Chapter 2

Qin Li said that to Qin Yao, but Yu was not happy. Although Qin Yao was not born to her, she brought her up. In addition, the girl is good-looking, and she hopes to marry her to a rich man, so that she can exchange a large amount of money for his son's daughter-in-law. So, this girl's reputation can't be slandered casually.

Yu said bitterly: "Li girl, you and Yao girl are the sisters who break the bones and connect the tendons. The villagers don't know the origin. What are you doing to protect her? It's really chilling for you to look like this. "

Qin Li next to the young woman took her hand, whispered: "sister-in-law, this matter has nothing to do with us, do not mind your own business."

"Sister-in-law, I was listening to you, but I didn't mind my own business. This younger sister is a newcomer. I haven't been in the village for half a year. I haven't contacted her and don't understand her. Just now, all of you were dissatisfied with her. I thought there was something wrong with her. But I can't bear what my sister said. I believe what she said. She's innocent. "

After all, the villagers are not big traitors. They will protect their weaknesses and exclude foreigners, but they can still distinguish right from wrong in the face of absolute "right" and "wrong". It's just that Qin Yao is a relative of their genealogy after all. They can't say anything about her.

Before this young girl saw them always low head, a gloomy gray appearance. When they saw a young girl so gloomy, they naturally did not like her. Over time, the crowding out became more obvious.

Tang Qingru didn't expect that there were people in the village who would help her speak. No matter what reason that person helped her, she took advantage of her kindness. After all, she is weak and the villagers will not take her words seriously. It would be different if someone from the same village spoke for her.

"Grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, I, Tang Qingru, swear that everything I said just now is true. If I have half a lie, let me die. " Tang Qingru knew that ancient people were most feudal and superstitious. They believe in karma. This is still seen from an ancient book. "Qin Yao, do you dare to swear? Do you dare swear as I do? "

Qin Yao said angrily, "I don't want to say that. You You are a villager, even if you bully? I don't know where you came from. I don't know whether you are a murderer or not

Qin Yao's words can be regarded as a positive admission of bullying Tang Qingru before. Just now she was still playing the role of weak and pitiful in front of the villagers, and now she's suddenly exposing her nature. Even if the villagers want to be partial to her, they will not say that Tang Qingru is wrong at this time.

"Come on, it's normal for little girls to fight with each other. We haven't finished our work at home. Go and do it now. " A man left with a woman who still wanted to watch gossip.

With the first person who doesn't want to go through the muddy water, it's hard for others to stay. So everyone showed that they didn't want to meddle.

Tang Qingru has been observing the reaction of the villagers. Among the people who came here today, except Qin Li, who was kind-hearted, others were insensitive. They only know how to protect her, but they have never thought that she is also a human being. How unfair this obvious bias is to her.

Since others can't give her a fair judgment, let her seek justice for the original owner.

Pop! Tang Qingru slapped hard.

The slap was fierce, quick and accurate, which confused Qin Yao. She didn't expect that Tang Qingru, who always had no dignity like a dog, not only dared to talk back, but also beat her today.

Just a few steps out of the villagers heard the voice, looked back, suddenly stunned. What shocked them even more was still behind. Tang Qingru gave a slap, but he gave a second.


Third slap. Pop!

She was so quick that she gave a dozen slaps in a row. Qin Yao, who was pretty just now, suddenly had a swollen face.

"What are you doing?" Yu screamed and slapped Tang Qingru.

Tang Qingru instinctively read: "start self-defense mode."

Whew! In the Tang Dynasty, Yu Shi, who waved a slap at Qingru, didn't touch her at all, and the whole person flew out. She flew more than ten meters, hit a nearby tree and fell down with a bang.

"Ah Yu just had time to scream, and then fell into a coma.

Qin Yao, with a swollen face, stares at the scene in front of her. Like her, Qin Li, who witnessed the whole thing, was also surprised. She blinked, looked at Qin Yao, and then at Yu.

Lu Shi, Qin Li's sister-in-law, stammered: "sister-in-law, this man is too evil. Let's go. "

Tang Qingru touched her wrist, where there was a red mole. She rubbed the mole with a relaxed look in her eyes.

Just now, she just used to call out her gifted powers. After calling out, she thought, "if you change your body, I'm afraid the powers have disappeared.". The result made her overjoyed, and her powers took root in the body with her soul. That is to say, she can still be the first female miracle doctor who has her own way.

"What's going on? Can this girl do martial arts? She has lived here so long that she has never seen such ability! " The man who just left ran back.That pair of eyes full of examination fell on Tang Qingru, like a knife. However, compared with the vigilance and contempt just now, there is now fear and awe. Although it's also crowding out, fear is better than contempt. Afraid of a person, at least not dare to do anything to him. Despise a person, you can insult as much as you want, and be indifferent as you want.

Qin Yao looks at Tang Qingru in horror, her legs are soft, and she sits on the ground. She said tremblingly, "you Don't come here... "

When Yu's family fainted, Qin Yao became a pig. Tang Qingru has just merged into this body, but now she is very weak, and her head is faint because of exhaustion of strength. At this time, she just wants to find a place to have a good rest. Now that I'm angry, let's go! After all, she is just an outsider. If she goes too far, I'm afraid she can't stay here. It's not good to make people angry.

"Qin Yao, I am always generous, but you have exhausted my patience. If there's another time, don't blame me for being rude. " Tang Qingru snorted coldly and turned to leave there.

"So this girl is a martial arts expert. I was bullied by them before, but I didn't fight back because it gave us face. It seems that this girl is not a bad person. " Said an old woman. "Have we misunderstood other girls?"

"With that girl's skill, if it's really bad for us, I'm afraid we'll die early. It seems that they are really not bad people. " Another old man said, "folks, there is a big mountain next to our village. Every year there is a tide of animals. I don't know how many villagers died under the claws of those fierce animals and how many crops were wasted. It's a good thing that the girl is so skilled to stay in our village. You'd better be polite to her in the future! "

"The third uncle is right. Let's be polite to them later. " Qin Li's sister-in-law Lu nodded in awe.

Qin Li watched Tang Qingru's figure go away. There was a curious look in her eyes.

Tang Qingru walked for a while. The scenery in front of me is so strange, but I have some impression in my mind. Those impressions are the memory of the original owner.

She found a place to sit down and sighed helplessly: "if there is a spaceship, you can use it to leave the planet. How can I get out of here without a spaceship? Am I going to live here for a long time? no Such a backward primitive planet, even the most basic life can not be guaranteed. What's the point of living for three meals a day without high technology or spaceship? "

My head is getting dizzy. Tang Qingru rubbed her forehead and looked at the small house opposite.

It's her home now. There was a sick teenager at home. According to the memory, the teenager is her master, and she is his maid.

The boy was originally a nobleman. Because his family was destroyed, he escaped under the protection of his confidants. They fled all the way west to this place, and she was the only one left to follow him.

When they fled to this village, they called them cousins in order not to expose their identity. In the past six months, the boy has never left the house. Because he was originally weak, and because he was assassinated and seriously injured on the way, he is now much weaker. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid we'll have to collect his body in the next two months.

Tang Qingru doesn't want to go in. The teenagers inside are a burden. If she goes into this muddy water, she will have more trouble in the future. But now she has no place to stay, only to come back here.

"Forget it. Stay for a few days and have a look! " Tang Qingru said, toward the opposite house.

The old house is very simple. When it rains, the whole roof leaks like a hornet's nest. When it blows, it seems to blow the house down. Fortunately, it is now in spring. If it comes to autumn and winter, they will either starve or freeze to death. The original owner didn't eat for several days. He drank a bowl of wild vegetable soup to fill his stomach every day, and didn't even eat a piece of vegetable leaves. That's why it was so easy to drown.

Tang Qingru walks into the only bedroom. The little house has only one kitchen and one bedroom. There is a shabby bed in the bedroom. There is a board beside the bed. The board is her bed.

"Ah Tang Qingru looks at the boy lying on the bed. Twenty four hours a day, twenty hours of his sleep. You need to be fed when you eat. His face was very grey, and his eyes were stained green. In fact, a closer look, this young man looks very good. After all, his mother was the most beautiful woman in the capital at that time, and his father was also pianpianjia. How can such two wonderful children be ugly? "Who let me occupy your girl's body? She is most worried about you until she dies. I'll cure you and then leave! I'm more at ease in this way

Tang Qingru lay on a small board and fell asleep.

In her dream, she meets a wormhole in her spaceship, and then she is swept into a different space. Her body exploded in the wormhole and then flew into a thin girl's body as a ray of light.

That should be her soul.

The girl's soul floated up, bowed to her and said, "all my family are dead. I don't want to live long ago. Now the only one who can't rest assured is the young master. The fairy is a man of ability. Please take good care of him. The fairy's great kindness will be reported in the next life. As long as the fairy doesn't dislike Pu Liu's appearance, he will take this body! "