the slut that she is, she's probably going out with a boy." My mother said. She has a lot of nerve.

I muttered quietly to myself, "No, I'm not like you."

"What was that?" Walking up to me, my mother questioned. She gave me a hard slap in the face before I had a chance to react. "You little bitch, never disrespect me."

For a brief period of time, I held my cheek and gave her a brief glance. I really wanted to hit her back and drag her like she was a bitch off of the streets. Give her that quick two-piece combo with a biscuit on the side, and she'll think I'm crazy.

"Aye, chill the fuck out; she's not like you, Amber; she knows the rules." He gave me a mocking glance as he smirked at me. Have I mentioned how fucking perverted this guy is?

My mom turned to face my stepdad, her face filled with annoyance and anger. Oh, here we go. I thought to myself. "Are you now defending this slut?" My mother questioned him loudly.

Instead of letting the screaming continue, I simply rolled my eyes and left. I just didn't care as I walked around without knowing where I was going or what time it was. I just needed to get out of that house with those crazy ass people.

Before deciding to take a break, I circled the area for what felt like an hour. In an alleyway, I came to a stop and leaned against the structure. I took out my phone and checked Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. I put my phone away after spending about 20 minutes browsing Facebook posts, funny Instagram videos, and Snapchat stories.

I noticed something when I raised my head. It was a group of six guys standing around this one guy who looked pretty beat up. He appears to be pleading for his life when you look closer. A guy stepped forward, and I squinted my eyes; he looked so familiar. I took a small step closer and looked a little closer. When I recognized him as Jay, my eyes grew wide.

I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming and that I was seeing clearly. What the hell is he doing? I didn't know that he was into this stuff. Wow, you really don't know someone until you witness them acting in a way you wouldn't anticipate. I continued to watch them, and I saw Jay start talking to the guy. The man must have said something to have enraged Jay because he pulled a gun and pointed it at the man's head. My mouth was immediately covered by my hand and BOOM!

Only a few inches away from where I was standing, I saw the man's lifeless body fall to the ground. Everything appeared to have stopped around me. Unsure of what to do, I froze and screamed somewhat loudly while feeling tears stream down my face. Their heads began to turn in my direction at that point.

When I heard them running behind me, I turned around and started running as quickly as I could. I knew I needed to pick up the pace. To possibly lose them, I took a random street and then turned into an alleyway. Fuck! It was a dead end. I turned to run the other way but was tackled to the ground before I could. As if I were fighting for my life, I began to kick and scream. I feel like I might be.

End of Cashmere's pov

Jay Gonzalez's pov

A girl was standing there with tears streaming down her face after I shot the guy in the head, and I heard a loud scream. Shit shit I didn't know that anyone went to that spot at night. Fuck! What the fuck am I going to do after the girl saw that I killed that guy? I don't hurt girls. All I need to do is make sure she doesn't talk about what she saw. I'm hoping it will be simple.

She turned around and bolted. Shit

"Go after her," I told the guys.

She picked up speed as we began running after her. Damn lil' Mama is fast. I saw her running down a random street, so I followed her. She's clever because the other guys missed the fact that she ran down a different street. As I approached the alley, I slowed down because I knew it was a dead end. I have no idea how to approach her, but something about her hoodie caught my attention. Somewhere, I recognize that hoodie. It's possible that I saw a girl wearing it at school, but who? When she abruptly turned around, I stopped thinking and immediately recognized her. It was the quiet girl, Cashmere. It's hard to forget a beautiful face like hers. Since Tysheem is a hothead and will hurt her if necessary, I had to get her before one of the guys did. She was about to turn around and run the other way when I tackled her to the ground without intending to hurt her. She then began to scream and kick like it was the end of the world.

"Hey, hey, shhh, shhh, calm down, it's okay," I said, attempting to stop her from kicking by grabbing her hands and feet. "Baby girl, calm down; it's okay, baby girl," I said softly, and she stopped kicking and screaming, but she didn't calm down. Understandable

She began to crawl backward while trembling, but when she felt the cold wall against her back, she stopped. I didn't want to scare her further, so I approached her slowly as soon as she turned to face me. She looked at me as she slowly stood up. "P-p-please don't hurt me." Her cheeks were wet as she spoke while crying.

"Baby girl, I won't hurt you." She took a small step back as I approached her, causing her to hit her back against the wall. Okay, what do you want? Why did you tackle me to the ground?" She asked me

I approached her and faced her, gazing into her eyes. "Look, baby girl, you can't tell anyone what you saw back there," I said, sternly but softly. Her eyes grew wide.

She began to say, "Jay, you just killed some-," but I interrupted her.

"Shhh, I'll explain everything to you later, Ma., I swear," I said.

"Baby girl, just keep what you saw to yourself. I don't want anyone to hurt you if you don't." I said. I was being honest with her about not wanting anyone to hurt her. "Please don't say anything and just trust me." I said.

"How do I know that even if I don't say anything, you won't hurt me?" As she wiped her eyes, she questioned me.

"I promise not to hurt you, and I won't allow anyone else to hurt you because I am a man of my word, baby. I'll keep you safe, I swear. I keep the promises I make. I'll even pinky promise you." I said while extending my pinky.

I know it's childish, but I need her to trust me.

She looked me in the eyes to see if she could trust me. She appeared to be hearing a no from her mind and a yes from her heart.

"Jay, I don't know." She looked at me with tears in her gorgeous brown eyes and said, "I'm scared." She spoke with fear in her voice, and I needed to relax and calm her down. I had an idea to do that all of a sudden.

I gently pushed her up against the wall and gave her a soft, gentle kiss.

This actually worked. She returned the kiss, loosely wrapped her arms around my neck, and pressed her body against mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist and felt her body unwind.

After fifteen minutes of continuous kissing, I pulled away and rested my forehead against hers to catch my breath.

"You have my word. I'll keep you safe no matter what, baby," I repeated while extending my pinky.

She gave my pinky a quick glance before grabbing it with hers and locking them. I said "thank you" and gave her my signature smile that makes girls go crazy.

She started to wipe her eye again, but I stopped her. I wiped a tear from her eye with my thumb, staring into her eyes.

Then I thought about the kiss. Her lips were incredibly soft and sweet, making the kiss amazing. I'm not sure if she's wearing lip gloss, but it tasted like cherries.

We stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes before I smirked at her and made her blush, saying, "Come on, let me take you home." You shouldn't be out here by yourself," I said after giving it some thought. Wait, why is she out here so late by herself? "Why are you out here alone so late anyway?" I questioned her.

"My mom was arguing with my stepdad, and I didn't want to be around it," she said after giving it some thought. I stared at her for a while; I could tell there was more to it, but I didn't want to press her to tell me, so I'll leave it alone for the time being. I held out my hand and said, "Alright, well, I like walking too, so if you ever want a walking buddy, let me know." Once she realized what was going on, she reached into her pocket, pulled out her phone, and handed it to me. I put my number in her phone. "Text or call me, I don't want you walking by yourself again." I said as I saved my number under "Jayy😏" and I took my phone out of my pocket. I texted myself and saved her number under "Princess👑💖".

I handed her phone back, and she took it and looked at the contact. "Naturally, you would put that emoji," she said, giggling.

"What can I say, baby?" I chuckled while smirking. "Smirking is what I do," I said.

"Oh whatever, Gonzalez," she said with a playful eye roll.

She has the cutest laugh, and I love hearing it.

"Come on, my car is back at the spot," I said with a smile. Taking her hand in mine, I said.

She blushed and smiled when I took her hand and said, "Okay."

I smirked again, then we began walking back to the spot.

We made it back to the spot and back to my guys, who had already disposed of the body. Tysheem came up to us with a scowl on his face. Baby girl had a terrified look on her face when I looked at her. In case Tysheem tried anything, I gently pushed Cash behind me.

Tysheem questioned angrily, "Man, what made you bring her back here?"

"Ty, don't worry about her; I've got her."

Tysheem growled, "Man, you should've let me do it. I would've made sure that bitch didn't say shit."

Baby girl grabbed my arm tightly, and when I saw how terrified she was, I was furious.

I confronted him and said, "Ty, I said I got it, you're not going to do shit to her."

In front of me, he questioned, "And if I do?"

"Man, if you touch her, I'll kill you. Try me if you want Ty," I said as I glared at him.

He started to say something, but Reggie cut him off.

Tysheem was pushed away from me by Reggie, who yelled at him, "Aye, Tysheem, chill the fuck out. You're scaring her; that's not helping at all man."

Baby Girl wouldn't look at Tysheem when he turned to look at her from behind me. He probably picked up on the fact that she was afraid.

Tysheem walked away from Reggie, saying, "Whatever."

Reggie recognized Baby Girl the moment he saw her, and I could tell he was angry because his jaw clenched.

"C? What the hell are you doing outside this late at night? Reggie said to her, "I told you before, it's dangerous for you to be out here by yourself," as if she were his younger sister.

Baby girl looked at Reggie before sighing softly, "I know Reggie, I'm sorry." She spoke softly, "You know how Amber and Tom are. I couldn't take the arguing anymore."

"How do you know Baby Girl, Reggie?" I raised an eyebrow at him. I asked him, feeling slightly jealous.

He looked at me and said, "She's my girlfriend's best friend," before raising an eyebrow and asking, "Why are you calling her baby girl?"

"I kissed her to calm her down because she was terrified. The fact that I continue to refer to her as my baby girl seems to calm her down." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

His eyes widened, "You were her first kiss?! Man, she's not one of the slutty girls at school. He looked at me. "You can't treat her however you want." He said this while stepping up to me. He knows I've cheated on my "girlfriend" and broken a few hearts.

He was acting like a big brother, protecting Baby Girl like she was his little sister, and I can respect that.

His protectiveness made Baby Girl smile. "It's okay, Reggie. He's not going to hurt me, unlike some people." I could tell she was talking about Tysheem when she mumbled that last line.

After giving her a few moments of his undivided attention, Reggie sighed deeply and then turned to face me. "Aye, J bruh, are you sure she won't say shit?" He asked me. "I can't hurt her because she's Kade's best friend, and I'm not going to let any of you hurt her." He said this while glaring at Tysheem.

"Yeah, bruh, I got her. I'll keep her with me." I said to Reggie before turning to face Tysheem. In case you missed it the first time, I'll repeat myself. If you touch her. I'll kill you." I told him truthfully.

"And I'll help him." Reggie said, looking at Tysheem. "Alright boss, just make sure you got her. Just chill out, Ty. You know Jay keeps his word." Reggie told him.

"Whatever, bruh. I'm outta here; I'll see y'all tomorrow," Tysheem said, dapping us all up.

"Aye, you guys better be at the spot tomorrow." Reggie said to us before turning towards Baby Girl. "Do you want me to drop you off C? You know I don't live far from you." He asked her.

"No thanks Reggie," Baby Girl said. "Jay is dropping me off."

"Alright, I'll see you at school then. C, don't let me catch you walking alone at night again." Reggie said this to Baby Girl before walking to his car.

"Alright, who am I dropping off?" I asked

DJ said, "Me, Jesse, and Jacob."

"Ight. You good, bro? Even though this guy is currently irritating me, I asked Tysheem. I needed to make sure he didn't do anything crazy to baby girl.

"Yeah, I'm straight," Tysheem said as he walked away.

"All right," I said as I opened the passenger door for baby girl; she got in, I closed the door, and I walked to the driver's side to get in.

Jesse, DJ, and Jacob climbed into the back seat, and I drove away.

"Aye, bruh, are you sure you've got Shawty under control?" Jesse questioned.

"You know I got a name Jesse," Baby Girl said, giving him a quick glance.

Jesse smirked and said, "My bad. Aye bruh you sure you got Cashmere under control?"

Baby Girl glared at him through the mirror. "Don't start with me, Jesse," she said, smirking. "Don't use my government name like that before I tell your girlfriend."

Jesse became quiet, while I, Jacob, and DJ laughed, and baby girl giggled.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," she giggled.

Jesse rolled his eyes. "Girl, nobody is scared of CiCi," he said.

Right, yeah. Whatever Jesse" Baby girl said

"Yes, bruh, I got her. She won't say shit," I chuckled at them and told Jesse

"You'd better keep her close because Tysheem might try something." Jacob said as he lit a blunt.

Jacob took a hit and then gave it to DJ.

"Yeah, you know that dude is crazy." DJ added.

"Y'all really believe he's going to try to hurt her?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah, that dude is crazy, and you know he doesn't want anything to go wrong, especially if it has to do with him possibly getting into trouble." DJ said as he handed Jesse the blunt.

"Yeah, and how do you know she won't say anything anyway?" Jacob questioned

Baby girl blushed as I smirked at her, saying, "Because we got an understanding." I told them. It became quiet. When I turned to face them, they all burst out laughing.

"Man, an understanding? You barely know the girl, and you never speak to her at school." DJ continued to laugh.

Baby girl rolled her eyes as she looked out the window while covering her head with her hood and crossing her arms. That bothered her.

"What? Do you have a secret crush or something?" Jesse asked passing the blunt to DJ

"I mean, she's cute, and I like the way she dresses. And she seems cool and chill as fuck. So maybe I do." I admitted it.

Knowing that baby girl had heard that, I cast a quick glance her way. She was still looking out the window, but I noticed a big smile on her face.

"And Angel?" DJ questioned as he handed me the blunt.

I asked, "What about her?" after letting the smoke out of my mouth. I asked

"Bruh, is that your girlfriend or some shit?" He asked.

"Nah, I've broken it off with her. She's too much. All she wants are these pockets and this dick. I need more than that." I said, then hit the blunt again.

"Damn, so you like C?" As he took the blunt, Jesse questioned me.

"Yes, I do, and I'm sure as hell I'm not going to let Tysheem's ass touch her." I said as I approached Jacob's home.

"Well, shit do what you gotta do then. I'm about to call my girl." Jacob said this while dapping me up.

"Alright then, bruh." I said

"Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow. Bye C" Jesse said dapping me up

"Bye Jesse" Baby girl said

Jesse got out, then DJ got out. Thank God they live on the same street.

"Bye guys" DJ said to us

"Bye DJ" Baby girl said

"See y'all later." I said while pulling off. I made the decision that the baby girl should spend the night with me after giving what they said some thought.

I told her, "You're staying with me for the night, baby girl."

She gave me a glance. "Why?" She questioned me

"In case Tysheem tried to do anything to you," I decided to tell her the truth. I doubt he will; he knows better than to cross me, but just in case."

"Okay, let me text my brother," she said while taking her phone out of her pocket.

I drove up to my house, turned off my car, and got out. I jogged to the passenger side and opened the door for her.

"Oh you're a gentleman too" She said and giggled than she got out

"Only to the beautiful girl right here," I chuckled as I shut the door.

She blushed, and I smirked before grabbing her hand and leading her to the front door. I unlocked the door, let her in first, and followed her in. But before I went in, I checked to make sure no one was around.

I closed the door and locked both locks. "Come on, let's go to my room." I said. She nodded,

"After you." I said, letting her go upstairs first.

I told her as she went upstairs, "My room is on your right." She walked in after making a right turn and opening my door. After I entered the room behind her, she said, "Nice room." She said

I replied, "Thanks."

"No problem. Do you have anything I could sleep in?" She asked me

I went to my dresser, opened a drawer, and took a pair of boxers out of it and handed them to her.

"Pick any shirt you want from my closet," I said.

She opened my closet after going to it. "Hey, can I wear your football jersey?" She asked me. I was surprised that she chose my jersey.

"Sure, if you want." I said

She said, "Yay," with a slight smile.

"I'll be right back," I chuckled. "You are welcome to use my bathroom to shower." I said this as I reached for a pair of basketball shorts.

"Okay," she replied.

I entered the shower after going to the guest bathroom. I got out of the shower after twenty minutes, dried myself, and put on my shorts. Baby girl was laying on my bed when I got back to my room, wearing only my boxers and jersey.

She looks so good wearing my jersey that seeing her curled up on my bed turned me on. I quietly groaned to myself.

She sat up when she turned to face the door and saw me standing there looking at her. "Hey."

"Hey, baby girl." I said as I made my way to my bed and seated myself next to her.

"So, I have a question." She said.

"What's up, baby girl?" I said

"Did you mean when you said you'd protect me no matter what?" She questioned me while looking at me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

"Yes, I did, and I put that on me." I told her as we looked into each other's eyes for a second, and I don't know what came over me, but I kissed her again. She was taken aback at first, but she eventually kissed me back. I used my body to push her back before climbing up on top of her.

My hands traveled down her body and grabbed her ass. She let out a small moan before realizing what she had done. She pulled away from the kiss.

"Wait," she said. "Are you really done with that bitch Angel? Because I don't have time to catch a case for beating a bitch's ass." She stated

I laughed and licked my lips. "Yeah princess. I'm done with her. The girl that I want is right here." I said

She blushed and smiled, and I smirked and kissed her again. We started kissing for ten minutes before I decided to take things to the next level. I moved my lips to her neck and began kissing and sucking on it, and her hands went to my hair, gently gripping it.

"Jay wait," she moaned softly.

"Yes, baby?" I said, lifting my head slightly.

"Can we take things slowly? I'm not the type of girl who will sleep with just anyone. "I'm a virgin, and I don't want to be a one-night stand." She stated

"Of course, princess. Look, I'm going to be honest with you. I've always had a secret crush on you. I just assumed you didn't like guys like me. And I'm not just looking to fuck. Since we're going to be around each other a lot, I figure we should get to know one another. I said

"You like me too?" She questioned as if she didn't believe me.

"Too?" I asked, "Ohh, so you think I'm cute and you like me." I smirked at her.

She giggled quietly. "Shut up, but yeah, I thought you didn't like girls like me," she said.

"Well, now you know, see what happens when we talk. I'm sorry if kissing your neck made you uncomfortable; it won't happen again unless you want it to," I said.

"I mean, I didn't mind it, but I just wanted to let you know." She smirked

"You had to let me know, huh?" I asked her with a smirk while giving her neck another kiss. "Just let me finish something." I muttered as I sucked on her neck.

"Okayy," she moaned quietly.

I ain't gonna lie. The way she was moaning was turning me on. I bit my lip as I pulled away from her neck after leaving a huge ass hickey on it.

"You might want to wear your hair down tomorrow." I chuckled

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Thanks a lot. How am I going to explain that to my brother?" She asked, giggling.

I shrugged, "Say a big ass bug bit your neck." I said

She looked at me for a few moments before we both burst out laughing, "Oh you got jokes now." She laughed.

"Yup," I said, chuckling. "We should get some rest. We have school in the morning." I said as I rose from her and lay down next to her. I draped the blanket over us, turned off my lamp, and wrapped my arms around her.

She turned around to face me. "I'm not going to lie, I can't sleep."

"Well, we can stay up and talk until you do." That way, we can get to know each other better." I suggested

"I'd like that," she said with a smile.

We talked for hours until we both fell asleep. I swear if anyone tries to hurt this girl they have to get through me because I think I really like her.

Hey babies, here's the first chapter of The Bad Boy's Good girl. Let me know your thoughts.

Stay bless and beautiful.

-C Love.