The storm outside continued to rage on. Penny and I were having a conversation to pass the day.
"Ok, ummmmm…favorite goddess." Penny asked looking at me.
"Hmmm….that's a tough one. Definitely not Aphrodite, so maybe Artemis. She can be kind, a bit bitchy, but kind. I also like her independent spirit." I answered.
Artemis, in my eyes, was always an impressive goddess. Harsh yet kind, strict but not overbearing, free yet responsible. She was such a contrast to her brother, Apollo, but that's what made her interesting.
"Who's your favorite god Penny?" I asked looking at her.
Penny thought for awhile contemplating her answer, "Ares, he's basically a weaker version of my mother." She answered laughing a little.
I laughed a bit at the answer as well. While Ares was a strong god he was to boastful, and it got him in trouble a lot. Athena was definitely the stronger of the two, but she was tactics and he was chaos. It was like harmony and discord.
Our conversation continued on switching topics constantly just trying to keep boredom from settling in.
"Favorite Roman legion that's not Pluto's guard." Penny asked sitting on the bed looking at the trophies on my wall.
"I trained with Neptune's Blessed, so them." I answered, I would never forget that training for the rest of my life.
"Gods that must've been intense." Penny said.
"Yeah. Hours underwater with my rebreather, and weights on my legs. Now yours, and it can't be Mars' Legion." I said smiling.
"Damn you Dead Hair. I would have to say Pluto's Guard then. The only legion where the dead have an equal say along with the living. I heard their captain died to Medusa, and was brought back to fight in that legion. A kid of Pluto who died in the eighties." Penny answered.
"Keaton Francis. Guy fights like a kid of Neptune, but he has the manners of Pluto." I said.
Penny nodded, her attention slowly turned towards the storm. The winds howl grew louder, and the room got colder.
"Persephone's still upset." Penny said.
"She'll be fine once this war is over." I replied.
Penny nodded at my statement, and went through my trophies again. The day went by quickly, and I heard guards moving about the castle more. Something about more reinforcements watching the outside. It was probably Pluto's guard stationed in Elysium for a search and rescue mission in Tartarus, or to help bolster defenses if we were attacked.
A bit more time has passed before I blacked out, and seemingly slipped away from reality into my dream.