Goodbye for good (part two)

Suzy welcomed us with the spicy aroma of the delicious feast she was preparing tote all over her when she darted out of the kitchen to meet us.

"Is dinner ready?" Kayden asked.

Suzy smiled. "Almost ready" Her smile froze when her eyes met yours. Brad's expression was the least friendly among us.

She rubbed her hands over the apron tied around her waist nervously as if she is shagging away a smear of flour on the apron.

"Let me give you a tour. I want to show you my lab mom" Kayden offered conveniently to my mom rescuing her from the fury we are about to rain on her, Just, For now, I still have an unfinished confrontation with her. She is not going to get off the hook easily.

My mom followed Kayden out leaving Suzy to forbear our ire rage.

"Why did you let a stranger take Kayden out without notifying us," Brad said in a quiescent flat cold tone that spawned a frightened look to cast on Suzy's face.