Date or torture?

I felt a jolt of delight when the so-called chit-chat with Veronica didn't come on. Immediately she got settled and was ready for her ingenious questions, she got a call that got her out of the house. But my celebration was cut short when I saw her genial face at my doorstep with her bright charming signature smile that would have melted my heart some other day, I rather plucked with vexation and annoyance. Going to the movies with the Smiths was inevitable. There is no escape from this.

I soon got dressed with irritation and went downstairs to wait impatiently for the Smiths.

Veronica came down in a rush, busily talking to someone, holding a dress on a hanger,

She ended her call. She walked up to me with a grimaced expression.

"April" she gave me a warm kiss on my cheek

"I'm so sorry something came up. I have to bail out on you guys. But hey girl make sure you have fun" She shot me an apologetic smile, running out before I could give a response.

I slumped back into the couch in dismay my expression was pinched. Great that leaves me with Mr. Smith I'm hoping he opts out too. Cause it's going to be insufferable torture going out with him alone.

I waited for a few minutes, no sign of Mr. Smith coming. I decided to go back to my room hoping he stays locked up in his study or suite forever.

Unfortunately, before I could take my first step on the stairs. I heard the cold familiar voice of Mr. Smith giving instructions to James.

I turned and stare at him. He was in a suit. I sigh in relief. That means he got business to attend to. My mood elevated.

"Miss Jackson"

I swiftly turned with a huge smile.

"Mr. Smith, do you also have an emergency? If so hope your business meeting goes well" I flashed him a bright smile.

"Who says I'm going to a meeting?"

My lips parted " You are dressed up like you are attending one."

"Nope, we are going to the movies aren't we?" his brows crinkled

My eyes flicked in surprise.

"Movies, I thought you …"

"That I will cancel? We have to make Veronica happy don't we?"He beamed at me with a sly grin.

There was this malicious gleam in his eyes. I have this nagging feeling he has planned something devious. whatever it is, doesn't sound good.

"Shall we Miss Jackson"

"Sure" my throat clogged.

It won't be that bad right? I hope so.

Why is he going to the theater dressed in a suit?

He has some weird fetish behavior, who does that?

I quietly followed him to the car with my stomach fluttering anxiously.

I stared out the window throughout the entire ride. Avoiding his gaze.

Soon we arrived at the location. I stepped out with him. I was met with an unusual pregnant silence. Where is everybody?

The car park looks dessert with no single car in sight except ours.

Strange, this is a popular movie theater in the city, is always buzzed with a throng of people especially on Saturday night. What happened here?

"Miss Jackson, are you coming or not?"

"Sorry," I muttered, hastily walking to catch up with him he was paces ahead of me.

We were greeted by a cheerful middle age woman when we entered the lobby. She was dressed in a conservative suit. Must be the theater manager

Where are the rest of the cinema workers? Has this place been closed down? Then what are we doing here?

She beams at us with a professional-looking smile.

"Welcome, Mr. Smith and Miss Jackson right"

I nodded in affirmation

"This way please" she gestures her hand.

We followed her lead with my mind jumbled and confused.

She opened a door to an empty theater room.

"Sir if you need anything else let me know"

I wanted to say, I need popcorn if we're here to watch a movie I can't do without my popcorn and a chocolate smoothie.

The theater was empty with nothing showing on the big screen.

"That will be all" Mr. Smith brushed her off

She nods and strides away leaving me alone with Mr . Smith.

I peered at the empty chairs.

"uh Mr. Smith, why are we here?"

"For the movie of course"

My eyes narrowed at him, riled up with confusion

"This place is empty, there is no audience here, nothing showing on the screen"

"We are at the movies right?" he asked.

I nod

"Stop nagging, take a seat, our movie will be showing soon," he said nonchalantly, walking to take a seat on the first roll

I followed suit and sat three chairs away from him at the same roll.

The atmosphere was odious.

"Mr. Smith, are we going to be the only audience here tonight?" I asked

"Isn't that so obvious, I thought you are smart enough to figure it out from the moment we arrived here."

Huh? My face twinged into a frown

I paused. "Wait how come"

"I bought the cinema, making it available to us this night"

My mouth hung open.

"Huh you mean you bought this theater just overnight. This is insane!" My eyes blinked open in amazement.

"I can't be forced to tolerate the uncomfortable nuisance of the crowd, just because of a stupid movie" He annoyingly said.

"You bought a whole movie theater because you couldn't tolerate a crowd just for a night? How is that possible, buying a cinema just in a few hours" I stared at him struck in awe. This guy is unbelievable.

"Nothing is impossible to me," He said

I rolled my eyes at his smugness. Oh, I forgot he is freaky Brad Sebastian Smith, a billionaire, money isn't an issue to him. But this is ridiculous to spend a huge amount buying a movie theater simply because he wanted to avoid the crowd tonight.

"Mr. Smith, don't you think is absurd buying a movie theater due to this?"

His face darted with a grim look. Looks like he feels insulted.

"Miss Jackson, you think I could waste my money on something frivolous? The income the theater derives for a month was enticing. I saw this as a good business venture so I bought it" He said shooting a solemn look at me.

I crossed my arms pouting at him. This is going to be so boring.

The screen suddenly came alive.

My face was elated, but the feeling wasn't the same as it could be if the room was crowded with people, the reaction from the audience makes the atmosphere here very entertaining.

What is the essence of coming here? There is a movie theater in the mansion if he wanted privacy.

I'm amused at his indifference.

I turned my attention back to the screen. My eyes flickered. I jump out of my seat,

What the heck?

The scariest movie ever was showing on the screen.

I glanced at Mr. Smith, his eyes were glued to the screen. He wasn't blinking.

He smirked noticing my gaze on him.

"Miss Jackson I suggest you get back to your seat, you are interrupting the movie."

"This is your idea of a movie?"

He propped his brows at me.

"Miss Jackson" he warns

"This is no movie is real torture! if this is what you requested why did you have to tag me along" I shrieked in agitation at him.

Ah, that was his devious plan all along to wreck my night up with this terrifying movie!

I'm going to have nightmares tonight.

"You wanted a movie right we are watching one," he said averting his eyes from me to the screen.

I Shot shot daggers at him.

The was no point in arguing with this hot-headed.

He is such a cynical Narcissistic bastard!

I was contemplating on what to do, either bolt out and look like a frightened kitten to Mr. Smith or sit and endure, proving to Mr. Smith he didn't succeed in scaring me.

I decided to sit back, how scary can this movie get? I do watch horror movies this shouldn't be a big deal.

I sunk back to my seat. I started feeling discomfort. I felt goosebumps bust all over my skin. The movie was getting scarier. This is going to be like a ride on a rollercoaster.

My adrenaline skyrocketed as the monster in the movie killed his second victim.

I suddenly found myself gripping tightly on Mr. Smith's arms shading my face away from the screen.

Mr. Smith went stiff,

I quickly pulled away. My face flushed realizing what I had just done.

I muttered sorry.

Mr. Smith suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. Heat shoots through my spine making me shudder slightly.

Our eyes locked. His face looked angelic as the light from the screen reflected on him. I was lost staring at his dark eyes deep like the night. My breath getting heavy.

I flinched as he brushed a finger on my skin. He slowly traces his finger along my skin to the sensitive spot around my neck. I trembled at his touch. He cupped my face brushing his thumb on my lips. My heat surged through my blood leaving me dazzled and vulnerable.

My heart pounded in an unfamiliar rhythm. His lips parted as he stare down at my lips. " beautiful" he muttered in a husky voice.

He suddenly clenched his fist, shaking his head, A painful look on his face. He pulled away, rushing out leaving me raked and jumbled.

I was frozen in my seat. Dazzled and muddled. I was just this close to crossing that dangerous line.

"Miss Jackson" I was jerked out of my bewildered state.

"Mr. Smith ask me to drive you home, unfortunately, he has a business dinner to attend," James said

I was relieved I don't have to face him now.

I forced myself up from my seat and followed James out.