My life is a mystery puzzle

I felt a hand over my eyes blindfolding me when I stepped into my studio

A strong cologne scent hit me. It's a man. I wanted to screech, but an idea crossed in mind. I found the right spot I was looking for and kicked him

He let go of me yelping.

I brought my palm to my mouth. "Holly molly AJ!"

"Jeez, April that hurts" he groans holding on to his groin.

"Oops sorry" I giggled "I Thought you were a pervert "

" That was a wicked kick right there" he grunt "I miss your crazy ass" he embraced me.

"What are you doing here! Where have you been, you got me so worried!"

I was experiencing mix- feelings, I was mad, sad, and happy to see him. I thought I will never see him again

I punched his arm

"Ouch" he groans

"This is for ditching your best friend for days"

I'm so furious at him. He deserted me.

"And this is for not answering my calls."

I punched him again

He groans rubbing his left shoulder. "I'm so sorry April I was doing my community service. That was my sentence."

I paused.

"community service?"

"Yes, "

I wanted to ask him why he was arrested in the first place. But I know I'm not going to get answers from him. So I'm not going to push it.

"That doesn't explain you ignoring my call" He averted his gaze trying to avoid eye contact. Means he is either telling me lies or he is hiding something else from me.

"I'm sorry April.

I stared at him with longing. I don't like what we are becoming. We are drifting apart. Our eight years-long friendship doesn't deserve this. We have been through hell together. We have been each other's rock. Whatever secrets he is keeping from me. I have a dread feeling it's going to break us apart. I either let this go or press on the issue and make things worst between us. He ditching me for some while now is a clear sign.

I beam him a smile and hug him tightly.

I know is the right choice. I want my best friend back he is the only person I have left in this world. So I got to let this go. Hopefully, he opens up to me someday and tells me what's been going on with him.

"Thank you for understanding," he said with a weak smile.

"I got you psycho, all this emotional display is making my heart glow too much. I don't want to get a heart attack,"

He laughs

"How did you get the address of this place? I don't recall giving it to you," I asked curiously

"I got the address from Brad"

"A Brad, which Brad?" I stared at him blinking my eyes confusingly

He rolls his eyes "How many Brad do you know "

My eye widened." Mr. Smith no way!"

"Stop jesting, "

"I'm not April, I wanted to pay you a surprise visit but didn't know the address of this infamous mansion. Yesterday, I was at the club and the chauffeur, the James guy walks up to me and told me his boss said I am free to visit you today. He came to pick me up and here I am.

I'm stunned, why will Mr. Smith do this.

"Why? he barely knows you, for what reason"

He shrugs

"He allowed me to visit you today because maybe he wanted to be nice to you

I chuckled in amusement. Mr. Smith has all sorts of character traits, but nice isn't one of them.

"Don't start getting cynical about this thing, look at this in a simple way. Don't think deep into this. He just wanted to let you know you are free to let friends visit you here. That's all, no Nancy Drew on this"

I nodded. He is right, I should be grateful he allowed AJ to come here. But I'm still skeptical about this. Mr. Smith doesn't do stuff without a reason. Why would he try to be nice to me? An unwanted feeling was showing its ugly head. I shook my head trying to let it go away. Like AJ said I need not think deep into this. He wanted to be nice that all, not what my stupid heart is saying. He has a girlfriend that's why he will never cross that line. That should be a sign to me that there will be nothing between us. My mind got it, but my heart doesn't want to wrap around the truth. I conflict with myself. My heartache was in agony.

"April, hello" AJ was snapping his fingers at me.

"You were zooming out, What is on your mind," He asked with concern

"Nothing, normal zoning out" He suddenly hugs me." I'm here now, I got you "

I smile warmly at him.

I noticed him study the room with his curious eyes. "Wow, damn this is one cute studio"

I smiled.

He suddenly paused

"April, Have you seen that crazy old lady again"

Ah his Sherlock Holmes mode is activated "Nope, but I need your help with something " his eyes flicked with enthusiasm. "Bring it on"

"Let's go to the garden"

I led the way. We sat on a lover's bird's bench.

I took out the card the creepy guy gave me from my pocket. I intended to find out who he is. Fortunately, AJ is here. He might know him. AJ knows every rich dude in the city I'm sure this guy is not exceptional.

"So there was this creepy guy who came to bug the hell out of me at a bar in town. He claims he knows you "

I gave him the card.

He gaped " Chris Anderson, what does he want with you?" I shrug.

"He claims he knows you, must be your client"

"Client? why would he be? Someone like Chris Anderson doesn't need my escort services. His looks and status alone get girls to swarm around him all the time."

My face darted into curiousness. "His status? Who the hell is he?"

He took out his phone and googled his name. He gave it to me

I read through his biography. I was taken back. "What does he want with me." I jerk my head back reading the line that got me. "He is the CEO of Anderson's industries"

"And he is Brad's Business rival. The Anderson's and Smith's are old-time rival like way back to three generations" AJ added

My eyes bulged out. "Whoa this is outrageous"

"Yeah, a never-ending feud "

"I think he knows you are associated with the Smith's now, could be he wants to use …."

"As a spy?" I finished his statement

"Exactly, which is so uncalled for, because you just met the Smiths, it's so soon for them to entrust you with any family secrets of theirs, so I'm ruling the spy theory out. There is more to this"

I laughed in amusement.

"Ah, you've started your crazy conspiracy theories again.," I teased.

"Nah, April doesn't get naïve about this, Those rich folks have a hidden agenda behind everything they do. Chris Anderson isn't exceptional."

I saw the seriousness in his eyes. He isn't jesting.

"Hmm" I pressed my lips together firmly.

"He got a secret motive?"

He nods in affirmation.

"What did you guys talk about?" he asks

I snort. " if that can be classified as a conversation. He was rather…." I paused, reminiscing the fremd conversation we had.

I narrated everything to AJ.

"Why would he dig up secrets about your life".

"Have you seen him since that night"

I shook my head.

He grasped his jaw, went silent for some seconds.

"How fabulous and crazy your life has been for the loads weeks now, I think there is this big puzzle we have to solve" I pricked my ears waiting for his next crazy theory.

"I have come to a genius conclusion the Smiths and Andersons are interested in you. It could be the same reason or different reasons. The question is why are two elite families interested in you?"

Hmmm, he got a point.

"Think about it"

"AJ you are so right!. Smith's have been so sweet and super kind to me, except broody Mr. Smith who acts queer with me sometimes. And Veronica Smith acted way too nice like we are old friends and statements she made was kind of off" I ranted.

"Exactly, The Smiths aren't nice or charming people. They are known for their cold distance attitude except for Veronica who is so bubbly. Sometimes I think it's an act"

I'm marveled AJ wasn't reacting to me mention Veronica's name.

"AJ, you aren't surprised I mentioned Veronica Smith"

His face twinge into a bored expression. " I know she is a Smith, wait you didn't figure out that!"

"Nope, not until we met"

He rubbed his forehead. "Sometimes you are so slow in grasping up things. Her surname was even a clue."

"whatever" I glared at him

" Well, Mr. Smith hasn't acted nice, on the contrary as been a terrible host to me. That leaves Veronica and Mrs. Smith" I sad diverting the conversation back.

"What are the nicest things they have done for you," he asked

I placed a finger on my pursed lips.

"Okay, Mrs. Smith offered me Mr. Smith's old room, she assigned to me my Chauffeur, who was his former chauffeur. She gave me a room to use as a studio that also belongs to Mr. Smith" I paused sucking in a breath.

"Veronica planned a hang out at the movies to welcome me but canceled on us. So I went to the movies with Mr. Smith. If that is called going to the movies because we were the only audience, he bought the movie theater could you believe that!" I blurted out.

"That explains it!" AJ shrieked. My face darted into a frown.

He inhaled a deep breath. And sunk back into his seat

"Veronica is a cupid, a matchmaker right?" I nod, keen about knowing what his drift is.

"Veronica is trying to match you up with her brother. It's what she does best. And I'm sure Mrs. Smith is also indulging in this, which explains why she is making you take up his space" he said with satisfaction.

I blinked my eyes at him. " This is insane, why could they both want me to date, Mr. Smith. He is way out of my league. I'm a pauper, a nobody. Don't elites marry their own?" I said in bewilderment.

"That's what we have to figure out". He paused.

"It could be you have, an elite blood running through your veins" He said.

I cracked into laughter.

"AJ, you are going too far with this. Elite blood, my Nana and mother were ordinary people" I said amusedly.

"What about your dad, have you thought of that"

A realization hit me. The idea of ever having a dad has never crossed my mind. When I was a little girl. Anytime I asked about my dad or mom, Nana always tells me they are in heaven. When I got older I found out my mom is still alive. It could be my dad is also alive.

"Nana never told me about my dad, we barely talk about my mother how more my father." A flare of aches creeps into my heart. The thought of having a father is hard to grasp

"Maybe your dad is a rich dude"

I laughed." Nah, with my curly hair, I don't think I come from an Elite family. No one from my mother's side of the family had Curly hair nor my mother so I think I inherited it from him. My dad could be a drug addict or probably in Jail"

AJ smiled wryly.

"Your hair doesn't count, I'm not sure he is any of those things. Be optimistic April, it could be he is an elite that why the Smiths want you for Brad" he said certainly.

"I don't think so, that can't be possible, we are getting paranoid here, it may be for another reason why they have been nice and generous towards me"

"Explain why the crazy old Lady called you Camila, that was your mother's name. I'm sure of that. You told me before your Nana died, she told you to keep that C.J bracelet with you. It means it has a purpose to serve. That leads us back to that old lady."

Hmm. He is making sense this is so jumbled up. It's like there is this mystery puzzle about my life.

"And don't forget Chris Anderson, he said he knows stuff about you, you are clueless about?"

I sigh." This two are the key to finding out who your father is, your root. My Sherlock Holmes mode is activated, I'm ready to embark on operation, find April's father" He saluted making me laugh.

"Okay, you got your assistant Mr. Watson" I jerk up my chest and saluted.

He laughs ."You think I should call Chris Anderson?"

" No, you shouldn't, he will come to you, you shouldn't let your guard up, these elites are dangerous and cunning people. They got malicious plot under their sleeve all the time" He cautions

I nod, noting his warning in mind.

"You need to meet the old lady again, she can give us some answers."

"That can't be possible, she is in a home for elderly people," I said

I went quiet trying to figure out how to make that possible.

"You can start by secretly asking the servants here questions" he suggested.

"That can't be an option, all the servants here are new."

He frowns "That is odd, no old servants here, means they got something to hide"

Come to think of that. That is strange. Where did the old servants go?

"Oops I got to go April, I have to meet a client in an hour" he suddenly jerk up from the bench with an apologetic face.

I sighed

"See you later" he kissed me on the cheek.

"Wait, where are you staying now? I went to your apartment but met new people living there your roommates also moved out."

He scratched his head. " I move in with Audrey"

"Audrey!" I shrieked slapping my hands on my cheeks.

"Your crazy ex-girlfriend, Are you insane. She nearly made you cripple for life! " I shouted.

When he broke up with Audrey, she went gaga. Out of spite and anger, she runs him down with her car. He was hospitalized for a whole month.

"Are you back with that psychopath?"

"Hell no," he yelled.

"I needed an apartment immediately, I asked around and I was told someone wants a roommate, the rent was cheap. So I accepted, later I found out it was Audrey"

Hmm. I narrowed my eyes at him. I don't buy that.

"Don't worry April, she has been on her best behavior. Besides she is seeing someone now."

"And that guy knows you are her roomie?" he shrugs

"April I got to run we will discuss this further" he winks, scurrying away.

I wonder when I'm going to see him again.

I was walking back to my room when someone calls up my attention from behind.

"April Jackson, right?" I turned. It was Olivia Parker, Mr. Smith's girlfriend.

She sized me up in detest.

"I need to speak to you"

My throat clogged. "Sure"