She is a weapon

I folded my arms at my chest, waiting for Olivia to utter a word. But she kept on disdainfully scrutinizing me.

"I know your type," she said firmly. I chuckled. Here we go again. I know her type too. I have enough experience with girls like her.

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to drop that spiteful words.

"I saw the disgusting position you were in with Brad."

Oops, She saw that. I bit my lips.

"I can see perfectly through that façade you put on. But mind you, we elites don't mingle with poor pathetic indigent tramps like You"

I gasped at her reviled words.

"Façade? You barely know me, We just met and you are describing me with those vilified words. That speaks much about you. I thought rich girls are cultured, well-mannered, and classy. But I think you are exceptional, you got no manners, you dress classy but don't act classy. You sounded like those bitches in cheesy high school movies. Anyways it was a pleasure meeting you again Olivia" I snide at her, and stride away as she stood shocked and bewildered.

I lean against the wall when I got to my room. My heart was rapidly beating, swept with rage. Great I got a bitch to deal with. Dealing with girls like her takes much of my energy. There is no way I was going to let her pick on me and use those unsavory words to describe me, and get away with it. She doesn't scare me. I have met people worst than her.

I do understand her. I think I overstep my boundaries with Mr. Smith. She is right to get angry at me. Every girl is overprotective when it comes to the man they love.

I took a deep breath, rubbing my tensed shoulder. I slumped into the bed.

A knock interrupted me.

"April?" it was Veronica.

I quickly sat up straight on the bed. I planted a smile on my face.

She walked in and sat beside me.

"So I kind of saw the whole confrontation you just had with Olivia just now"

My face dropped. I'm certain I look so alienated to her. When I get into that defensive mode I look like a different person.

"I'm so happy you stood up to that bitch! You didn't peck me as the fierce type" she tease.

I smile shyly.

"I think I'm at fault here, She saw Mr. Smith and me in an inappropriate position. She is right to react the way she did. "

Veronica narrowed her gaze frowning.

"You think she is Brad's girlfriend?, Hell no !" She shrieked vehemently.

"But she acted like…"

She rolled her eyes.

"Fawning all over him all the time is what she does best. She is so obsessed with Brad, she can't get the signal into that dumb bimbo brain of hers, there is no way Brad will ever date her. Not his type."

Looks like Veronica dislikes her. I smell bad blood here. Don't blame her though. Olivia is not a nice person.

My stomach flutters with a flare of hope and relief.

Gosh, I'm getting ahead of myself. If someone like Olivia isn't his type. I don't even stand a chance. I need to get a grip and get over my stupid feelings. I scolded myself.

"Enough of talking about that bitch she isn't worth our time, let's talk about you"

My mind flash to that awful night when I sent an email to her love talk show. I'm going to die of humiliation if that is what she is going to bring up. When people get drunk they send drunk texts, but I had to send a drunk email rather jeez, I'm so lame sometimes. The worst part is I signed off with my name. I'm just hoping all the drunk things I blurted out are not legible to read.

"How was the night at the movies ?"

I sigh in relief, thanking my lucky stars.

"It was my worst night ever at the movies" I blurted out.

"Tell me all about it "

I told her about the fretful experience, leaving out the intense moment part.

" A scary movie! That so awful!" she exclaimed.

"You are having a painting session with him on Sunday right. I got an idea" her eyes twinkle with a glint of mischief.

She whispered a plan into my ears. My lips curved into a smirk.

"That is a brilliant revenge plan I can't wait to see his priceless reaction," I said

We burst into laughter.

I'm looking forward to my Painting session with Mr. Smith it's going to be so memorable!

Brad's POV

My desk was piled up with a bunch of files that needs to be worked on. The hunt for a new secretary has been unfertile after I fired my last secretary out of fury. I don't trust any of my employees here with my confidential files. Hence I need a trusted secretary. Most applicants that applied for the position, couldn't make it past the qualifications requirements, the few that got qualified failed all the series of tests. I'm left with no option but to get the work done myself, adding up to my loads of tasks to do.

My phone beeped for the hundredth time, I chose to ignore it. It was Veronica calling to set me up for another torturing session. She has no idea her matchmaking plans are going to be the depth of me, every second and minute spent with her is gradually tearing down my walls of resistance.

I was this close to ravishing that plump soft lips of hers that night. The feel of her soft skin under the tip of my fingers still lingers deep in my mind. The more I resist, the more the burning desire for her flares up in me.

My phone beeped again. It was a text message this time.

I pick up my phone from my desk and read it.

Talking about the devil she was hovering around my desk when I raised my head. She has the fury lookVeronica mentioned on her face.

I adjusted my tie clearing up my throat.

"Mother" she came over to give me her usual kiss on my cheek. It is like a form of ritual to her, she never misses it even in a bad mood.

She sat down, peering at me with a solemn look.

"You've been an indolent and a slothful son, I gave you work to do but I haven't seen the result," she said.

I suck in a deep breath. Trying to keep my anger at bay.

"One thing I have never been in my life is being a slug"

She smiles. "I know son, but you are acting like one at the moment"

I get her drift.

"April is a simple task to accomplish but it seems you are finding it so difficult"

"She is a work in progress," I said

Her eyebrows crinkled.

"I want to prove"

My mind flashes to April's sketchbook. I took pictures of the sketches she drew of me. My face went sour I'm a jerk for doing this. I feel like this is a personal private sketch she did of me, and I'm here ridiculing it by showing it to my scornful mother.

I gave her my phone anyway with a cringe.

She flips through amusedly with a snigger.

She chuckles.

"She is getting infatuated with you. You are getting her wrap around your fingers gradually"

She smiles at me with satisfaction.

I look away feeling remorseful.

"I learned from my sources that Chris Anderson spoke to her at a bar"

"He is a threat I can easily tackle," I said vehemently

"Another threat has shown its ugly head."

My chest jerks up straight in an alert.

"The Montgomery couple knows now," she said

A wave of fear grips me. I have never known fear in my entire life. But the thought of the Montgomerys in the picture now shakes me to the core. One thing that rings in my mind like a broken record is that April is in danger.

One other thing the Montgomerys are known for in our elite world, apart from being the owners of the biggest business empire, Zinc corporation, they are also known for their cruelty. They are dangerous deadly people with no soul. Especially David Montgomery and his cunny wife Ella Montgomery, who is also a paternal aunt of Chris Anderson. A dangerous combo.

My caveman's protective instinct came alive. I have a strong edge to rush out to go hide April far away from the sight of the evil Montgomery family.

"How ?" my blood pumped faster through my veins.

"They are the Montgomerys, nothing is impossible to them. They are soon going to strike, We are at war with them now they know she is with us"

I combed my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"They are in for a surprise of their life if they think we are going to shudder away like frightened kittens. We are going to announce her return to our world" she said with a devious look in her eyes.

My ears pricked in attention.

"Next month we are going to have an auction as the launching ceremony for lynx gallery. And April will be the face of the gallery. We are going to exhibit her paintings. It not only going to be a charade but also going to be a business venture. She is a very talented painter like her grandfather. Her works are perfect masterpieces"

She paused and drank water from the dispenser in my office.

"We will use this charade to officially claim her as ours in front of all those vultures"

She stood up from her seat and paced around the desk.

"You see son, April is a special weapon. We want to use her to serve a purpose to achieve our ambitions. But others like the Montgomerys want to destroy this weapon. But we are not going to let that happen"

She smiles. " We the Smiths protect what is ours" she added getting back to her seat.

She clasped her hands and pressed them firmly to her chin.

"What is the way forward son"

My eyes glistened, plotting on how to keep April safe from the dangers lurking around.

My eyes landed on the pile of files on my desk. An ideal cross in mind.

"I got a brilliant idea on how to keep her by my side from now on and concerning her safety, I'm going to take care of that"

She nods. " I trust you, Brad, when it comes to providing the security you are excellent at it"

She shoots up from her seat.

"Mother, are you coming back to the mansion?" I asked curiously.

"No, I'm done with the business I was dealing with in San Francisco. But I'm going to stay at my condo. I want to give you and April space to nurture your relationship"

What about that annoying bug of a sister? I wanted to ask.

"I'm off to one of our hotels down in Manhattan, there is a little issue I need to solve over there "

We own five-star hotels and restaurants chain across the country, La Blanca. It was named after my paternal grandmother. It has been our family business for over three generations now.

"Okay, see you later " she kissed me and stride away.

I stared at the desk situated at the left corner of my office and smiled. That's where April will sit working as my new secretary.

My adrenaline shoots up in excitement. I'm going to be in the same space with her every day, for practically the whole day. I pray I don't give in to my desires and forget the reason behind this new arrangement. Her safety should be my sole priority.

Poor April, her life is in danger, and she is so clueless about it.