Chapter 1: Xinjiang Village, By the river.

A dozen villagers formed a circle, and a young girl lay on the ground. The girl's whole body is wet, thin clothes stick on her body, showing her exquisite body. Among the villagers, there were several men who greedily looked at the beautiful curves of the girl. Seeing this, the women next to them suddenly pinched the men around them, which made them more restrained.

The villagers pointed to the comatose girl and talked about it. They looked at her with contempt and hostility in their eyes.

"Yao'er, she won't die, will she?" A woman took another wet girl's hand and whispered.

The girl's eyes flashed a moment of confusion, whispered: "it should not. There was still air just now

Qin Yao showed a ferocious sneer at the girl on the ground when they didn't see her. When people look at her, she looks like a miserable woman. She sucks the air conditioning, a face wronged to wipe tears, lets those watching her grow up elders heartache unceasingly.

"Girl Yao, stay away from this vicious woman. You're young. She almost killed you just now. " Said a woman, holding her hand painfully.

"Auntie, I I didn't know she was so bad Qin Yao sobbed.

"These villagers can't stay. Let's ask the village head to drive them away! One more day for her, one more day for us. It's disturbing to make such noise all day long. "

When the girl lying on the ground heard the noise, her head hurt even more. She woke up from her coma and slowly opened her eyes. When she saw the villagers standing in front of her, her confused eyes twinkled with doubts.

"What is this place? Who are you The girl, Tang Qingru, sat up and said. "My head hurts! How cold! What's going on? What's the matter with me? "

Tang Qingru, a talented doctor in the thirty first century. Since she started practicing medicine at the age of 15, there has been no disease she can't cure. Over the years, she has healed all over the holy universe, becoming the most popular woman in the Star Alliance. She is not only beautiful in appearance, hot in figure, high in IQ, EQ and medical skills, but also knowledgeable. It can be said that she is the dream lover of all men in the universe.

Just now, Tang Qingru received the interstellar communication, and then went to a medium civilized planet by spaceship from the Royal planet where she lived to deliver a woman in childbirth. Did not expect to meet the wormhole midway, she was very dangerous to control the spacecraft, which was not engulfed by the wormhole.

It's just, who can tell her where this is? How do people here dress strangely? She has been to countless planets, and has seen any stage of civilization, but she has never seen aborigines dressed like this. This kind of situation is similar to the ancient times mentioned in an ancient book. But how could it be? If it was ancient, it would not be a low civilization planet, but a primitive civilization planet.

Have you just been sucked into an unknown planet by a wormhole? No! There are hundreds of nearby planets, large and small, almost all of which are under the command of the star fighters. We will not miss such a backward planet. If there is such a planet, it will be the focus of the entire star alliance to transform the object, can not be so unknown.

And what do they mean by that? She didn't know them, but they seemed to know her. What do they mean by pointing at her like this?

"Is this girl stupid?" "She asked us who we were and where she was. How ridiculous

"She's been living here for half a year. Don't you know who we are? It's arrogant. " An old man snorted.

"These two villagers are strange. Let's leave her alone The woman beside looked at Tang Qingru sitting on the ground indifferently.

Outside the village? It means it's a village. Wai Cun people should be her. But two villagers Is there anyone else besides her?

What does it mean to live for half a year? How could she have lived in this place for half a year? Are they sure it's her?

Oh! What's the picture in your head? headache! Who's doing psychic powers to her?

"Ah! It hurts

Tang Qingru, who just woke up, cried bitterly with her head in her arms. The villagers nearby looked at her like crazy people.

A lot of weird images emerge. This is the story of a girl named Tang Qingru. Six months ago, she appeared in the village with a sick teenager. She traded her last savings, a silver bracelet, for a deserted house in the village. Since then, she and the teenager have settled down.

The boy was weak and had been lying in bed. In order to take care of her youth, Tang Qingru did not dare to go out to work. Every day she went to the mountains to dig wild vegetables, and when she found something to eat, she went back to cook it for the young man.

Tang Qingru is very cowardly and is often bullied by villagers. She won't tell anyone when she's bullied. Those who bullied her turned around and bit her. So she was not only bullied, but also got a vicious reputation.

This time, a woman named Qin Yao called her to the river. Then the woman scolded Tang Qingru and pushed her into the river. When "Tang Qingru" fell, Qin Yao was caught by her hand and then followed her down the river. The two of them struggled in the river. Later, some villagers passed by. The Qin Yao was rescued first, and she was finally rescued.headache! The girl named "Tang Qingru" has the same name as her, but it's definitely not her. Why does she have the memory of another woman in her head?

Tang Qingru spread out her hand and looked at the thick cocoon on her fingertips with a look of shock. It's the hand of a girl who is used to doing rough work. It's not the hand of a young lady who takes care of herself. Even if she practiced medicine all the year round and shuttled through the whole Star Alliance, her fingers would not be so ugly. Her skin is as delicate and smooth as white jade. How could it be like this?

She felt her cheek rough and dry, worse than her servant's skin. And the clothes on her. It was a coarse linen dress that could not be more ugly.

Did she meet the legendary parasite?

In the thirty first century, there was a group of people who were able to awaken to a special talent. Her awakening gift is medicine. And one of her friends' awakening talents is parasitism. The so-called parasitism is that when she meets danger, her soul will find the nearest carrier, and the soul will attach to the carrier, and then start a new life. They have known each other for 30 years, and her friend has changed two bodies.

She could be understood as dying when she was crossing the wormhole. At this time, she also found a body parasite. But when did she have that talent?

"Do you want to play with me like this?" Tang Qingru said: "such a backward planet, let me stay here is not life is not like death?"

Pop! A fierce slap waved on Tang Qingru's face.

The picture in her head stops. He raised his head, touched his hot cheek, and looked coldly at the woman opposite, Qin Yao's aunt Yu.

Yu Shi originally looked at her with pride, but suddenly he was stared at by her eyes and trembled in fear. She shrank her neck and instinctively stepped back two steps. But soon, she thought of something and looked at her haughtily with a stiff neck.

"You are so vicious that you pushed my Yao'er into the water and nearly killed her." Yu Shi stares at Tang Qingru and points to her nose.

"Good game. Such a vicious girl should be punished well. " A woman nearby began to coax.

Tang Qingru came back and touched her hot cheek. Her eyes narrowed slightly at Yu Shi.

The memory in her mind told her that the reason why Tang Qingru was parasitized by her was that she fell into the river and drowned. The person who killed her was Qin Yao with a sinister face in front of her.

But in the eyes of the villagers, Qin Yao is the victim. The original owner is a hostile outsider.

Yu looked at the woman who dared to look at her in surprise. Yo, this stupid girl is so good today that she dares to stare at her. Usually this kind of situation she is not tearful to swallow?

"You hit me?" "Don't you dare to hit me!" said Tang Qingru with a deep sneer

"You made Yao girl fall into the river and almost die. What happened when I slapped you?" Yu couldn't stand her eyes and felt chilly.

"Did I make her fall into the river, or did she make me?" Tang Qingru stood up slowly and looked at Qin Yao coldly. "It rained yesterday, and now the ground is still wet. We had a dispute here just now, so there must be traces of both of us here. There is a big difference between our bodies and the shoes we wear. If we really want to investigate, it's easy to find clues. What about? Dare you take us to the place where the accident happened? "

Qin Yao is just a village girl who doesn't know a word. How can she know those things? After listening to Tang Qingru's comments, Qin Yao felt guilty and did not dare to take the villagers to see any clues.

Now the villagers are on her side. Once they go to see any clues, her careful thinking will be completely exposed.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I only know that you pushed me down the river. Even this time, next time, I will never let you go. " Qin Yao pointed to Tang Qingru and left a cruel sentence with a guilty heart. She pulled the next Yu Shi and said, "aunt, let's go."

Qin Yao wants to leave, but Tang Qingru won't let her leave so easily. She staggered forward and stood in front of Qin Yao.

"If you want to leave without making it clear, who gives you confidence that I will calm down?" Tang Qingru hummed coldly: "even if you don't care, have you ever asked me if I care? It's not the first time you've hurt me, is it? Three days ago, you and some people in the village tied me up and threw me into the mud. Ten days ago, I went to dig wild vegetables in the mountains. You used bird blood to attract the wolves, which made me sit in the tree all night. The wolves didn't disperse until dawn the next day. And half a month ago A month ago... "

Tang Qingru can clearly see the memory of the original owner. Every time she said something, she felt a little angry. Qin Yao used to bully the original owner, but in her opinion, it was bullying her. Now this body is hers. When the original owner died, she would take revenge on her.

"Girl Yao Do you really do these things? " The villagers looked at Qin Yao in shock.

Qin Yao blushed and said nervously, "how Maybe? Dear grandparents, uncles and aunts, you are watching Yao'er grow up. Is Yao'er such a person? "

A little girl about the same age as Qin Yao muttered, "only you can do this kind of thing. Why aren't you such a person? ""Qin Li, don't talk nonsense. I will not do such a thing. " Qin Yao stares at the girl named Qin Li and says. "This villager has wronged me!"

"I prayed for grandma in the temple for half a year. I don't know what you have done in the past half a year. But from what I know about you, you can really do those things. " Qin Li spat out her tongue and said with disdain.