The PI

I was in a cab heading to AJ's apartment. James was keen on driving me there, but with the help of Rosa he got distracted and I got the chance to escape without his notice. Off late he has become somewhat odd, He is persistently watching over me like a hawk. Something is off about him.

I'm in a high-spirited mood today. My eyes are glinting with a hint of mischief. Tomorrow is the painting session with Mr. Smith. I'm going to AJ"s end basically for this reason. I got a surprise in store for Mr. Smith.

"A good day today?" .The cab driver said getting my attention.

"Probably," I replied with a grin.

He was a middle-aged man, dressed up in a funky way with huge chains dangling around his chest. His outfit alone is making my day. That is one thing I like about taking a cab, you get to meet all sorts of funny people. They help brightens up your day even if you are in the grumpiest of moods.

"You need music to get into the smooth groove," He said. Suddenly the cab jerked to life with hip hop music blasting from the cab sound system "Hmm not bad" I'm not a hip hop fan but I started tilting my head to jam to it. I was lost in the music that I didn't notice we have arrived at my location.

"Ma'am," he said turning off the music.

I noticed we were in front of an apartment building.

"Are we are the right address?" I asked

"Yep, this is the address you gave me"

I was uncertain. " Okay thanks anyways for the cool ride"

"Don't mention it" he winks at me. I paid him off adding a huge tip and got out of the cab. I waved at him as he drove away.

I placed my hands on my waist staring at the complex apartment building. My eyes bulged out peering at my surroundings. This is a rich neighborhood, and the building looks like it is meant for people who earn salaries with big zero figures. Whoa did Audrey win a lottery or something?

I walked into the lobby, there was a security guy with a friendly smile at the desk.

"Hello'" I greeted smiling.

"How can I help you, Ma'am?" he replied.

"I'm here to see Aiden James" That is AJ's full name.

He scans through his PC. "Sorry there is no one here with that name"

I sighed. "Okay, Audrey Collins," I said.

I hope I don't meet that crazy bitch.

He peered at his PC again and nods in affirmation. He picked up the telephone and dialed a number.

"Hello Miss Collins," You got a visitor," he said.

He gestured to me asking my name.

"April Jackson" He repeated to the person who was on the line, I'm hoping it's AJ.

After the call ended he beam at me with a smile.

"Fourth floor please, the door on your left," he said. I thanked him and made my way to the elevator.

It seems my prayers were in vain. My face twinged into irritation when I met Audrey at the door with a devious smirk

"Who do we have here, April Jackson the prude," she smirks.

I ignored her entering in. " AJ " I called out his name, I but got no response.

I grit my teeth. I guess I have no option other than to talk to this bitch.

"Where is AJ" She ignored me, walked to the refrigerator, and took out a bottle of diet coke. I stared at her amusedly as she sat down on the couch. I checked my time. When did Audrey sober up? I recall she had a drinking problem, The Audrey I know would rather be drinking a bottle of whiskey at this hour, not diet coke. She looks different from the girl I used to know. I studied her. Her platinum blonde hair was its original color. Gone was that awful dyed pink hair color. The piercings on her face were gone too. She was in a knee-length dress, totally different from her slutty clothes. This is some real big change.

"Are you done looking at me prude" She still has a bitch attitude.

I sat down on the couch opposite her. I gaze around. The apartment looks neat and organized. That's unlikely the two of them. AJ and Audrey are messy and undomesticated. I was expecting to be welcome in a dirty apartment littered with clothes. This is surprising. The interior decorations were kinda cozy and modern. I'm impressed.

"Always looking for AJ, you still got no boyfriend prude" I rolled my eyes at her. I'm used to her calling me a prude all the time. I ignored her again, I'm not going to give her the attention.

"Okay we can play the ignoring game," she said chuckling.

I shoot a hot glare at her, reminiscing how she got AJ hospitalized for a month when she run him over with her car. I pray I don't act on the evil thoughts formulating in my head, because that will lead to this crazy bitch death.

AJ's ginger red hair pops up suddenly, with astonishment on his face.

"April what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Wow that's a warm welcome," I said sarcastically but ouch that kind of hurt. He doesn't look happy to see me.

"I got the address from James since you were unwilling to give it to me."


A phone rang, interrupting him

"AJ that is your call," Audrey said. She handed over the phone to him.

He excused himself, leaving me with Audrey.

That is odd, AJ always answers his calls in front of me all the time. What changed today?

Audrey also stood up from the couch and slunk in the direction AJ left, leaving me alone in the living room.

A few minutes later I also got up to find the washroom. I paused when I heard whispers coming from a room in the hallway. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I'm so curious. What is AJ and Audrey discussing about? I turned back and pinned my ears to the door.

"I can't," I heard AJ say.

"So when are you going to tell her the truth. When is too late? it better the prude know before she finds out about the truth from someone else," Audrey said 

What is AJ keeping from me? It seems the bitch Audrey even knows. I'm his best friend! shouldn't he be rather confiding in me?

"So are you still going to work with them" Okay now I'm so confused. What is going on with AJ? Who is he working with?

"I got no choice Audrey," he replied.

They suddenly went silent. Means they are done, I stride away from the door fast enough before I get caught.

Jeez, how did AJ and I get here? We've gotten to the point that I have to eavesdrop on his conversation, to figure out things about him.

I went back quietly to the living room. A few minutes later they both came in with suspicious faces

I was contemplating what to do, either to confront him or give him more time. I'm getting devastated by his constant lies and the secret he is hiding from me.

"What do you have to tell me AJ?" I bluntly asked.

"Seems the prude was eavesdropping," Audrey said.

I shot sneers at her turning my attention back to AJ

He scratched his head nervously. He averted his eyes from me to Audrey. She shrugs.

"I'm opening up a club soon and Audrey is going to be my partner." He said with a nervous grin.

Not the answer I expected. I shifted my gaze to Audrey who looks surprised too. I know it's a lie. But I'm going to play along.

"Whoa AJ when did you come up with that idea?" I asked, pretending to buy that lie.

He intentionally gazes at the wall clock. "April I got to go, we will discuss this later. I got business to deal with downtown" he announced.

"About the costumes, Audrey will help you with that," he said quickly bolting out.

I noticed the clock he stared at was not working. Escaping from me again? Has that business got to do with the people he is working with? My mind is getting muddled apart. I need to find out what he is hiding from me.

"What are you using these costumes for? Halloween is months away" Audrey suddenly asked.

"None of your business, are you going to help me with that or not," I snapped at her

"Look here, Month" I cringed, I hate it when she calls me that. Since I'm named after a month, she choose to call me Month rather than my actual name.

"You need my help, right? I advise you to drop that bitch attitude it doesn't suit you ." She added in a snigger manner.

"Wait here, Month," she said, she leisurely walked out and soon return with two huge shopping bags. That must be the costumes I requested for.

"You've still not answered my questions Month. Halloween is far away. These costumes are meant for men, Who are these for ?"

I ignored her, wishing to get out of her hair. She is getting me infuriated. I might commit murder.

I clenched my fist. She rolled her eyes.

"What happened between me and AJ is in the past, that was two years ago"

I chuckled amusedly. "You nearly killed my best friend and you want me to pretend I'm okay with that," I shrieked at her.

"I'm sorry okay, back then I had anger issues and went out of control. But that shouldn't be my excuse. I do regret what I did to him. What do you want me to do now? I can't change the past. I'm trying to make it up to him. I'm not saying you should let that go, you are right to hate me for it. I deserve your anger."

I gasped, shocked at her words. Did Audrey just say sorry? she never does, or ever sounds remorseful.

She smiles. " You can rub it on my face Month that I have gone soft."

"Whoa, where did Audrey the bitch go? Who is this remorseful person?"

She laughs

I now believe the saying that, people do change. I'm seeing one right now. She looks more carefree and happier, not the grumpy cranky crazy bitch she was back then.

Maybe I will let that go. The lament I wanted her to feel back then, I see that now. I'm less angry with her now since she has been a help to AJ by letting him stay here for free. I know he isn't paying rent as he told me. Because AJ can't afford it. I know he is broke, as usual, he is hiding that from me also, refusing my help. I kind of feel hurt. I feel excluded from his life.

"Thanks for looking out for AJ," I said softly.

She waved her hand at me brushing me off. " It's nothing,"

"Hey Month I'm still going to press on the issue of the costumes" I suck in a breath. Grateful she diverted the topic, the air was getting awkward.

"It's for a friend."

"You got no friend apart from AJ. Or you got a boyfriend?" She asked squinting her eyes curiously at me.

My face flushed.

"Whoa, the prude got a boyfriend. Must be very quirky like you" she teased

She grins and hands over the costumes to me. I glanced through and smirked with satisfaction. I can't wait for my painting session with Mr. Smith.

"Thanks, how much do I own you?" I asked.

"Take it as a gift"

" You don't have to try making it up to me, seeing AJ comfortable around you is enough," I sincerely told her

"I'm not trying to do that," she grunts.

"Besides you will return it, make sure it is intact," she warns.


I propped my head at her.

"AJ told me, you are trying to find your dad, I can be of help if you want me to," She blurted out.

My eyes blinked open, If she knows about that, what else did AJ share with her? Seems they are getting along well. I felt a pang of jealousy. She is closer to AJ than I am now.

She gave me a card

"You are a private investigator, since when?" I asked taken back at this revelation.

She smiles. "That's one secret about my life you both didn't know about, It was way before I met AJ. I wasn't practicing it due to the mess my life was back then. But now I got a job with a private security agency, I'm back in the business."

I learned those security firms make a lot of money. I'm sure she is earning much, looking at this luxurious apartment.

Before I could ask, she beat me to it ."Since you are the first client I'm taking on personally, I'm not going to charge for my service"

I didn't know what to say. "Thanks" I managed to say

"I have to get going," I said, striding to the door.

"Month," she called out.

"Be careful, don't trust easily" she added.

What does she mean by that?