Jolly April vrs Broody guy

The sun rays peered through the window filtering the room, it's warmth hit my face making my eyelids flip right open. I squinted my eyes rubbing them with my finger.

Yawning, I sat up straight stretching my arms.

My eyes groggily glanced at the strange place I was.

Am I still dreaming? because I had this weird dream I was living in a fairy tale, and it looks like I'm still dreaming!

"Wake up April" I screamed, but I'm still in my fairy tale bedroom.

I remember something I learned from one of my favorite Tv series, Teen wolf.

I stared at my hands counting my fingers, and I was accurate.

Great! I'm not dreaming, this is surreal. My eyes widened.

How did I get here jeez? this morning amnesia of mine isn't helping.

Then all came back rushing to me.

This is my life now, it is a drastic change. I thought I could wake up feeling the coldness of an alley floor with a flimsy blanket wrapped around me.

But here I'm under a roof safe, my eyes got blurry with my tears.

I'm not going back to the nightmare my life was then, I sighed in relieve.

I jumped up from the bed with a grin on my face. I got to freshen up, in case I get surprised with breakfast in bed. I wouldn't want Suzy to see me looking like a chick from a horror movie, my morning face isn't a good sight to see, because I look horrible.

I headed towards the shower, I took a step in and suddenly I heard the squeaking sound of the door being opened.

I got startled nearly slamming the bathroom door, I quickly held the door, I took a peep, and I noticed a tall figure in black walk in. I couldn't see the face, but I'm sure it was a man.

My heart started to thumb rapidly. I firmly gripped the door as if my life depended on it.

When I thought this was my fairy tale, it had to turn into a scene from a horror film.

I took in a deep breath, reciting a mantra I often do, to keep me calm.

what should I do next?

Calm down April, think, what is the first thing you do when you are caught up in a situation like this?

I have to find a weapon to defend myself.

I glanced around thinking of what can I use as a makeshift weapon.

I quickly check the bathroom cabinets, my eyes landed on a hair clipper. This is a man's room like I did suspect. I got a lot of questions for Suzy and Mrs. Smith today.

With this I can defend myself from that intruder, it could be a burglar or a serial killer.

Maybe I should just stay here. Not a good idea either, it's a possibility he can decide to check the bathroom.

I need to get a grip. Mr. Lee's self-defense lessons shouldn't go to waste. I will go out there and show that intruder he can be a sociopath or a psychopath but I'm one crazy bitch.

I opened the door lunched forward, gripping the hair clipper vehemently.

I headed straight to the intruder screaming like those Dothraki in Game of thrones. I whacked him with the clipper, flinching my eyes.

I was going in for the second hit, and I felt a firm grip on my wrist, my wrist twisted and the hair clipper fell off.

I tried wriggling my hand free, but the grip was tight. My eyes were closed, too scared to look at the face of the intruder.

He let go of my hand, groaning out loud.

I opened my eyes, my jaw dropped.

Holy molly! I was staring at the most gorgeous man alive. I'm not exaggerating he is surely an adonis!

I was so stunned that I was staring at him in awe with my jaw dropped.

He has sharp manly features, perfect jawline, high cheekbones. He is so fucking tall and broad with the delicious kind of muscles hidden under his fine tailored suit.

He is so perfect, except for the cut I just gave him. I bit my lips staring at his dark- coal-cold eyes staring back at me with a deadly glare.


"I'm so sorry sir I thought you were a burglar which technically you are maybe because you barge in...

"Who are you ?" he asked me in a cold tone.

I was speechless

" I..."

Suzy barge in interrupting us.

"Miss April I brought you breakfast"

she paused when her gaze landed on him.

"Mr. Smith, good morning sir, I didn't know you have arrived."

Mr. Smith, whoa did I just hit Mrs. Smith's husband with a clipper?

"And who are you?"

she smiled "I'm Suzy, the new maid"

"What is this crazy woman doing in my room."

"Sir, Miss April is Mrs. Smith's guest she spent the night here "

He intensively gazed at me, making heat radiate through my body.

He clenched his fist giving me a stern look.

I surely look crappy with my curly wild hair, and I just hit him with a hair clipper.

"Another girl? an escort and a crazy one this time." he shook his head.

He called me an escort, jeez what with every guy seeing me as one.The bartender, and now him. looks like I'm cursed, I'm associated with a pimp as a best friend. At this rate I'm going to be single forever.

"Excuse me sir ... I'm not an escort... I'm ...."

"Since my space is being invaded, get the suite prepared I will be moving in today, make sure my things are moved in immediately," he instructed Suzy totally ignoring me.

Suzy nodded.

"One more thing, I need a cup of coffee. I will be in my study," he added.

"Right away sir," Suzy said 

He walked out of the room.

I gaped 

That was rude.

I stared at Suzy with my eyebrows raised.

she shrugged.

"I will be back shortly Miss April" she set the tray containing a cup of chocolate tea and omelet.

I decided to take a quick shower before Suzy comes back. I have tons of questions for her.

I'm going full Nancy drew on her.

I finished up quickly because my chocolate tea was getting cold.

I was done with my breakfast and still, Suzy was not yet back.

I was tempted to go in search of her, but with my hair dripping wet and with revealing nightgown I'm wearing, I don't want to bump into Mrs. Smith's husband. He might think I'm trying to seduce him.

I'm confused about, if he is Mrs. Smith's husband, why would Mrs. Smith allow me to sleep in his room?

"Miss April I'm sorry I kept you waiting"

"That's all right Suzy" I smiled at her

"I thought I should bring you this." she handle over a hairdryer to me"

My face beamed with relief.

"Thank you, Suzy, for that's so thoughtful of you"

"Don't mention it." I think I'm going to like her

"I need to head back to the kitchen, in case Mr smith wants breakfast"

"Suzy please don't go yet, Can I ask you a question?"


"That was Mrs. Smith's husband right?"

"Huh," she covered her mouth bursting into laughter.

"Oh Miss April, that was her son, Mr. Brad Sebastian Smith"

"Oh" I chuckled, blushing harder, Silly me, he looks too young to be her husband.

"Tell me, how is he like?"

"I can't tell miss April I just met him also. I'm very new here, I recognized him from the photos Mrs. Smith showed me"

Hmm, looks like she won't be of help to clear my doubts.

"Okay, thanks for the breakfast, it was delicious like the chocolate pie yesterday"

Her face beamed into a bright smile.

she smiles a lot

"Thank you, miss"

"I forget to mention, your things just arrived"

Thank God I was getting worried.

"I will come downstairs to get them myself."I said.

"No need miss April, it's my job to do that"

I wanted to protest, but thinking of my new housemate, I'm not ready to cross paths with him. Not after hitting him with his clipper. I should stay here, Mrs. Smith can help me give him a proper apology. I don't think I can have the courage to approach him, he looks intimidating enough.

His cold eyes alone make my legs shiver.

"Suzy, please could you handle my paintings with much caution."

she nodded heading out of my room

Oh what a crazy morning, my mind drifted to the incident.

I blushed, biting my lips, I'm wondering how pathetic I looked in his eyes.

I just hope Mrs. Smith will be here soon. or I'm going to be locked up in my room untill she comes.

The thought of facing that handsome fellow makes me quiver inside. He was rude enough.

Great I got an arrogant handsome man as a housemate.

This going to be a heck of an adventure.


Brad's POV

My head still hurts from the cut on my forehead.

what a crazy bitch.

This time around my mother went too far with this matchmaking of hers.

A psycho of an escort. I groan rubbing my forehead.

My phone rang, I picked it up


" Sir," a soft feminine voice answered

"The investors just arrived"

I frowned glancing at my watch.

"And you are calling to tell me now"

"Uhh, sir... I'm .. sorry. it skipped my mind."

"You are fired" I hung up.

I don't need employees that will hinder the growth of my company.

I started Lynx corporation three years ago, and I am striving hard to make it one of the best company in the country.

I'm not going to entertain any incompetent employee. I think I should fire all my staff, they are not producing the result I need, they are proving to be a liability.



"Call Mr. Jones and tell him to represent me at the meeting," I said to my chauffeur

"Okay sir"

"And also tell him to organize a staff meeting tomorrow, he should make sure it doesn't clash with any of my meetings"

"Okay sir "

My muscles were tensed up, I thought of how I'm going to get my mother off my back. I don't need this sort of distraction.

"Sir I'm done"

"Drive to my mother's condo"

The drive was short soon we were at the condo, I step out furiously heading towards her study, which I'm sure that where she might be.

"Good morning sir" A maid greeted me with a flirtatious smile, she was wearing a revealing maid attire.

I glared at her making her scurry away in fear. I will remind mother to fire her, I don't know why she entertains such insolent behavior.

My mother was sitting with her legs crossed on her Mahogany desk.

she smiled seeing me


Her lips curve into a frown.

"Were you in a fight or something?" she walked over to me, studying my face

"You look awful, didn't I warn you to stay away from that boxing ring" she scolded me

I rolled my eyes.

"Your joke of an escort did this to me"

"Escort?" My mother was stunned.

"Mother you went too far, whose daughter is that, that crazy bitch nearly brutalized my face" I believe the crazy girl I met is one of those girls with weathy parents my mother has been setting me up with, eventhough she looks like an escort.

 My mother has been setting me up on dates with daughters of prominent businessmen, to woo them to convince their fathers to invest in my company.

She walked over to me touching my face gently I flinched pulling away. I hate any sort of affection, it makes me feel weak.

"The escort did this to your face ?Who is this nut job who did this to my son?"

I saw the rage in her eyes like a mother hen

"The new maid called her April or something"

"Did you say April?" her face eased into a smile.

I frowned, realizing I am right my mother set me up with that girl.

"Mother you mean you set me up with a psychopath?"

she laughed

"Oh boy, she little more fierce than I thought, April isn't a psychopath."

"Mother if that crazy girl is your guest I suggest she joins you here, I'm not going to stay under the same roof with her"

she rolled her eyes getting back to her seat.

"Sit down Sebastian" I groan. I hate when she calls me by my middle name.

I sat down with my face twisted.

"I told you months ago I'm cooking up a big surprise for you, that the surprise, April Jackson"

I chuckled, this must be a joke what is mother getting at. I don't have time for this.

I got up ready to leave.

"Sit down Brad" she glared at me.

"We are not done here"

I don't want to get into a heated argument with her, I know I won't win.

"Be quick about this nonsense I have to meet up with a business client today" I sat back.

"That girl is your golden ticket, you must handle her like a glass, I don't want her slipping through your fingers, it took me a lot of money to obtain her"

I laughed.

"Seriously mother, you are expecting me to date that nut job, you are taking this nonsense too far, I don't need your help getting investors for my company."

she smiled deviously " Be patient son"

I paused, That smile looks malicious, what evil plan is this woman cooking up now.

"I know she, not your type, not my ideal girl for you, but if you know her worth that won't matter to you, Remember you told me you want to have the largest share in Zinc corporation, and the CEO position!?"

"Yes," I have never wanted anything has just as I yearn and thirst for that sought of power. Zinc corporation is the best corporation in the world, it's worth billions.

We the Smith own just 7% shares in the company, even though is worth something. It was not enough for me. It has been my ambition to own Zinc corporation one day. My dad invested in that corporation when the corporation was nearly going Bankrupt. He saved that Corporation and all he got was a 7% shares.

After completing Harvard, I worked in the Zinc corporation for a few years before leaving to start up my own company even though there is a family business I needed to takeover but I chose to work at Zinc Corporation to gain experience to helped me pave my own path in the world of business. I worked my ass for that Corporation but I still couldn't increase the shares my Dad owns.

Those ungrateful bastards didn't even notice my hardwork like they didn't acknowledge my father's investment helped saved the Corporation.

I vowed to revenge on my dad, get the Smith family what we deserve.

"April is the key to achieving our ambitions" My mother said.

I narrowed my eyes at her

"how ?"

she walked over to me and whispered in my ears.

My eyes flickered.

"You.. mean"

she placed her finger on her lips

"Shush, son"

"This is the best gift from me, make use of it. She is our biggest investment ever, I don't want you losing her to those vultures. Make sure we don't lose her. Play your cards right"

I stared at my mother in awe, I smirked

Oh she surely a cunning fox

"Wow mother" I clapped

"Bravo, we beat the Anderson's this time around, I heard they have also been in search for her "

she smiled.

"Thank you mother" I grinned at her, this is the best news ever.

"April Jackson, you are going to get me my heart desire"