I sat towards the back of the room with Theseus, who was staring at the Sphinx with a hand on his sword. I watched as Penny approached the Sphinx, she was careful to step over empty suits of armors and forgotten weapons, and bowed down.

The Sphinx looked up from her book, unamused that she'd probably have to to kill more demigods, and said "Hello Penny White, Daughter of Athena. How may I assist you?".

Penny looked stunned and began to ask "How did you-".

"I know everything, Daughter of Athena. I also know why you're here, someone used the path of strength to store artifacts in my friends workshop. The poor man fled after finding them there, and he hasn't been back since." The Sphinx cut Penny off with a 'Ha Ha, I know more then a child of Athena' look on her face.

"Do you know who-" Penny began, getting cut off once more.

"Only a demigod could be so arrogant, no I don't. If I knew what happened in the other paths, which is a magical black zone, I would've told Daedalus after I ripped the pathetic half-god to shreds. It has been a while since I've done that after all," The Sphinx said looking at her claws "recently I've just been melting them with a weapon Daedalus set up for me. It's to make sure no one escapes me, ever again."

Penny looked stunned and looked around the room, I did my best to follow her gaze and saw what she was looking for. How had I not noticed it before?! A large crystal sat at the top of the closed cave, at every side there was a set of mirror and a heating system that lie dormant. Daedalus had set up a system throughout this room that seemed to amplify the sun's power and could melt a demigod or two.

The only safe spot in the room from the apparent death ray was right by the Sphinx, who could easily slice us in half faster than Selene's moon blade. Of course, that might be better then getting my face melted off like a nazi in an Indiana Jones film.

"Can we just pass? We can grab the artifacts so Daedalus can come back." Penny pleaded with the Sphinx trying to make it to where she wouldn't have to answer riddles.

"I would if you had special permission from Daedalus, but you don't. So, Riddle One, I'm buried away deep underground, frightened to run from my broken crown. My mother awaits me year after year, she's only to see me when spring is near. I'm a forgotten princess lost to death, but I still live and I still draw breath. Who am I?" The Sphinx riddled.

Penny thought for a second, she sat down and her eyes couldn't keep still, "You're…Persephone" Penny said unsure of her answer.

"Correct!" The Sphinx roared happily, shaking Penny, "Riddle Two, the person who makes it has no need of it, and the person who buys it has no use for it. The person who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?".

"Easy, a coffin." Penny answered quickly.

"Correct again! Four more!" The Sphinx smiled "Riddle Three, the 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States of America had the same parents but were not brothers. How can this be possible?".

"It was the same man, United States President Grover Cleveland." Penny rapid fired her answer.

"Correct again Daughter of Athena, you're quite bright my dear." The Sphinx roared again, clearly annoyed the riddles that killed countless demigods weren't stumping Owl Eyes "Riddle Four, How can the number four be half of five?"

"Because it's written in Roman numerals or it's written as I-V!" Penny said excitedly.

"CORRECT." The Sphinx said her anger growing, "Riddle Five, it kept him steady and others away. It kept them safe and showed the way. Once thrown down upon the ground, it came alive with a hissing sound. It hit the rock as it was told. And that was when the water flowed What is it?".

"Moses' staff." Penny answered happily.

"CORRECT!" The Sphinx said her eyes glowing orange in anger, "Final Riddle, What can bring back the dead; make you cry, make you laugh, make you young; is born in an instant, yet lasts a lifetime.".

Penny smiled "Your memory."

The Sphinx stared at Penny, I could tell that she wanted to cut Penny open on the spot. I drew my weapon slowly making sure the metal didn't make to much of an audible sound when I unsheathed the weapon fully.

However, instead of cutting Penny open, The Sphinx's eyes dimmed and she said "Correct, you may now pass into Daedalus' workshop.".

All of us knew better than to stay in that room, and quickly filed into the room. At least most of us did, Theseus stayed behind where he sunk into the ground to return back to Elysium.

Daedalus' workshop looked amazing, but also made me question everything. Despite several prototypes for wings (probably because of Icarus) plans for some of Da Vinci's original inventions scattered the walls. I saw Leonardo's robot, the original parachute, a diving suit, and a small replica of the wooden fighting machine that had cannons on all sides. On the wall was also original works painted by Da Vinci including The Last Supper, before they painted over Jesus' feet, and Vitruvian Man (with some notes on the side).

In the middle of the room was some very important artifacts. A lost stockpile that included Artemis' and Apollo's bows, Hermès' staff, Hades' staff, Poseidon's trident, Athena's spear, the cup of Dionysus, and the artifact that probably scared Daedalus the most The Banner of Sparta. And I don't mean any old Spartan Banner, I mean Ares' Spartan Banner that had Frenzy and Bloodlust tied to it for his fights.

"Holy shit! Theseus?!" I heard Olivia yell.

I turned around expecting to see that Theseus had come back to the Labyrinth, but instead I saw a half dead Mino as a motionless lump in the corner. If it wasn't for him breathing heavy (and my special kid of Hades ability) I would've thought he was actually dead.