Goodbye for good (part one)

If my eyes were lasers they could have drilled a hole into my mother's skull as I watch her speak to lady Blanca with Kayden's arms clutching around her waist in fierce devotion of never letting her go. And I fear it going to be impossible to separate him from her.

I caught a glimpse of the sullen look on Brad's face

My mother's presence has swirled in bad memories and resentments. It was so visible on his face.

I could tell he wishes to drag my mother away from his grandma but her joyous mood is preventing him from doing so.

My mother's present has pinnacled lady Blanca's excitement. She totally adores my mother.

"What a beautiful boy," lady Blanca fawns over Kayden. "You make beautiful children. You should have had more, Camila," She says to my mother.