Red as sin

The good news is, I have not seen the bullheaded cocky broody guy of a housemate for days now, since our little face-off in his study. I'm so relieved. I don't have to deal with his gloomy shadow souring up my bright day.

The most overwhelming part is, I'm in my new art studio at the moment! I got a call from Mrs. Smith a few days ago, offering me a room to use as a studio, at the West Wing of the mansion, close to the basement. I got terrified about it, I had this wild imagination about the kind of monsters down there that will come creeping out at night. I hate basements.

Fortunately, I blurted out to her about the deal I made with her bully of a son. She was furious about how he disregarded me and went all-girl power. She decided a perfect revenge against Mr. Broody, by offering me this room instead. It is spacious enough and it faces the beautiful garden. A perfect view.

The most thrilling part is, this room belongs to Mr. Smith. He wanted to use this as a gym room since there is none in the mansion. That's none of my business though, this is mine, and I'm not giving it up.

It didn't take much time or effort to turn this place into my studio with my paintings, art tools, and other stuff. There was nothing here except a punching bag in the middle of the room, when I was moving in. I gladly asked one of the security guys here to help me take it out. He was reluctant at first to help because this is Mr . Smith's favorite toy. I got rid of it anyway. I can't wait for his reaction. I'm sure it going to be priceless! I laughed.

I know I have started world war three with Mr . Smith and maybe this time around I will rather end up being whacked with a hair clipper. But hey one point for April, zero point for Mr. Smith.

Now the bad news, I'm panicking like hell.

I'm out of creative ideas, it's like my brain refuses to connect with my hand to paint. For days now I've been trying to paint but to no avail. It is like the creative part of my brain it has been blocked out.

The room is littered with the sign of my dilemma. There were papers scattered around on the floor.

I crumbled the painting have been working on, all day, and I tossed it and, it landed on the heap of balls of crumpled papers. I can't even do a simple sketch.

I spouted rubbing my fingers on my forehead. This stupid deadline! I sat on the floor, and lean on the wall. I felt like crying. This has been a disaster. It's been four good days and has not even started a single painting. I cringed. I can't let him win!

I suddenly heard a soft knock on the door. It was Rosa the new middle age Italian maid. she came in with a glass of lemonade on a tray.

"Miss April how is it going?" she asked in a thick accent. I'm amused, this is the first time I have heard her speak English, the few days she has been here, I've heard her speak only Italian with Suzy who is kind of fluent in the language.

I took the glass of lemonade from the tray and gulped it down.

" Thanks, Rosa" I force my weary face to form a small smile. This is what I just needed.

she glanced at the mess the room was

she shakes her head.

I covered my face with my palms

"Miss April you look very tired, you need to rest, or you are going to kill your self" She said with concern.

I laughed wryly.

"You need to relax or no painting"

I smiled staring at her kind eyes. She's right though.

I need a break from all this madness. Suddenly an idea crept into my mind. My face lightens up with a huge smile.

"Thanks, Rosa" I squeezed her palm.

"Go on Miss April, don't worry I will tidy up the room for you" she smiled.

I'm going out tonight, yah!

I quickly went to my room took a long relaxing shower.

Now it is time to go find AJ, I thought of waiting to get the advance payment from the contract, so I can rescue AJ from his mess. But I think he just needs me to be there for him. I have been a bad friend to him, abandoning him to his ill fate.

I hope he forgives my sorry ass. No matter what, today I'm going to be persistent. I'm not coming home without seeing that crazy dude.

I'm going to the nightclub.

I glanced through my clothes and my eyes landed on a mini sexy black dress, AJ bought for me, for a party last year. But I ended up wearing jeans to the party. Since then he has been pestering me to wear this dress.

Tonight he finally got his wish.

I'm hoping he will go easy on me when he sees me in this. I chuckled.

I removed the dress from the hanger and placed it on the bed.

Okay, now I need shoes.

I scratched my head. I'm sandals and flip-flops kind of girl, but I do own a few block heels I use to wear to work. Unfortunately, none of them will match the dress I'm wearing.

I checked my shoe rack. I got nothing

I sat on the bed contemplating what to do, maybe I should just wear my usual jeans matched up with some beautiful girly crop top.

Not today, I want to feel good. The last time I stepped out my appearance was awful.

I suddenly remembered the gift I received from AJ as a birthday present, a few weeks ago. Then the theft issues at the company came up, so I was kind of distracted that I forgot to open it up.

I got up to check the dressing drawer, and I found it.

My eyes flickered seeing the Christian Louboutin heels.

Oh my goodness, I don't know much when it comes to fashion, but damn this is a beautiful set of heels.

Awww I love that dude. That must have caused him a lot.

I smiled, it going to be a good night. I just need to see my friend AJ. I don't care if it is a jail, just seeing him can elevate my mood.

I unwrapped the towel curled around my head. I used the hair dryer to dry up my hair.

I stared at my bouncing curly hair in the mirror, I have been tempted to go straighten it up, but it's my natural look. I have to embrace it. I used a hair moisturizer to make it less tangled up. The result wasn't that bad, it looked less wild than usual.

I decided to apply little makeup. I went for the natural look.

I put on the black mini dress, it fit my willowy figure perfectly, drawing out my curves at the right places. It reaches the middle of my thighs, exposing my legs.

I slipped on the heels completing my look, which brought out the curves of my long legs.

I stared at myself and nodded in affirmation. I look sexy enough. It feels good to pamper myself.

AJ is going to freak out.

I took my purse ready to step out. I paused forgetting one fashion tip from AJ.

I quickly applied red bold lipstick. I feel more confident. I'm good to go.

I went to the kitchen, Rosa and Suzy were deep into a conversation that they didn't see me walk in.

" Suzy, Rosa I'm going to meet up with a friend,"

Suzy eyes googles at me with her jaw dropped

" look so beautiful Miss April" I chuckled

"Thanks, Suzy" I smiled.

Rosa gave me an approval look and winked at me.

"Make sure you have fun" she warmly said.

I winked back at her.


Brad's POV

I was fueled up with an intense amount of rage, after receiving the news from my mother that she can't make it to the Zinc corporation board meeting, I have to attend in her place. I nearly tear up my office down.

I have to be in the same room with those bastards and hear them talk trash to face. I have to watch how pathetic they will try to kiss my ass for a favor from me. Ever since my company won the business award for the fastest-growing company of the year. I have to deal with those cowards trying to get on my good side.

The thought of being in the same room with Chris Anderson makes my blood boils. That cunning bastard is a thorn in my flesh. My business rival.

There is a long history of bad blood between us.

This time around the bastard got nothing on me, I'm one step ahead of him in achieving one thing we both want badly.

I smirked as my mind drifted to the girl with the wild curly hair. I chuckled. Very soon April I will make you mine.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice we have arrived at the mansion.

" We have arrived Sir"

Have been away for four days on a business trip to South Africa. I hope that crazy nut job hasn't turned my house upside down. I chuckled shaking my head.

I have to kill the tension building up in me. There is one place where I can release all the rage burning up inside me.

I headed straight to my suite. I quickly changed into sweatpants and a clean T-shirt and put on my trainers, I went straight to my soon-to-be gym.

I opened the door.

What the fuck!

Where the hell is my punching bag? The room was changed, converted into what looked like, an art studio?

I stared at the paintings and art tools. There is one culprit I know.

I clenched my teeth. What am I going to do with this nuisance of a nut job?

I stormed out to go look for that crazy girl.

I saw her coming out of the kitchen.

I stood there frozen. Gone was my anger replace with bewilderment.

I can't believe this is the same quirky April Jackson I saw at my study days ago. Gone are the ridiculous Jeans and T-shirts. She is wearing a black sexy dress that fit her body like a second skin, bringing out her beautiful curves I didn't notice before.

I nearly stumbled when my gaze fell on her sexy long legs and her wild curly hair added a fierce appeal. She looks like sin. I had to support my weight by pressing my palm to the wall, lest I trip and fall.

"Mr. Smith you are back," she said snapping me out of my daze.

"Mr. Smith, are you ok? you look pale" she asked. I clenched my fist, my eyes darkens as I took a step towards her, I cornered her to the wall.

Ever since I met her I feel I'm losing control, from her pushing my buttons, getting under my skin, and now to this. She is going to be trouble!

I gaze at her with lust. Her eyes flickered open. For the first time, I noticed she has beautiful grey eyes.

My gaze fell on her plump lips, painted with red seductive lipstick. she bit her lips stirring up a strong urge to brush my lips on hers, devouring her lips with the crazy desire surging up in me.

She is driving me crazy. I punched the wall making her flinched. I could see the fear in my eyes.

"I'm sorry about the ..your punching bag, I will make it up to...." she stuttered.

she wriggled herself free from my clutches. I sighted I'm glad she did because I don't know what could have transpired between us. I'm out of my mind.

She squinted her eyes at me, looking confused.

I chuckled. she doesn't know how much she is affecting me.

"Mr. Smith I have somewhere to be" she announced, scurrying away as fast as she could.

I frowned staring in the direction she went.

Where is she going dressed like that? My mother said she has no social life. She has only one friend, that pimp who is currently in jail. So who is she meeting?

I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my heart, which I can't describe.

I quickly picked up my phone from my pocket and called James.

"I want you to be April's chauffeur henceforth, when she asked about it, tell her my mother requested it. I want to know where she goes, whoever she interacts with. You are going to spy on her.

" Yes, boss" I hung up.

This girl is going to be the death of me. I need a cold shower.