I will be yours and you will be mine

Brad's POV.

My eyelids fling open as I woke up from a nap. I found myself lying on the couch with my head prodded on a pillow.

Suddenly panic ripped my chest forcing me to prod up straight.

Where is April? Where is my crazy girl?

She was here with me, lying in my arms.

My chest surged with another pull of panic.

No, she can't be gone from my life again. Not when I have her in my arms again.

I rim my fingers through my hair, squirming with fear and devastation.

"April!" I shouted.

"April?" I shriek.

The weight of the fear rimming through me glued me to the couch, holding me down. Preventing me from seeking April.

I can't lose her now that I have her.

"April!" I shrieked out.

She can't be gone.


"Brad" April pops out with just a towel wrapped around her. Droplets of water were tingling down from her wet hair creating a mess on the floor.