I woke back up in the hospital from a blissful sleep. Patients were all around with a variety of injuries. Apollo moved through helping people along with Demeter. I sat up a bit and winced, a sharp pain went through my head. It felt like needles were getting put through it.
"Damn…." I said quietly, clenching my teeth.
Apollo quickly came over, and laid me back now "you need to rest kid. You took a godly beating." He said.
Apollo's goofy smile wasn't there anymore on his handsome face. It was replaced by a look of concern that didn't fit him at all.
"Smile Apollo, I know I don't look that bad, besides concern doesn't fit you." I said relaxing.
He forced a smile, and got called away. He fluffed my pillows, made sure I was okay, and jogged away attending to another patient.
The next few hours (or days as I later learned) I drifted in and out of sleep in a blur. The only moments of clarity was when Seth and Penny dropped off flowers. They dropped off white lilies, which I hated, Seth knew that my favorite flowers were black tulips.
I also remember Hades coming by to check on me. The drifting continued on until Friday morning when I was allowed to leave. My farsighted vision was still a bit blurred, but close up It was ok. I could use a bit more ambrosia however, I don't think my body could take anymore.
Penny came in early to check up on me, "Hey Mary, you ok? I heard that Thanatos gave you quite a beating." She said.
"Yeah, I should be ok soon. That bastard ruined my favorite jacket though. Also my vision is still a little messed up." I answered.
After a bit more discussion and time I was finally able to leave the hospital per my request, thank gods, I hated being in hospitals. Apollo gave me a cane just in case, and sent me on my way with Penny to help.
"You sure you're ok Dead Hair? I saw you get dropped from quite a height." Penny said, she walked slowly beside me to make sure I didn't fall.
"Yeah, just need some new clothes, and to get back to the fight." I answered.
"You want some ambrosia?" Penny asked.
"Can't, I've had to much already..." I said, as I stumbled a bit, and Penny caught me.
Penny helped my back up to our quest room. It had maps scattered about still. The room was empty, and had weapons paired with uniforms.
"So...I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you won't have to stay in this school's sub par hospital, but the bad news is you can't exactly go home. Not unless you consent to a nurse to watch over you." Penny said.
I looked at her, and gave her the most sincere look of 'are you fucking kidding me?'.
"I know….but I was thinking and I'm technically a licensed nurse….so maybe I could watch over you. It'd be better than some random person in your room." Penny continued on.
I weighed my options carefully. Home sounded nice right now. No visitors, back in my own room, safe, and closer to Seth. However I'd have Penny Dreadful hovering over my shoulder like her mother's owl.
"Fine. Just know my mom won't be to thrilled with this. Also no hovering over my shoulder like I'm about to die, and none of that girly shit, ok?" I said.
"You got it Dead Hair! I don't like that girly stuff anyway." Penny said her face lighting up, clearly excited to go to Elysium.
About an hour later Penny had made the arrangements, and I was in my room in Elysium thanks to the Hermès mailing system. Penny walked in and looked around. She had never been in my room, and was in awe that everything was so bleak.
"Lot of black, and no sunlight can get in….no wonder you're so pale…." Penny said sitting next to my bed.
I looked at her, and shrugged, "It's a Kid of Hades thing. I don't like sunlight and most of us are pale anyway." I said smiling.
"Mind if I open a curtain princess?" Penny asked.
"Go ahead. It's almost dark anyway." I answered sitting up on my bed, and grabbing a journal.
I tried to write my thoughts, but I had no luck. My vision was still to messed up to try. Penny opened up my blackout curtains that led out to a balcony.
"Princess in fucking deed." She whispered.
"I heard that yankee!" I called out setting my journal down.
Penny came back in, and watched me for a bit "Mary, why was Thanatos so interested in you?".
"Well Persephone told me that eating pomegranate in the Underworld would essentially make me Thanatos' wife. It's a law so ancient that not even Hades could save me from it." I answered.
Penny paced around nervously for a while. She couldn't seem to stay still for long. At least until she asked me something.
"So….how long have you been at the school Mary?" Penny asked breaking the silence.
"When I was eleven I was enrolled by my mother. I started classes at twelve. I took classes for two years, and then my amazing uncle Zeus tried to kill me. When I woke up here I was told I was given a break for a year. Then I resumed classes till now. I took bounties, and worked with the legions as well." I answered setting my pen down.
"How much you make?" Penny continued.
"Honestly? Three hundred drachma on my first bounty." I answered proudly.
"Gods. What got you that much? You kill the Minotaur or something?" Penny said sitting down.
I gave Penny a knowing look and pointed to a wall with trophies mounted on to it. The first thing she noticed was a bulls horn with the mark of the labyrinth engraved in it.
"Woah….little princess can bite." Penny sounded amazed.
Penny looked through the wall and saw swords, shields, monster parts, and even some hunting trophies.
"Hey Owl Eyes. Call me princess again, and we'll spar again." I said jokingly.
We both laughed a bit at the remark. This was officially the best I've ever felt since taking the path of Orpheus.
"How'd you get all of those trophies?" Penny asked.
"Well I've killed rogue demigods who strayed from Olympus before, I've also killed monsters of all sorts, and some of the trophies I've just found abandoned." I answered.
We kept talking the day away and switching topics constantly to keep us from getting bored. I enjoyed her company, it was a nice chance of pace from being surrounded by the dead.