The big black wolf

My body sprawled out on the huge queen size bed, feeling bored and weary. I pouted staring at the clock for the hundredth time. It feels like have been here for ages.

Have been stuck in here for like forever, all because of my Coward ass.

I stood up from the bed, I quietly opened the door to peep at the room opposite mine. The door was firmly shut. It has been like that for hours. Could he still be inside or out? I groaned, I have been trapped here like a prisoner. The plans I had for exploring this majestic fortress have been ruined!

It was like fate hates me or something, his suite couldn't be situated anywhere but opposite mine. The thought of seeing those cold eyes of his every day makes me shudder inside.

I can't be stuck here forever. I have been here for six good hours now! I took a deep breath, and walked slowly to the door and open it, I glanced at his door for a few minutes. I saw no hint of him coming out like ever.

Great, I took a step another step and shut the door quietly. The hallway was empty.

Thank goodness.

My tour can wait I need a safe cave to hide from him, I can't face him not now, there is no assurance he won't get even with me after brutalizing his beautiful face. I blushed recalling how gorgeous he looks.

I'm hoping my blow didn't cause much damage.

Crazy April!

"Miss April?"

Suzy walked up to me.

"Mr. Smith requested for your presence in his study"

"huh me ?"

" Yes, he said he needs to speak to you immediately"

I felt my heart grip intensely like it was ripped off. I stood frozen staring at Suzy with my mouth gaped. You got to be kidding me!

"Miss April?"

"Thanks for informing me, I will go see him in a moment" I forced a smile on my face.

she nods and left.

Oh, fate you are such a mean bitch! you have to play your cruel joke on me again. This is the end of my fairy tale. I'm sure he wants to throw my sorry ass out of his house. What if he is pressing charges?.

I clutched my chest trying to catch my breath This is the end of the road! Stupid April.

I inhaled deeply, how worst can this confrontation be? or his reaction? I need to get a grip. I quickly proceeded before I changed my mind.

Where is the study? oops I forget to ask Suzy.

It took me 30 minutes to find the study, the mansion is huge with many rooms. I got lost wandering around trying to find the study. I saw a few rooms like the theater room, a built-in swimming pool, and the game room. I'm astonished, I can't imagine how much this whole structure cost. I'm sure tons of money. This is the power of wealth.

I hope this is the right room. I gulped rubbing my sweating palms on my jeans. My legs were shivering, I'm so fretful.

I run my fingers through my wild curly hair trying to tame it but I ended up making it messier. I guess I have to go see a hairstylist soon.

I glanced at my clothes. I was wearing blue jeans with a white T-shirt matched with flip flops. I look decent enough, at least he won't call me an escort again like I even looked like one, I chuckled.

I mustered courage and knocked.

I knocked again no answer.


I knocked for the third time, no response.

I stood there for minutes and knocked again, I sighed in resignation.

I gave up, and open the door

"Mr. Smith?"

There he was at his desk typing furiously on his PC, he raised his eyebrows, his eyes glistened, and he shifted his gaze back to his PC.

I have been knocking on his door for like ages, and he was here all this while!

"Mr. Smith, you ask for me," I said feeling less tensed up

" Have you heard of the cliche saying, time is money?" he said in an unwaveringly cold tone.

"You are 30 minutes late, you will be excused for today, but mind you I won't tolerate such sluggish behavior next time. Take a seat, and let's get this over with"

I gaped at him.

" Miss Jackson are you deaf?


He sneers at me."Miss Jackson if you are done with your drooling, take your seat I don't have all day"

Drooling over him? Seriously this guy is full of himself. "Cocky bastard" I muttered. I had the edge to roll my eyes, but looking at the deadly look on his face, l quickly sat, gazing anywhere but his face.

He went back to his typing, ignoring me like I don't exist.

Unbelievable I started tapping on the desk, trying to get his attention. He raised his head and glares at me.

"Miss Jackson," he said through his gritting teeth.

"Mr. Smith can we get this over with as you said"

His lips curved into a smirk.


"No?" what the hell!

"Yes, I waited patiently for you for 30 minutes to show up hindering the progress of my work. You also have to endure the same torture you put me through"

I couldn't help but laugh. it was just 30 minutes. This guy is so irritating.

"What is funny Miss Jackson?"

I shook my head smiling sheepishly at him.

"Nothing Mr. Smith."

"One more thing, stop using my desk as a drum, act like a proper lady."

This going to be hell, I'm starting to hate my new housemate.

I couldn't help, but to check him out. I noticed he is wearing a suit different from the one I noticed he wore earlier. Who wears a suit at home after working hours. Who does that? this guy is so weird.

I continue my staring, I bit my lips, mesmerized by his perfection, he has the perfect features for the kind of model I wish to work with. Too bad this kind of perfection is wasted on someone with a cold cocky attitude like him.

My eyes fell on the bruise on his forehead, I frown, why hasn't he treated the wound?

"like what you see," he said startling me,

my face flushed.

"Why haven't you treated your wound?" I blurted out.

"Miss Jackson feeling uncomfortable? are you so disgusted to see your handwork?"

"I'm so... sorry.."

"Miss Jackson you can see I'm working here, could you please stop distracting me" he cut me off returning to his typing.

I narrowed my eyes at him and saw the smirk on his face.

Ah! he didn't treat the wound on purpose, just to make me uncomfortable. Such a narcissistic bastard! I won't be surprised if his great-grandfather was Adolf Hitler.

Just less than an hour with him, and he is already making me feel murderous.

I surely don't regret hitting his jerk face with that hair clipper.

He cleared his throat " The thirty minutes is up, time for business"

He pushed a document to my side, I pick it up and flip through it. Another proposal. I was stunned, he is interested in my painting? He doesn't perk me someone interested in art, he is too much of a tight ass to be an art lover. Unless he has an agenda.

"I had to draft a new proposal. The one my mother gave you was just outrageous, given you are just an amateur" he said

He is right about this one, the proposal was a bit exaggerated.

But I need to not let my guard down. If Mr. Broody here is also interested in my paintings I won't let him bully me into signing up for less.

"Mr. Smith I recall correctly that, the art agent Mr. Roberson told me about one client, not two. So I will be more comfortable if I have this discussion directly with Mrs.. Smith" I said smiling widely.

I sounded professional enough.

"The art project was fortunately my mother's idea, however, it was solely a project of Lynx corporation, and since I'm the CEO. I'm going to personally oversee the project."

I gaped, I'm in the same room with the freaky CEO of Lynx corporation damn! Lynx corporation is one of the fastest-growing companies, within a few years, the company growth has shocked the business world. From the rumors I have heard, I learned the founder of the company was under forty.

But not this crazy young.

He is the brain behind Lynx corporation. I'm impressed. I stared at him with a glint of adoration, and respect in my eyes.

My life just turned into a fairy tale, I'm in a room with a real-life version of Christian Grey handsome, sexy, rich, cold... my face flushed thinking about the erotic part. Could he also have a red room like Christian Grey.....

"Miss Jackson." he called out snapping me out of my daydreaming. Did I just think about him in sexually? I blushed.

"Do you agree to the terms and conditions?"


He grasped his fist and hit the mahogany desk loudly, causing me to shudder.

"Miss Jackson, I don't have all day," he said sneering at me

I was still zooming out.

"Sorry" I picked up the document and read it carefully.

I gulped, no studio like Mrs. Smith promised. No accommodation either.

He is going to throw me out as he promised. what I'm I going to do? I glanced at him, will he let me stay here?

I flip to the next page, I frowned.

"40 percent? this absurd"

" Do you have a problem with that?" he asked

Of course I do. This is a cheat.

"Yes I do, why am I getting 40 percent on my paintings, it's my work and I deserve the large percentage from the sales," I said in a wavering tone,

This is so unfair.

He chuckled.

"Miss Jackson, Are you going to sign or not, You have just 10 minutes to decide"

"I want to speak to Mrs. Smith."

he clasped his hands shaking his head

" She not available at the moment, two minutes have gone. I advise you to use the reminding minutes to ponder on the right choice, hope you are smart enough"

I sighted, reading through the proposal again. I'm going to get some money in advance that I badly need, but I don't deserve this. He is bullying me into accepting these unfavorable conditions. I deserve more than this.

I stood up placing both hands pressed on the desk, I lowered myself and gaze at him confidently." I'm not going to sign this, It's a cheat and you know it" I hit the deck. I'm not going to let this broody cocky jerk of a guy intimidate me.

He chuckled, smirking at me with his clasped palm pressed to his chin.

"Okay let's negotiate"

I smiled in satisfaction and sat back.

"I'm going to accept 60 percent." I said

"Miss Jackson don't you think it risky lynx art gallery is signing up an amateur like you?"

"Yes I'm an amateur, but you have not seen my works yet. I know the time and effort I put into it isn't worth the percentage you are proposing. Besides if my paintings didn't meet the standards of your new gallery, Mrs. Smith wouldn't have decided to sign me up"

His face twinged

"Mr. Robertson disclosed your painting is just a hobby. Normally I don't accept such mediocrity, even though I don't trust my mother's judgment, she has formed a liking to your queer personality, her persistent nagging compelled me into investing in your works"

I felt like punching him in the face. He hasn't even seen my paintings, and he dares to refer to them as mediocre. My eyes were burning with rage I folded my fist

He gazed at my clenched fist with a clear glint of amusement, waiting for my next move. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction.

I sucked in a deep breath. I quickly removed my clenched hands from the desk, and placed them gently on my lap.

I plastered a fake smile face.

"let's make a deal," I offered.

He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going to show you some of my paintings, if they blow your mind away, you are going to agree to my terms, if you are not impressed with it then the proposal is off".

I'm going to make him take back his words.

"I want three fresh new paintings. I'm giving you just two weeks to deliver. Let's see how well you perform under pressure," he said

What! how am I going to pull that off? this is crazy, I have never had a deadline. I'm not going to scurry away like a frightened kitten. He is not going to win this

"Okay" I smiled

His lips curved into a smile swiftly. Did he just smile, my heart leaped. That was beautiful. Soon it was replaced with a stern look.

"We are done here, Miss Jackson" I stood up and lunch my right hand forward for a handshake but he was already deeply involved with whatever he was doing on his PC. I awkwardly strode to the door. I paused remembering the studio and accommodation issue.

I turned, feeling awkward to ask him about it.

" Mr Smith, Mrs. Smith's contract is was stated I get to..."

" You are free to stay here, even though you are such a nuisance and a very violent person. When it comes to my mother there is no point to argue with her"

I nearly jump in excitement.

This is my new home for real.


He ignores once again. I shrugged leaving the big black wolf in his study.

The confrontation wasn't bad at all, I wonder why I was so scared of him in the first place, I chuckled.

"Mi flor rosa " a soft voice called out. I shifted my gaze to an elderly woman with silver hair in a wheelchair being pushed by a blonde beautiful teenage girl.

" flor rosa? " I gazed at her., that is a rose flower in Spanish.

"Come give your Abuela a hug" huh?, Who are these people?

I smiled at the old lady, and hug her soft weary body.

" Sorry she is suffering from schizophrenia might have mistaken you for someone else," The girl said giving me an apologetic smile.

The old lady placed her palm on my tummy making me take a step back.

"Where is mi nieta ....." that is my grandchild in Spanish, I took Spanish classes back in high school.

I stared at the old lady confusingly.

"Camila, where is little A..."

"What are you doing here with Abuela" Mr. Smith suddenly walked in.

"Sorry, Sir...I"

"Why didn't you call to inform us first" He snapped at her. His tone was cold and angry

The girl shiver in frights.

"Sir it was time for a weekly visit to here please and ....."

"I don't want to see your face here again, I don't know why the home could allow a child as you look after my Abuela" He sneers at her,

Our eyes met. What I saw in the dark-cold eyes frightened me, it was just like the penetrating glare I saw this morning. The coldness, that look, that made me feel intimidated earlier. The cocky face I saw in his study wasn't him, this is him, the cold brute face.

My brain was screaming I should stay away from him, but my heart was singing another tune, I want to know more about him, what is behind the Stone-mable face? He surely has a multiple personality disorder. One minute he is cocky, the next minute he is acting cold and broody.

"Sebastian' the old lady smiled warmly at him. He smiled wryly at her, leaning closer.

" Don't you miss your Abuela" she patted his left cheek?

There was a small hint of affection for his Abuela in his eyes. He is not made only of stone after all.

"Let's go to the garden Abuela" The girl offered to help Abuela with her wheelchair. The deadly look Mr. Smith gave her, made her step away. I watched him lead her away with the girl trailing behind.

I'm having this nagging feeling about the old lady's words. That name Camila sounds familiar. The look in her eyes, like she knows me or she is just mistaking me for someone who looks like me.

There is something I'm missing here. I have to find out about it.